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Everything posted by yikai

  1. huh? 2 of those clowns for 2 red notes ++?? how come so cheap? i got my false percs for 1.5red notes per pair. from some ripoff shop...
  2. !! wow! pseudanthias ventralis??
  3. oh! learn smth new today. din know there were blue carpets!! thats quite cool ur red carpet looks very nice in ur tank. never put center? make it center piece
  4. nuisence crab. remove it if u wan. they can topple corals and are very irritating.
  5. never see before red carpets. i saw blue ones though. those dyed ones. this red one is dam amazing the colour.
  6. snails eat cyano meh? i tot i ask u to buy snails for ur diatom problem? anyway my advice, for clean tank. low NO3, low PO4, good flow, cool temperature. but i still cannot accomplish..
  7. isit? i dunno about that haha! but i ever wash sotong to feed my fish, and found those half digested fish inside the sotong stomach. poor sad creatures din even finish their meal and kena catch bring market hahaha
  8. so sorry to hear for ur loss. that was a really beautiful specimen (the colour was very unusual? isit camera or normal lol) at least u did the best u can. and that is a very good way to entice butterflies and angels to feed BTW. a clam split open, or on a shell. most fussy eaters will go crazy for that.
  9. thanks wilson!!! (: decided to put it in sump la. i tried in main tank but alot alot of micro bubbles coz of the skimmer and the pump being in the same compartment. now its in sump and its micro-bubble free. only thing is it takes longer to chill the tank. but thats ok. it gets the job done vrey nicely. 26C!! never so cool before. i <3 the chiller lol
  10. ur emperor angel colour very unusual? or isit the camera. whatever it is its dam nice. turqoise?
  11. finally after much procrastination, i finally got a 2nd hand chiller from wilson (if ur reading this, thanks alot!) the chiller is running on a 2nd hand eheim 1260. set the chiller temp to be lowest at around 26C. with the new chiller, can see my cooler water fish like royal gramma becoming more comfortable and more active. they really like the new chiller (: very ugly now the hose from the chiller to the main tank. will be like this until i find a permanent way to house it.
  12. thread closed. got one already
  13. just came back from iwarna. blue tubs contained - rock of rhodactis - ONE very unusual rodactis. quite big about 2". greenish with dots? cannot see becoz of reflection and insufficient lighting - alot of green pipe organs - GSP - many small to medium sidez elegance. colours very normal. green and brown - pratas - coco worms - those anemones in a basket - cheap indo zoos - soft cauliflower corals - frogspawns - hammers - bubbles - favias - other left over corals - overall not very impressive. i guess all the good stuff was gone - SPS i dunno. never take a look. but saw some acros. - some clams - fish wise not very impressive either. - red coris juv - panda butterfly - firefishes (red/purple) - the other usual stuff...post also no one going to buy lol.
  14. fully agre with bro solo. not all items are ex. even then, pay a few extra red notes for better quality specimens. so far i find the things at CF really healthy. + the aunty there is very friendly too. sometimes will giv u refreshments if its too hot, or will giv u a lift to main road if u hav no transport! really great place.
  15. then now the goby house become this...dunno what mutant mushroom. its HUGE!! i took this photo just only when my lights only just turned on. can still open bigger! dunno if its elephant ear or some kind of rhos. hope u can help me ID. can u believe it used to be a huge rock with 8 polyps? frag all left this only... i gave 2 to wilson but its too big for his tank.
  16. bro amby remember this? the neon goby's house. well...i peel it off and stick it to a rock much higher for better light. seems the polyps getting shroter. which is good. but cannot capture the colour on camera. its pink lol
  17. i going later. after i collect my chiller (finally). ya will photo memory and post everything i see on LFS thread update
  18. huh? this is not mine lol. from internet one. haha. thought it looked pretty so just put here....din know it was so common
  19. what method did i teach u...? how come even i dunno about it.. lol
  20. i dunno about barber. maybe u can teach him make ur angels more beautiful instead? haha! hmm. i think M. niger nicer. the lunate tail is more appealing. but i still like clown trigger more haha. the juv one is extremely cute
  21. haha. cute wat... most triggers are easy. easy to feed, and hardy. only problem is some species can get quite aggressive. but bro terryz said this is a mild tempered one. so u should be ok
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