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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i searched pencil wrasse on google, and they said its a royal pencil wrasse. anyway, very unusual. i somehow find the fairy wrasse and flasher wrasses the colour very striking haha. very fake also the colours. like, its like an art work u know? haha. the colours and the design of the fish doesnt look like mother nature. looks man made, and i guess thats what makes them so unique. i really like fairy wrasses especially. but never dared try one.
  2. heard so too. i was soo scared my coral beauty will eat my corals. then i got my MI. my MI like to peck at my candycanes -.- now i completely forget about how reefsafe or unreefsafe my coral beauty is....its 1/3 the size of my MI and no matter how many corals it eat, cannot win my MI -__- one time bite, one chunk of candy cane gone. but my MI is special la...i pamper it. it want to bite my candycane i close one eye bah. but it few days bite one small piece...haiz nvm. candycane cheap. lucky i dun have expensive corals lolz
  3. haha. i always wear jeans ah. hot or cold haha. yea my mom drive to pasir ris every saturday to see dog dog (: so i just follow lor. go iwarna ^^
  4. thanks..will try to get one. maybe the $89 nano one haha. just need to provide some wave for my coral and dead spot..
  5. wilson, ur blue mush frags are ready. let me know when u wanna collect ok? (:
  6. haha must share mah. alot of reefers here very kind to me and i feel it is only natural to repay their kindness (:
  7. the lemonpeel var is stunning! actually, are lemonpeels reefsafe? and the helfrichi looks so delicate. very nice
  8. haha. i dun wan go friday la. most of corals wun be open and so many ppl -.- i go saturday la. less peoepl, and i dun mind if those good ones pick away liao. probably wearing jeans and shirt again lor...u saw me b4 mahz.
  9. sad to say that one of my banggai cardinal up lorry liao. it jump put into the overflw system and died -.- now left with the male one full of eggs in the mouth still. actually quite easy to get mated pair. i just buy 2 cardinals and somehow, always end up with one male one female. i got 3 kinds of cardinals in my tank. banggai, red stripe and seale. confirm the banggai is mated pair. the other 2, always hang out together but no action yet. will keep u posten. likely will wanna sell the seale's if its confirm a mated pair. i wanna get another kind of cardinal and no more space liao haha XD
  10. omg wth is this fish. looks so cool and i have never see before! pencil wrasse?
  11. any more updates (: livestock?
  12. huh reddevils why u say that? im abit confused >.> who is at fault here?
  13. did my red eagle eye zoos also kena the zoa pox? If so, i can spare u another frag also can give u a green eagle eye frag too. juts want to help u battle this trying period (: but make sure all zoa pox dissapear first then i giv u some zoa frags. wait no point, giv liao then infected again (: my red and green eagle eye zoas are growing quite well, so can spare u some frags
  14. hey excellent rock scapes. one of the best yet. and i love ur green chromis they look azure/cyan like
  15. i feed my tank heavily everyday to get my moorish idol immune system up. i can easily feed 5-6 times a day with henry's food, mysis and pellets. can see in one day my protein skimmer skim out alot of sai. in the morning, glass clean, evening time, thin film of brown algae. worst thing is, i dun even have a NO3 test kit XD. but should be alright bah the levels. my corals are still blooming and fish are still swimming, so i guess NO3 levels acceptable...and i have no algae growing on rocks either
  16. usually cannot tell the amount of nitrite present just by looking at the cleanliness of the water. some tank sparkling clean but wow! the amount of dissolve organics inside off the chart. as onizuka said, get a skimmer, do aggressive skimming and do water change. im assuming ur tank is going tru the ANN cycle? or got livestock inside.
  17. i notice that because my tank very little wave movements, some area very "dusty". alot of fine particles settle on the rocks. i only have one return pump creating q moderate current on the left side of my tank. my torch and hammer coral seem to love it, and my clowns occasionally go there. but because of this, my coral placement quite limited. means can only put those need flow one at left side. right side can only put mushies, GSP, clove, those not so dependant on flow. but if the wavemaker's function is only to decrease dead spots and oxygenise the tank, then i guess i can make do without it for the mean time. but if its detrimental to my corals if i dun have one, then i should get one soon. anyone know if corals will die/not do well without wavemaker? ahsiang, last time my sun sun one the metal axle became rusty. i dunno what happen. do u need it? if u need it then u use bah. i just want to know if without wavemaker is bad for coral or not. haha. not so urgent yet...thanks for the offer though
  18. got the scientific name for the aussie cardinals and stripey ones?
  19. hi broz. is wavemaker important? my 3 ft tank so far dun have any wavemakers...i had a cheap sun sun one which spoilt. but i find it too powerful anyway. i see almost everyone here have a wavemaker...is it that important? im using my return pipe to target water around my tank. its not much, but at least it keeps my coral's tentacles moving. i want a wavemaker, but they are dam expensive....and was just wandering if its necessary? im just a studen so cannot anyhow spend money XD the cheapest wavemaker i see aquamarin selling is those nano ones. but even so, it cost 9 red notes. and its not even strong enuf for my tank. so was just going to ask if isit REALLY neccesary? as in, die die must have? or isit only a luxury item....please let me know ty
  20. aquamarin tanjong katong got ONE lyretail angelfish. got corcea, bubble, torch and gonios. nothing impressive. how come aquamarin tg katong dun have fish for so long liao ah? when next shipment
  21. they are just picking for food inbetween the zoas. no worry. likely to cause any severe damage. unless u see them actually tearing off pieces of ur corals, then u will have to remove either the shrimp or the coral.
  22. i think art friend at bras basar got sell acrylic? im not 100% sure though..
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