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Everything posted by yikai

  1. moorish idol has a slight case of ich. i hope his appetite remains. if so, still got chance to fight off the ich. it is still eating. hopefully all goes well T.T haiz...quarantine tank inside got fish liao....so i thought nvm la...just introduce. summore i just cured my tank from ich. sian zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. so rare to get a MI eating everything including pellets man.
  2. hi amby. no need fire shrimp liao. manage to buy 2 from reefers. with the help from binosage. thank you
  3. wa bandit angel....a shame its even imported. dam hard to keep it alive. and summore its quite rare from what i heard. endemic to hawaii only =( hope whoever buys it take good care
  4. iwarna have alot of flame, lemon peel, pottery, kole tang, and ALOT of leopard wrasse. sailfin tangs also. lots of big bubble coral. got some prata left too.
  5. do a major water change and increase ur bio filtration.
  6. hmm interesting. my one was quite small, but its was big enough to see. not small like a copepod,but like maybe a smlal group. waas very green and intense, hmmm interestng to know others have experienced this!
  7. omg!!! im serious!!! T_T im not hallucinating! i really saw a green flash!
  8. im serious T.T scared me leh!! like some ghost..
  9. omg guys, something dam scary and un-earthly happened in my tank. i have NEVER seen this before in years of looking at marine fishes, even when my dad had his tank. while looking at my tank in PITCH BLACK DARKNESS at exactly 11.30pm, (yea i was staring hard, looking at my cardinals. i have good eyesight ) i suddenly notice a bright green neon flash being emmited at the middle-top portion of my tank. it lasted for about 1 second, and it was VERY BRIGHT. like, bright enuf for me to see the live rock. but it was very little only. like, maybe one drop of ink dissolving in water. u know what i mean. point is, is there ANY commercial animal in my tank that can produce what seemed like chemiluminescence? i turned on my tank lights IMMEDIATELY after the neon flashes and saw my peppermint shrimp there. I am sure its not my eye playing tricks on me. anyone have any idea whats going on? i was quite scared at first...i checked internet, nothing. i have e-mailed wetwebmedia, and am awaiting reply. please share what ever knowledge u have on this. i am totally bummed out and have NO IDEA what emmited those neon lights. i have a feeling its the shrimp as it was at that exact area. this is quite scary...like some paranomal ghost thing.
  10. the white coral on the left hand side. glove polyps. how much? git cleaer pic?
  11. jreh marine and reborn today have ALOT of butterflies. i saw 2 melannotus at jreh. saddle backs, citrus, cpperband, threadfin, raccoon, vagabond, panda, lattice, yellow long nose butterfly.
  12. yea!! that was what i was thinking too! haha. they look like tetras. marine tetras
  13. i saw one inside henry's purple tang tank on the floor. but i dun think its for sale, and its too big anyway. if i ever see one, ill buy that and give my existing one to my cousin. in the mean time, im enjoying my current ones. they are much bolder than my banggai cardinals. interesting fish
  14. np! i kinda like this one. but i like the other one more. haha! but at $2.50 per fish, just buy la haha! anyway, i think the other one very rare. seldom see.
  15. anyway, those cardinals were only $2.50!! pengz, so cheap so i just buy 2 hehe
  16. moorish idol started eating new life spectrum pellets already looks like good news to me. hopefully can last
  17. as of now, no. but fish shipment coming in later and tomorrow. spoke to the boss's son just now he told me will have alot alot of fish. very nice gentleman
  18. u can get nori from supermarkets. make sure u buy the unsalted ones. also, jreh cfm sell. and if im not wrong, henry also sell. u can try using lettuce also. or if u feeling indulgant, can buy ulva, or sea lettuce. iwarna sometimes sell. all are good source of fibre and vege for ur fish
  19. bought 3 small fish today. 1 unkown damsel and 2 cardinals. camera not with me, so will show u pictures i got from the net. too bad the yellow damsel fish will grow up into a black one well, at least it looks nice as a juv. =] thats me, never reasearch peroperly anyhow buy T.T hope it takes slowly to grow! haha
  20. reborn also had alot of damsels, fox face, cardinals, assorted butterfly, chromis, fire fish, harlequin shrimps. another shipment coming today at 4, and tomorrow at unkown time. or was it the other way round.....not sure. but i know today and tomorrow have shipment corals and alot of fishes.
  21. came back from reborn. the cardinalfishes that i wanted was not what they have bro reddevils. but i still bought them anyway they look almost the same, and they have neon blue eyes. so wat the heck haha! the original one i wanted not common i guess. but this also nice. this was the one they have at reborn
  22. give it some time. at first my cleaner wrasse very VERY enthu. clean all my fish. then now it has gotten greedy and lazy -.- wait for me to feed only....summre eat everything...pellet also eat. my one do more eating than it does cleaning, but im still keeping it because it does clean my fishes. i think it help me prevent ich out break for exploding into cataclismic proportions. if not, it will be in someone else tank liao. cant stand it keep stealing food from coral and biting me -.-
  23. nope. haven seen any rics. i think later afternoon i go reborn buy those cardinals. will keep a lookout for you! XD anyone need anything at reborn? if i go and see any will let u guys know
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