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Everything posted by yikai

  1. lilian say planning fiji shipment but dunno when. tt time i enquire about the white xenia...
  2. haha. bro. plan ur fish stoke wisely. coz my tank now full le, but there still so many fish i wanna add!! reserve the space in ur tank for ur fav fishes (:
  3. black trigger nice meh? so big. i only tried niger trigger. fed it guppies XD
  4. clam can keep in T5 or not XD if i put it right at the top. btw, saw any linkia or chocolate chip stars there?
  5. no more gems for me XD haha. made a promise liao. only white xenia now. somehow when take foto look like got alot of space. when see in RL, NO SPACE
  6. haha james ur right.. the right side really eye sore!! 90 degree drop LOL! rusty says hi (:
  7. also, this thursday will be my moorish idol's 3rd week alive in my tank! 1 more week till a full month!
  8. ok here bro. ps the extremely lousy photo skills. my camera really CMI. and ps so dark the house haha! FTS taken at different angels of the house. hopefully this helps u ray!
  9. sure bro ray. all can go. hi james!! yuma is good. expanded bigger. but i din target feed it haha!!
  10. haha wa. but very hard to plan leh. coz some ppl cannot make it on weekends, some cannot do on weekdays. must draw a chart and cross refer and then find the PERFECT DAY! wakaka.
  11. yes. ur crab is the one toppling ur corals at night. even small 2" sized crabs can be a pain in the bum! u might want to trap it. it will be too troublesome to tear down ur 8ft tank to catch it..for more ideas on traps, u can search the forum. most of the conventional crab traps are suited for small ones, since urs is so big, u need to improvise and bigger ur trap (: yes. the tank will need to mature. usually a matured tank is around 8 months to 1 year. I THINK. but yea. need a matured tank. adding too much lviestock too fast will cause an imbalance. sometimes corals seem ok, but over many many months they will start to deteriorate and die. keep a close on on them. as u said, they are doing very well. most likely they really are doing well (: if they are dying, very fast one. few days to a week and all dead liao. unless they are dying a slow death.
  12. whats with all the spammers... personally, the advice given by yongshun and ahsiang is pretty good. i find coralife's additive really good too
  13. dude. 8ft tank, anything lost inside is very hard to find. my tank is only 3ft, and occasionally i have missing fish like gobies and wat not....and just cannot find. my thought is that PALM SIZED CRAB. omg palm sized?? thats huge!! most likely ur fishes died and melted away inside the liverock. could be the crab ate the carcass too. i suggesst u find a way to get rid of that crab...if its really palm sized, it can do quite alot of damage. can topple ur corals too
  14. haha yep ok. will try to arrange with the other reefers then plan.
  15. the brain colour so nice. looks almost fake. like play-doh
  16. >.> not kind la...haha. i try to help whenever i can. ya! no angelfish can be trusted.. but so far my coral beauty leaving all my coral alone -whew-. its my MI that is giving me problem..lolz. sample sample like buffet! curahee, take ur time. those six lines arent goign anywhere lol. there are so many! especially at reborn. pacific marine also hav.
  17. plan liao tell u all la. lolzz
  18. the lemon goby look so skinny... exuma one nice
  19. very nice. is that a basket star/feather star!? wow!! demanding arent they?
  20. haha. when school start in 2 weeks time for me i dunno if i have the time or not....u can maybe ask bro fuel? he does rear some fish i dnno if he has any banggai haha. anyway, will see how it goes. if i do manage to raise them i will post it up here. already trying my best to keeo the current ones alive
  21. ahahaha can can!! the more reefers the better. but must plan with evreyone first haha. then we let u know kk?
  22. lets go LCK!! haha. but transport...hmm...hey whats that thing u really want. see if anyone i know got lobang or not
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