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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Hi, due to many ppl say i need a wavemaker....i have decided either 6025 or 6045. both are cheapest and i can afford. but i want to know, is the 6045 too strong? will it be too strong and rip my corals apart? sorry if i ask stupid question lolz. never own a wavemaker before and the idea of one blowing water consistantly in a laminar flow, i scared too strong for my coral. if its too strong, i will get the 6025. any experience with these 2? can any bros advice me what is the strength of the flow like? roughly la. haha. also, u think AM have stock? 6025/6045? cheers ty
  2. yellow wrasse like to hide in sand when he is scared or tired (: sometimes will stir up sand to make a sandstorm haha. cute fish
  3. haha. too late liao. now it grew on me. cant bear to get rid of it. (: thanks for the advice. can try next time
  4. amby bro why i never see ur tank thread? make one leh? i wan see ur tank (:
  5. wa thomas ur monti is dam amazing. how the hell u move it without breaking it!? when u rescape how? wa..speechless. ur monti is amazing
  6. wrasse hard to catch right? i tried catching my yellow wrasse to sell away...but impossible -.- even after i tore down my tank for a rescape, also cannot catch -.- dunno it hide in the sand where....so i gave up liao la. now inside my tank lolz. wa...i keep yellow wrasse and cleaner wrasse, then i come here see u all keep these exotic and expensive wrasses. im unfit to come here
  7. how come everybody's yellow wrasse so hardworking? i have heard good things about yellow wrasse. i bought mine to eat all the pests and crabs and what not, but till this day have not seen it do anything! any trick to it? i bought my yellow wrasse quite big. about 3"....isit the bigger they are the less hardworking they are? mine now just wait for food and swim everyday... sometimes will stir up the sand to look for things to eat. but never see it kill and eat any pests and crabs
  8. wa bro fuel power. every thing also try before (: hope u succeed with ur breeding. my cardinal fishes always spawning. but the babies never seem to make it alive (: kena eaten by other things hehe
  9. u mean u want the male with eggs? i have gotten a new banggai today, and they paired up. im guessing the new one is a female. my tank now has ich. but the banggais seem unaffected. u still want ah...cant guarantee u they not carrying any disease ah.
  10. guess ur right. too big harder to maintain! (: already those bigger ones like golden butterfly are quite common nowadays. haha.
  11. what kind of wrasse u keep? haha. they super hard to catch once u put inside ur tank. impossible one. must tear ur whole tank down -__- hide inside sand wa....must use trap. but most too clever for traps. (:
  12. isnt ah beng pacific reef? dam confusing also. i just go la dun care name haha! hmm....colourful starfish? sounds like marble star (: urgh i wan royal grammaaaaaaaaaaaaa. but i scared tio ich from my tank lolz. i had enuf of ich liao. but also too troublesome to cure...so now going to let all fish immune
  13. Wa!!! very nice. very green and very ultimate haha. very interested...but price abit high for me. anyway, ups for u!
  14. i notice my yellow wrasse love swimming at the surface of the water. sometimes soo surface until part of the body come out of the water. i dunno why its doing this. cannot be my water no oxygen. good circulation, overflow, thus oxygen should be quite ok. and also dun have any fish gasping for air occasionally, can hear splash. dunno if my wrasse will jump out or not anyone got this thing? haha. wrasse sometime swim at surface
  15. onizuka, what kind of starfish? got marble starfish or not. helping one bro look for it. wa royal gramma. my one jump out. need to replenish >.>
  16. wahaha! u alot of suprises bro! (: cant wait to see ur new toys and new tank!
  17. wow amazing zoos! i like the one in the background in the second pic, and the last one (:
  18. btw that fish the guy from the otis bike buy, dam nice leh. any idea what it is?
  19. haha amby ur funny. and OMG THAT RED CARDINAL FISH!!!!! i simply MUST HAVE IT. kk this saturday i go buy hehe. hopefully still there! go see my tank thread. my tank inside got 6 cardinal fish liao -.- very soon going to be 8 (: and that stripy one also. apogon cynasoma. i dunno if my tank will still have space LOL. otherwise...10 cardinal WAKAKAK. overstock liao 2nd one look like a dragon pipefish. but never see face i cannot tell. wa so excited now
  20. thats about all bah. my anchor coral tio brown jelly today and melted away. throw away liao...hopefully none of my other corals kena other than that, not much update lor. just pumping food into my MI. after it eat henry's food, it doesnt like pellets anymore liao. but still eat pellet...just not so much. zzz must re-train! its favourite food now is mysis. grr. pellet pellet PELLETS!!
  21. my last addition. the red stripe cardinal fishes. haha. 3 kinds in one tank! the other being my very old banggai cardinal. forever pregnant with babies =] i love cardinal fish's way of swimming. very erratic and slow. haha! cute little guys. cute to watch too. alot of character. swim so slow, but the minute food hits the water, BAM AND DART! very fast
  22. Seale's cardinal fish. wanted the apogon cynasoma, but this one has proved to be a real charm! perfect little guys. have always been amazed at cardinal fishe's high desisease resistancy. i have 3 kinds of cardinals, super hardy. this guy eats pellets (: quite rare for cardinals to eat pellet
  23. also, here are my latest additions! welcome to the tank guys! firstly, a juvenile behn's damselfish. i am aware it will grow into an ugly beast, but for now, i really enjoy his colour (: timid little guy. i know damsels (especially this) are really aggreesive. but this one scared of everything. probably coz its the last addition
  24. haha ur timing very zhun. was just gonna update! ok here goes. my MI! i am quite happy. the number of white spots have reduced dramatically tonight. it could be 2 things. the MI immune system kicking up, or, the white spots have fallen off to start a new cycle. im hoping it is the first one (: well, it has gotten really OBESE lately. if anything, maybe it die of heart disease rather than ich. Mi swim very fast, so have to use flash. pardon the lousy quality. not a very good phtographer. also sorry for sloppy pictures. this is bad time to take photo haha. coral all closed and sleeping =\ here are some pics of the MI. notice it has gotten much fatter! and the streamer dorsal fin has grown abit longer too! (: some sideways picture to show the thickness of its body
  25. lolz. eh i got dog liao. jack russel (: very cute one. i believe i ever posted the pictures before somewhere. was helping a fellow reefer with his jack russel. hmm what im looking for ah... dunno la but definately not those rare and ex ex ones. so im sure by saturday will confirm still have XD
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