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Everything posted by yikai

  1. cataphyllia u mean. actually they are not that hard provided u giv them the conditions they need. they can tolerate up to 20-30ppm of nitrates. in fact they prefer this. just take in mind their placment and flow. most die to improper placing and flow... i lost 1 elegance not too long ago from ECS. seems like there is no cure for this. hopefully it doesnt resurface again. really sick.
  2. since u have posted here, lets discuss about cataphyllia here rather than hijack bro vlamingi's thread. - they dun like intense lighting. as in the wild they are found in sea grass biotopes, diffuse lighting is enough. T5 are suffient, no need for metal halides. if using MH, put it in a less intense lited area. - they like egntle flow. no blasting power heads at them please - they prefer to be on the sand. this is how they are found in the wild. many reefers place them on the rocks. it is fine too provided the rock doesnt hurt the flesh - NEVER place them in a vertical position. place them in a horizontal position with mouths facing upwards and skeletal base poiting downwards. they have conical shaped skeleton that is best stuck in the sand. - avoid touching them when it is settled down. they get stressed easily. - do not over feed. - elegance have one of the highest stinging capabilities of all cnidarians (although my xenia seems to be unphased by it.). place them away from other LPS and softies. thsi is how they are found in the wild, with very little cnidarians around them. if u have sensitive skin, avoid touching them too. they pack quite a punch.
  3. yes i believe that bottom article is from wetwebmedia? no need to put up in LPS forum. here are some tips if u want to try elegance. yes the purple tip one is slighly harder. pink tips are the easiest. - they dun like intense lighting. as in the wild they are found in sea grass biotopes, diffuse lighting is enough. T5 are suffient, no need for metal halides. if using MH, put it in a less intense lited area. - they like egntle flow. no blasting power heads at them please - they prefer to be on the sand. this is how they are found in the wild. many reefers place them on the rocks. it is fine too provided the rock doesnt hurt the flesh - NEVER place them in a vertical position. place them in a horizontal position with mouths facing upwards and skeletal base poiting downwards. they have conical shaped skeleton that is best stuck in the sand. - avoid touching them when it is settled down. they get stressed easily. - do not over feed. - elegance have one of the highest stinging capabilities of all cnidarians (although my xenia seems to be unphased by it.). place them away from other LPS and softies. thsi is how they are found in the wild, with very little cnidarians around them. if u have sensitive skin, avoid touching them too. they pack quite a punch.
  4. it depends. there is a condition called elegance coral disease that affects only cataphyllia.can go read up the article for more information. no cure. look out for the symptoms. other than that, elegance is quite easy.
  5. feed can. but dun overfeed unless u wan ur coral to die. once per week/2 weeks is enough and feed it small piece please. elegance is one of my favourites. gorgeous isnt it?
  6. haha i looking for cloves too when i see will let u know. i cleared a space in my tank now reserving it for cloves..
  7. pls dun over feed ur elegance. trust me. kept many elegance before. one small piece of prawn every 2 weeks is enough.
  8. can see it has a stony looking base which indicates it is not a softy but a LPS. that is a blastomussa merleti. different from the normal run of the mill blastomussa welsi. this is a branching variety. if the thread starter could take a closer photo of the skeletal base it should giv us a better idea. some closer pics to compare.
  9. have u been to CF before? or is this ur first time? when i went there my first time i also shocked that all the corals were leathers and mushies and softies and all brown lol. but if u look closely, sometimes can see gems hehe. they dun have any LPS one i think.
  10. yea haha! thats good. can try to "trick" him. actually when i buy lalas. i like to throw 2-3 inside my tank and let them live in the sand. when i need them ill just dig them up from inside my tank to feed fish. lol >.<
  11. has it eaten mysis and other normal food already? since now it gained appetite u can try mysis? abit troublesome to feed it lala lol.
  12. hehe. will keep my eyes peeled. addicted to computer game now oh no!!!!!!!! must kick this before sch start. hope this doesnt intefere with my LFS-ing too lolol
  13. they deleted all the comments posted by other reefers on the other forum.....lol. $8 for red bamboo
  14. the water melon favia still ok. but not red enuf! ya need red mushies/. but the bronze cutlefish one very solid. pocket not deep enuf. hmm prata...maybe a cyna haha
  15. i wanted the red and green one. but 4 polyps...only. i saw this. wa so many more! lol.. me cheapskate. you dont say....i need some red stuff in my tank la... corals all green and brown my one and only red fish kapoot. sad right? and never monitor my chiller working hours. but i seldom see it kick it. guess its cooler then i expected... i set the chiller to kick in at 27C and stop at 26C.
  16. good! always love a good success story. those cleaning shrimp and wrasse sure helped him out! he has good tank mates....mine is a war zone T_T
  17. always wanted a real blasto. but quite put off by the price for a few polyps. manange to find one with many polyps for reasonable price at your friendly neighbourhood silver cuttlefish or some call them bronze squid. funny, no one mentions golden octopus. haven fully bloom yet. just got it this afternoon while looking for scraps and leftovers. found it in the "main tank" hehe
  18. the disease is lymphocystis. shouldnt be infectious if ur other fishes are healthy. my cardinal has some but none of my other fishes do. give ur ABT somemore time to heal. for this disease, best to not intervene. its a stress related disease, the more stress he gets the slower it heals. giv more good food to eat and better water quality and it should recover in no time! ur flame very special. really lao hu lao hu. so many stripe
  19. is that a fox coral? ur angels and butterflies never disturb it? very nice one too.
  20. mandarins are such limelight stealers! my mom also likes them best. colourful, mysterious and cute lol
  21. FRAGGGGGGGGG lolz. jk looks like i need to pay T95 another visit. tried to go there yesterday but got lost i forgot my way...
  22. ohhh haha. good buy then!! they do look better than skunks imo.
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