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Everything posted by yikai

  1. the snail is bumblebee snail. i got 2..so far never see it kill anything. if us shipment come in xenia and clove i think no one will be interested in those haha. maybe can put the zoos in a bigger tank or something. that area very small and tight and alot of ppl squeeze liao very hard to go see see haha. lucky im not into zoos...
  2. Bro im interested. still available?
  3. My coral farm mushies are showing their true potential. i believe can improve furthur
  4. got alot la. relax. lol. 1 green note only. hope u go will still have (:
  5. dropped by iwarna on the way home. man...got so many ppl crowding around the US zoos. cant even see anything and all picking up examining, put back. haiz. really early bird get early worm lor. anyway dun wan to buy zoos so good for me XD some updates - aunty said the kole eyes were very huge. consolation i guess since i wanted to get one. but no koles were left - saw 3-4 lemon peels. they looked really fat and healthy. one of them even came to the water surface to greet me. - fame angels saw 3-4 too. haiz really nice fish this flame and lemonpeels. if not for my terror coral beauty i will sooooo get them ): - barlets saw afew left maybe 10+? - alot of bubble coral - hammer, favia, some normal greenish yuma - alot of brown silvery pulsing xenia. bought one rock. its only 1 green note... hey! they pulse in my tank and inside the bag on the way home. good xenias - and i dunno what US zoos there are left considering there were like 5-6 ppl taking quite a long time choosing..thus din get to see anything =\ no more flame wrasse, no more griffis angel, no more much of anything. so fast gone. got quite anumber of yellow tangs though
  6. anyone saw the kole eyes at iwarna' hawaii shipment? roughly wat size and price ty
  7. waaaaaa so nice ): i dunno if i can keep a dwarf lionfish or a juvenile lion in a reef tank =x i like the juv radiata and volitans. very nice =x
  8. nvm tank now back to normal liao. NO3 also stabalising. i think after removing those biorings haha! this weekend can go shopping (:
  9. if my tank reallly no more i don't have time to start it up again coz of school haha. touch wood. but if that happens i can only set it up during my hols. but then have little time to do stuff to it coz of exams and etc. =\ good thing its ok liao lor.
  10. not mine. just wondering if its that one. very nice leh nevre see b4.
  11. like i said, me no disease expert. just helping to put pictures and some basic info of the disease for hammy in his effort to create awareness. cheers!
  12. HLLE or head and lateral line erosion. very common in tangs and some big angels.
  13. Lymphocystis here on a juvenile emperor angelfish. related to water quality issues. fix that, feed more nutritious food and it should recover by itself.
  14. amyloodinium, oodinium, velvet. spreads and kill fast too. me no disease expert, but i know this is lethal. here a clown loach being infected by it. i dunno if marine and freshwater one is the same, but they do look alike i think.
  15. Brooklynellosis or clownfish disease. photo courtesy of wetwebmedia. spreads and kill very quickly
  16. Let me get the ball rolling. Firstly, the scrouge of all marine disease. Ich or white spots or cryptocarion or whatever u wanna call it. white spots or sandy looking stuff on ur fish. rapid gilling and scratching or flashing is usually observed. here a powder brown with heavy infestations. all pic courtesy from the web (:
  17. oh and one casualty. one nass snail died ): even though nothing much died, this whole merry go round costed be $80! from the lights to the whatever...-.- how could a good thing end up to be a money draining, tank crashing catastrophe. zz. luckily i was at home and removed the ulva before they completely released their whatever back into my tank...i would dread to imagine what would happen if i was 10 minutes late...or if i was making myself a cup of ribena. life or death situation
  18. Did a series of large water changes over 2 days, added in one bottle of carbon and phosphate removing media. no casualties so far. infact...my hammer coral was blooming quite well in response to the ulva's asexual spawning activity. probably filter feeding on the spores or whatever. anyway, things are pretty much back to normal. except for the slight ich that came back and tooka dvantage of the stressful situation back to square one now. have to build immunity and resistance from scratch liao. meh.
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