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Everything posted by yikai

  1. EH TONG!! my mandarin eats pellets!!! LOL was feeding pellets just now and saw my mandarin eating like 20 of them! im sooo happy!!! woo woot
  2. yea tong. better get ur bobbit out u see the pic of the worm...freaking big. and so thick! and it ATE UP ALL THE HOOKS THAT WERE USED TO CATCH IT! omg lol
  3. make sure ur bristle/bobbit worms dun grow to this size! for ur reading pleasure http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/art...coral-reef.html
  4. i love the top down shots of clowns. i always stand on top and watch them swim top down. they look really cool from the top! swim like a snake. so undulating.
  5. i dunno about this kind of things lol. equipment, set up all i not very sure. perhaps u can ask others for help?? questions regarding livestock then i maybe can help haha
  6. if u maintaining, then this goby is good for u. they are pretty slow at eliminating, but good at maintaining (:
  7. the most outstanding result was from the eagle eye
  8. if u have massive hair algae problems, this will not be advisable la hah! coz they eat very slow as wat amby said. the algae grow faster than it is being eaten. unless u dun mind la. they are cute fishes.
  9. now u know why this coral is so hard. feeding wise i dunno. never kept this before. only for awhile before it died. =\
  10. wait the baby come out new species. i win nobel prize..
  11. LOOOL! where got. goby is cute! wrasse is handsome! lol
  12. pulse pulse pulse pulse your way to...freedom? in my little glass box
  13. i made a shocking discovery a few days ago. my cleaner wrasse has been acting weirdly infront of my neon goby recently. hovering around it, flaring, and occasionally nudging the goby and displaying himself! i thought perhaps it mistook the goby for another wrasse because of the colouration. this morning, i saw both of them swimming side by side! and the goby even "cling" onto the wrasse to hitch a ride. (u know how gobies can cling onto the glass?) by the time i tok my camera there, they had seized their little love swimming and all i got were intimate shots of them cuddling next to each other there was no aggression at all. no signs of them. we've heard of ######, but interspecies? lol. the tale of the confused wrasse. some photos for ur viewing pleasure. please M18 ok? and no they were not cleaning each other. and u can see how obese my cleaner wrasse is. he lead his life as a thug. stealing food indiscriminately from my corals.
  14. flower power! u think this is abit overkill? the number of cloves in my tank.. i still have some on the other side i din include in the photo.
  15. yea i so far only see blue rings there. they do have a cuttlefish though.... but cephlopods require good water quality. low NO3 and PO4. treat them like an SPS minus the light reuirements
  16. bingo. they dont like too high flow. brisk water movement around them is good. but wave blasting at them is no no. u might want to aim those wavemakers at other areas of ur tank, or at each other. to create brisk and random water movements. jewels appreciate soft flow and gentle current tru them. their polyps should be swaying gently in the wave and not being trashed around. but ensure that water circulation is good to bring food to it. in the wild, like i have said, they live in turbid conditions with good water movement around them carrying food particles.
  17. probbaly one of them in changing into the dominant female and showing who's boss. my clowns got along fine until one day they just went bersek and starteed killing one another. when u say they bite each other = kissing, then mine were probably having s#@ lol. they really tore each other to bits until i had to separate them. but soon after they were fine. probably going tru a phase. i wont be suprised when urs actually pair up for good. then it will be double trouble. they may choose a territory as "their own nesting area" and anything that goes by will be aggressively chased away. maroons are terrors.
  18. no la i mean. their body only water and flesh. no bones no cartilage. so they are very flexible and can contort their body to squeeze in tight space.
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