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Everything posted by yikai

  1. wow wow! 3D sia lols. next time make virtual one
  2. my poor sea hare. i bought it from henry yesterday, along with 2 clapping shrimps. all went tru the same drip acclimation, lasting for 1 hour. when i put in my tnak, the sea hare remain scrunched up, closed and never open up and move. has been like this for 1 day. i dunno if its dead...should i remove it? i scared its dead and foul my tank. dam sian leh. it was moving during acclimation....put in my tank only never open. how? please advice.
  3. ive never even see ghost pipefish in any LFS before! maybe once at ah beng, but i cannot confirm. so far, haven seen any. got banded pipefish and blue stripe pipiefish at henry only
  4. so cute lol u reuse the queen angle pic identical haha
  5. oh i see haha. i think they combined dolphin with underwater world coz less ppl go dolphin? haha i dunno. yea its still affordable, but i think for me, go 1, 2 maybe 3 times enuf le. unless they got new exhibit.
  6. is that a juvenile queen/king angel? they are not reef safe u know. keep an eye on ur corals
  7. yep. i always send e-mails to wetwebmedia. very helpful bunch of ppl, and VERY knowledgable too. especially bob frenner. i saw henry selling new life spectrum. will get it from him soon. i wan the streamer to grow longer also but my MI very big compared to other fish. and quite clumsy lol. very tin tei when it swim around. yup. now trying to pump it with food. so far so good. eats everything except pellet....will try tomorrow. it was eating pellet at shop but refuse to eat at home.
  8. sis ming. ur 3 children very cute leh. esp the 2 at the right. botak. super cute XD. say hi to them for me. HELLO
  9. Hey, i hav seen pictures of betta boxes here that a really big! can put up to 10 anthias inside. where to buy from? i have one small little one that can only keep ONE goby lol. its meant for separating live bearers and the baby fish at birth. can someone tell me where to buy those big betta box? thanks!
  10. very nice. perhaps a FTS? im not usually easily impress by FOWLR, but urs looks promising. alot of reefers here have very nice FOWLR too! u should check out angellove's one. for me, since fowlr is really...fish only with live rock...the fish and the rockscape must be nice, so it give the tank more character. unlike those reef tank, got corals and what not to beautify the tank. fowlr only got fish and LR, so these 2 need to be dam good to make a nice tank rockscape especially. i love ur fishes. look so plump and healthy! nice photo skills too!! THUMBS UP! show me a FTS Im sure i will like it.
  11. weeeeeeeeee haha amby! GO the tank, the height i think 0.5 feet nia. summore the mushroom is at the lowest tank. must crawl on the floor to see tru glass LOLx. anyway, i like my mushies now ah. they look purplish-blue. last time i bought one purple mushy $28 only...from top and tru glass still purple... this blue one... 5 red notes. colour same as the $28 LOLX. haha bro ray, np one la. my mushy can always grow back. best to give ppl some to let others have a chance at growing it
  12. hi amby, no din see the snake. totally forgot about it. i also saw the white snake on their website. aiya wasted. T.T
  13. haha. u go and count how many mushroom polyp on my rock D= wait frag until nth left. haha! ok la. see how...now got wilson and pauline haha. see if got any left can give u lor BTW, i dun collect payment. im only giving 1 or 2 polyps, if collect paymen, very paiseh ah. giving all free. =)
  14. can only see the blue like this blue if i take with flash, or if see from top down. when see tru glass, its purple....i dunno why haha. anyway, frag reserve for wilson. if i have some left, reserve for pauline also.
  15. so happy! My MI feeding on mysis, henry's food and market prawn. it was eating pellet when i was at the LFS....but so far haven eaten any yet leh. at most will bite and spit out. have seen it pecking on my zoos and elegance....but when i take a closer look, no damage done? how is this so can only tell me? i really saw it nipping my zoos and elegance, but the corals look perfectly fine...hmm...should pay more attention T.T if really bite until jialat must give away.
  16. haha. din buy any corals from ML la. only one seahare and 2 clapping shrimps the MI was from jreh. thats all lor. corals too ex for me. have to give it a pass no choice =( anyway, most of the corals at ML i already have le. will get something exciting next time
  17. clowns will not host majanos/aiptasia. they will sting them i think. u can keep a nano tank full of aiptasia/majanos. some pests anemonies look quite nice too u know!
  18. good to hear ^^ can see more nice pics of ur zoos liao yay
  19. jirh marine got supersuns (10 red notes for 4 heads-5 heads), yellow bellow regal, lots of juv emperor, adult emperor, yellow tang, cleaner wrasse, lots of different butterflies! (copperband, threadfin, panda, vagabond, saddleback, raccoon, lattice, etc etc), flagfin angel, blue tang, powder blue tang, clown tang, some anthias, long nose filefish, yellow tang, clowns, clarks clown, sweetlips, azure damsels, koran angel juv, moorish idols. thats all i can remember. coral wise, not very fantastic. marine life, when i went there, still got, rose bta, red bta, purple long tentacle anemone, carpet anemone, alot of clowns, maroon clown, hector goby, clown goby, randalls goby, watchman goby, alot of clapping shrimp, sea hares, tiger pistol shrimp, giniopora, alveopora, blastos, lots of nice orange yumas, anchor, frogspawn, elegance (nice pink tipped ones), LOTS of sun corals, blue troat triggers, one huge clown tang, harlequin shrimps, pebble crab, 2 mimic octopus/wunderpus, i dunno which one, never take close look, stone fish (yellow), lots of zeba pipefish, blue striped pipefish, lots of coral beauty, pink zoos, intense orangy/pink zoos, alot of trimmas/eviotas, ghost spider crab, 2 blue spiny lobsters, copperband butterflies and some other things cannot remember
  20. eye so sharp! that one new addition i JUST got today the 2 i buy from GO opposite side of tank. never photo.
  21. thanks will be pumping food into it the next few days to help immunity. my tank now EVERY FISH except this, has immunity to white spots. now i just saw one spot on its fin, but it went away. its very active and curious, chase bubbles, etc etc. love to graze and pick at the sponges on my liverock, so i can safely say it is healthy. now just waiting for the streamer on its dorsal fin to grow long and flowy elegant and pretty. i think mines a female.
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