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Everything posted by yikai

  1. anyone see any flame angels? LCk or CF still have? saw some last week helping a friend search for one (:
  2. not to be a wet blanket, but i dun advocate keeping an octopus..... they generally have a short lifespan of a few months maybe a year in captivity? they can bite you too so becareful. and yes make sure u seal all escapes. as a high % of their body is made of water, they can squeeze through any hole and easily escape. you can feed them nuisense crab that u find in most tanks. im sure most ppl here will galdy giv u for free. octopuses make intelligent and amusing pets. but not for the average aquarists. i hoped u research before buying (: will keep a look out for u..
  3. they are probably showing signs of aggression... fishes dont "kiss" each other out of love haha. probably establishing dominance.
  4. theres only a clown and a banggai so i think bioload is really low.
  5. there was one bluface at ahbeng last week. but dun remember seeing it today. did not look carefully. was looking for nice feather worms... anyone see any nice feather worms? unusual colours like white, yellow pink or green? thanks
  6. coral farm had some blue face and emperors. but quite big.
  7. this is a rainford's goby. aka court jester. if doint have, u can also get the similar looking hector's goby. both eat algae also. they like tanks with good growth of filamentous algae for them to graze on. otherwise will starve. unless u get them feeding on normal food.
  8. saw the orange rhodactis at ahbeng today. wa so many can slowly go and choose bah. got nice alpheus randalii pistol shrimps left. good sezed unlike those small and pathetic ones. red sea fishes are also there. sohals, golden butterflies, purple tang and asfur.
  9. yes. for bubble that require occasioanly feeding, its best to just target feed them. since u dun hav to do it so often, its not much of a chore. broadcast feeding and hoping that food lands on bubble coral will pollute water and waste food. do this only if u feeding fish at the same time.
  10. gonios are very hard to keep. most ppl keep it for a few months like 6-7, and then think that they it is a success. but its just delaying their death. i have no idea what to feed it. mine died the last time and i din get another one.
  11. ya. if u keeping a tank of watre, no need to change oso can. if u keeping the standard reef aquaria with corals, fish and the like with heavy to high bioload. once a week or 2 times a week is good enuf if u keeping like seahorse tank or all those low bioload ones, then just adjust to correct amountnof water change and when
  12. wow must fastre chiong liao later ppl buy.
  13. once a week or minimum once evrey 2 weeks. frequent partial water change is better than massive change after many months.
  14. how to deferenciate PLT from LT? Acanthurus Citruslemon?
  15. Acanthurus Ifoolyouonaprilfool'sdayhahayoubelievethistrick
  16. oh my! im going to buy it! lol Does it look like this?
  17. haha i tot real sia. i REALLY TOT REAL! every year i kena trick
  18. yes as long as u dun poke it and squash it. touching it with ur hands is ok. but wash ur hands with soap after doing so. standard procedure when handling marine stuff. u dun wanna get the runs palys are not just poisonous, they are extremely poisonous. with sufficient amount of palytoxin in ur bloodstream, it can be fatal but i think u will need ALOT of palys to kill u. still, better to be safe than sorry. and i dun think anyone has died from it yet. just be careful when handling them. dun hold them near ur eyes and squish them. sometimes they squirt water and that can get into ur eye. which hurts like hell. anyway, its not so easy to die from a paly la. lol. dun be afraid. just handle them like u would, any other corals. ppl frag zoos and palys everyday and none of them have died. i think. just remember to wash ur hands!
  19. how did ur maroon lose to the leather? i think some detrisus and bits of liverock "dust" settled on the black sand and made it whitish?
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