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Everything posted by yikai

  1. can also XD. wa...reborn had one piece of white xenia today ): the one that i have been searching for for like, many many months....and i was there today din manage to see it ): now just receive an sms telling me that it was there when i was there but its no more liao. oh man....time to hang myself. lol. to whoever who bought it and if ur reading this, i would really like it if you could sell me a frag....haha...if not i will have to continue my relentless search! kinda fun searching for it though hehe
  2. haha! no probem. actually, they are only good if u have extreme flatworm problems and u dun wanna use chemical. ^^ but they look so nice...sometimes i wish i had a flatworm problem so i can buy them XD. better dun anyhow wish...i used to wish for aiptasia and boom. now i got alot lol
  3. oh and becareful of those powerheads
  4. hmm...depends...some anemones have powerful stings while others have tolerable ones. generally it is not advisable to let an anemone touch another coral...but if u observe nothing wrong for awhile then just leave it (: just to let u know, doesnt matter if an anemone touch or dun touch a coral/certain other anemones. if it targets something it doesnt like, it can just wage chemical warfare and kill the offending coral/anemone without even touching it. this is especially so for strong sitngers like carpet anemones. just run carbon to remove the chemicals. relaly nothing serious (: enjoy ur tank! it looks great.
  5. Ever see that black slug rimmed with neon blue highlights at GO coral tanks? ever wondered what it is? well, after doing some research, i learnt that is it called a blue velvet sea slug (Chelidonura varians ) and it is an obligate flatworm eater. meaning it ONLY eats flatworm to survive. much like the berghia nudibranch and its aiptasia only meals (: if you have serious infestations of flatworms of plague proportions, do consider this slug. it is not only useful, but exceptionally beautiful. Do take note however, that this, being a nudibranch, is poisonous when it dies or injured etc. so becareful. also if ur flatworm population runs out, this beauty will starve. so pass it around to share with other reefers (: it has a tube like mouth from which it will suck up any flatworms (: just a tidbit to share with you guys (: consider the natural way of removing flatworms. the blue velvet sea slug!
  6. style...? O.O bro i think im confused..lol. cannot dilute thread. so if want to dilute, must at least put one LFS update inside XD - Reborn, one rock of yuma i saw. 3 orange ones, one orange/purple, and 2 purple ones. total 6 yumas on one rock. price is not bad too, at about 1 red note per yuma ^^ you do the maths.
  7. Yup. im coconutcoconut haha! join another forum to see the updates on the other LFS only coz SG reef club dun have sponsors like GO and reborn. (: seldom use that account. why....? am i not allowed to join any other forum...lol.
  8. yikai


    ML uses mixed water. 0 NO3 0 PO4
  9. ahsiang, kueytoc, should be old stock. just updating in case anyone interested XD. went to reborn today...quite normal, highlights for me is the orange tipped elegance and some watermelon and reverse watermelon favias (: the rest are common corals like bubble, cats eye bubble, deep red and lumi pink gonio (i think someone bought it liao), common indo zoos and mushies. some nice pratas. some trachys and cynas
  10. yikai


    but more expensive right? if its saltmix.
  11. AM @ katong, - lots of weird assorted damsels, humbug, seahorse, lionfish, PBrT, firefish, angels, butterflies, etc the usual fish. crals, favia, acan, bubble, torch, clams. never really take a close look
  12. haha jk only la. aiyo. my zoas which one u talking about? anyway cannot order online la ): i e-mail them zzz. cnanot...-haiz-
  13. Hey people, just wanna know how many of you buy water from LFS to change? i usually buy from iwarna but im not sure if the water contains any NO3 or PO4. recently my water purifyer thingy expired lol, so i guess using tap water is quite harmful... for those who buy water...where do you buy from? is the water clean to be used to change water? thanks.
  14. how come banned!? btw, just came back from reborn. super nice green elegance with white tentacles and orange tip. too ex and big for me so had to pass ):
  15. oh dear, my fav leh lol. that zoo is not very rare btw. saw it in iwarna's indo zoo tub before =\
  16. oh no. what happen to ur carpet anemone?
  17. my turn can? XD. u find for me this, i will marry u lol.
  18. AHH CLOVES!! those arent xenias. but i love them to death anyways (: thanks amby for showing me those pics. i can go hang myself now the last one is dam hot btw...
  19. is that a chocolate chip starfish next to the brain....? they are not reefsafe leh haha
  20. heard LCK sunday have brazil shipment. usual suspects are? can someone confirm with me...? -brazilian gramma? -queen, french blue?
  21. no worries (: see, now we improve so much! hardly any rubbish in this section liao. hehe. its good that u gave us a wake up call. ps for this OFF TOPIC remark X)
  22. the one white is.....wa... apparently there is a debate going on on that website i found regarding this wether or not it is a hybrid..interesting
  23. the colour of the elegance? body and tips? mind letting me know? thanks
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