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Everything posted by yikai

  1. sorry i mean that blue angel really got baby face* lolz. keep want to type face face face accideently type blue face.
  2. the blue face angel really got one baby face.
  3. dunno. sounds poisonous to me. not radioactive la lolz
  4. that time one crab kiap my tube worm. i try to pull it away. tug of war. end up, the tube slid off. the whole worm exposed crab ate it. T-T
  5. careful with all this furan thingy...sounds like those class 6 carcinogens. i see the ingrediants look so poisonous.. =X scared die
  6. ya i can take it one la. dun worry bros. all chill (: ya the mush ppl giv me. i no glue so i juz press into a hole in the rock, hope it will stick...then next day saw it melting -.- heart pain.
  7. actually, muhs float ard nvm..but mine melted. means water quality no good ): need to fix this.
  8. hope im not making it sound too scary haha >.> just want to inform u only ah, incase it happen so u know what ur dealing with. otherthan that, this corals are very easy to look after (: and very rewarding also. its not that easy to get brown jelly la. only if ur water quality no good, coral injured then will get. if ur coral healthy, will usually resist the infection. dun call me boss la haha. im just a reefer here like everyone else, also learning. in fact, im still very young to this hobby. alot of other ppl here all old bird. those u can clal boss (:
  9. the head is easy to cut. the skeleton is brittle. only cut when its completely rotten and stink like hell. just take those big kitchen scissors and cut or snap. if its next to another head, i think better be careful...can damage other head. brown jelly, look like alot of thread and strands brownish colour surrounding the entire head and some floating off. very smelly if u smell....but if u take care, wun get. only susecptable if ur coral is damage and injured. then kena infection. brown jelly affect LPS. especially this family. zoas and mush, wun get brown jelly. will just melt or dissolve...
  10. they look absolutely unappetising. so small, and like not meaty one. -.- and im sure they have alot of bones... BTW, amby ask u to choose. copperband or longnose. which one more cute.
  11. beautiful copperband (: had one that was eating pellets but died coz of power shortage -__-
  12. just when i almost complete my euphyllia collection, brown jelly come and kill my anchor ): now need anchor and frogspawn to complete. but i dun wan buy first. let my corals stabalise first. im not sure if brown jelly still inside my tank....must monitor closely. (: enjoy ur torch. give it enough flow to sway its tentacles, but dun give too much until it get damage. u will surely love ur torch haha. i have 3 and i never get sick of it.
  13. OH when u say HEAD, u mean the tips?? chey...normally, for LPS, when we say head, we man the WHOLE "head" where err, the base of all the tentacles. where all the tentacles emerge from, thats one head. anyway, the white thing is tips. not heads. doesnt matter if it drop off. just take care of it and let it heal. one thing to take note..these kind of corals, torch, hammer etc. very very easy to get brown jelly disease if u never take care. make sure u dun injure the fleshy part. the skeleton is very sharp and if u not careful, u can cut the meat. dun blast it with too much flow also. will injure it. when got brown jelly disease, hard to cure and u must cut off the whole head to rpevent spreading. then dip into lugol iodine solution mix with water for awhile. brown jelly disease very infectious -.- my torch coral one head tio brown jelly. then spread and kill my anchor coral. be careful hor. if u see brown jelly stuff oozing out and tentacles falling off and very smelly, immediately do something about it. sometimes ur coral will expel waste. the waste look like brown thread and strans and sometimes ball ball one. it will come out of the mouth. dont be alarm. this is normal and is NOT brown jelly disease. just leave it alone. must differenciate brown jelly from expelling waste ah. expel waste = from mouth. brown jelly = everywhere -.- take care of ur euphyllias, dun give too strong flow, moderate is enough. dun injure the fleshy part. last time i drop my hammer head first and the head kena squash. lucky nothing happen....
  14. i dunno if u should....i not sure if borbonias will get territorial. must go research first. but i think like other anthias, shud be ok/
  15. hey! thats the exact same torch as mine! lol! one thing i notice, the green one seem to open up nicer...i have green and red. same conditions but green open nicer. as for the white part, a picture sure helps. i have no idea now..without a pic (:
  16. read that clingfishes live with urchins and crinoids in the wild. about feeding, i see ppl feed with oyster eggs and mysis with some success. but dunno if can sustain
  17. 35cm according to wetwebmedia. thats very big lor for a tang. but i know those ppl wif big tanks can keep -.- ppl like me lolz. 3 ft tank put inside no space to swim =(
  18. amby, isit any one of the below? if it is, please, to anyone who want to buy, they can grow dam big lolz.
  19. hmm...if the shape is like a AT then its cfm not from the zebrasoma genus le. means maybe acanthurus? wait ah i go online check for u. btw i was at reborn today, i over heard the uncle say mr soon not working there anymore. dunno how true is this. i always tot he was the boss? i heard the man say "ah soon bu yao zuo le"
  20. at the back, the 2nd last tank at the door. one banded sea snake inside a box with holes. cfm is not a moray eel. too thin to be a moray. have been there for weeks le.. i see it. very ke lian sia....its not even moving or curious when i see it ): haiz...why must they bring in this kind of thing..
  21. thanks ah....will monitor closely...these kind of shit will spread one -.- dam sianz. zzz later wipe out my tank i will cry the tears put inside box and keep clownfish inside for u to see. lolx
  22. u mean THAT was iwarna mega shipment? oh...i tot it was this sat or smth =] ya not much. alot of prata -.- dun like pratas... the white line on the caudual penducle of the black tang is the "scapel" i think...the switch blades used for fighting. not sure about this, someone pls confirm wif me? thnx
  23. i prefer the blue one haha. but yellow one is rarer yes. also got those with red fins (: must look carefully hehe. rarest that one.
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