dun be sad (: u can have a nice tank with budget constraints too. im alsto 17 this year and currently using my savings for my tank. those equipment that can be substituted by proper husbandry could be eliminated from ur "wishlist" for now (: to help u save some money. for example, u can skip a denitrator, FR etc etc if u do regular water changes faithfully, change carbon and all proper husbandry techniques. i do 20% changes once a week and maintain fair water quality.
i dont use a CR too. i manually top up calcium. i dun have an autotop up device, so have to manually top up water too. as for lightings, i dun have MH, only using T5s so can keep softies and LPS only haha. this is good too la for me. as its cheaper to maintain. and also, no chiller. not so demanding for my tank bah. using fan and sometimes aircon (:
hope this helps u...just sharing my experience haha.