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Everything posted by yikai

  1. both oso frogspawns. but ppl usually call them octopus locally. branching or non branching. scientific names are very similar. okok very nice branch octopus (: so big!! does it sting ur other coral..?
  2. some new additions today. got a sms saying iwarna had shipment of white xenias! wow i chiong from vivocity to iwarna. very impressed with this shipment of white pulsing xenias. usually they come with 90% dead or dying. xenias are poor shippers. but this time, all arrive in perfect condition with ZERO dead on arrival. aunty say they pack it properly this time. pics pics. those interested faster chiong now. got quite a few left. bro oni, lots of cloves too. here they are just straight into my tank. immediately put in already none of them wilting or sagging. the xenia quality really fantastic
  3. ur coraline algae is dam sweet! and wow thats a huge cabbage...can see from two sides amazing. they are even growing on ur egg crate and cable tie. clap clap.
  4. iwarnna coral and fish shipment just came corals - LOTS OF white xenia. ZERO DOA! aunty say they change the way the pack. all in very healthy condition. those who wan white xenia, now is the time. - lots of cloves (bro onizuka, what are u waiting for!) - LPS like bubbles and other stuff. true octo, octo, favia etc - some soft corals - lots of red mushrooms, striped ones and assorted rhodactis
  5. ahbeng got many of this rhodactis. but the rocks they selling on were too big for me.... thankfully there were quite a few polyps that floated off and stuck to the sand. so i asked the boss sell me just one polyp for 0.3 red note =] hehe. i got what i wanted minus the big chunky rock. here it is. common i think. but very nice i like it. bought this yesterday witht he blastos.
  6. you mean this? its coming in GO's next shipment. this is a preview.
  7. this one coral farm always have... blue spot one. dunno abt algae. dun dare buy. wait die crash my tank ... dunno if its like sea cuke or not or nudi that kind..
  8. lol. nice just buy la dun care -.- gems always too slow to snatch. so today must buy keke.
  9. this black face zoa....i heard ppl keep before. they say after awhile polyp become lesser and lesser? float away ah? looks nice though. i ALWAYS see them growing on these kidn of longish rocks...branch kind. isit a coincidence? GO sell all like this..
  10. omg! LOL bino - ya. i chiong there. and very reasonable too! 2 for 5 red notes
  11. bro bigbird. i know u will come back stronger after this mishap! and ya boxfish....so cute but so viscious wanted to get a small indian toby...but after reading this, i think dun wan liao...
  12. if im not wrong, large water changes will kill some bacteria? different water will shock and kill the bacteria. if im not wrong...some ppl advise to dose bacteria after massive changes. if its just normal partial change i guess its ok.
  13. im no expert, but i think blue ring is a good beginner's angel? can the other pros back me up? or am i wrong..
  14. please do not type in caps and please use punctuation marks next time, like commas and full stops. i know u are anxious but it makes it hard for us to read and help you like this... firstly, what is the size of your tank? if its very small, keeping tangs and angels may cause stress if it is in a small tank, thus it will be a catalyst for your problems. next check your water parameters. make sure your tank is cycled properly and lastly, if ur tank has ich already, ur future and existing fishes will always get it. either u make them strong enough to resist by themselves, or u completely cure it. because no matter how many fish die and how many u re-introduce, it will keep coming back until u eliminate it once and for all by medicating and quarantine. next, the cloudy eye. this is a bacterial infection related to water quality and stress. make sure ur water is good and do not stress your fish with small tank size, aggressive members and feed them with proper food. my 2 cents
  15. i bought both lol. its 2 diff one taken from 2 diff angle..so it looks like one.
  16. ya la lol! i got so many cloves already. priority goes to you since u want them so much. they are nice huh? i fell in love with them. now i got bitten by the blasto bug. got blasto craze now ):
  17. bro amby ur blastos 10 mins into my tank only. i can't find a very very low flow area coz all kena taken up by my mushy le...but the flow here is moderately-low to moderate. u think the blasto will be fine? can see the flesh move slightly in the water....
  18. thanks to ambystoma good eyesight. just 10 mins after introduction. im sure can open bigger.
  19. thanks amby bro for the notice regarding the blastos! REALLY NICE!! update from ahbeng and the shop with the aunty opp ah beng.. ahbeng - shipment i think. alot of fish..saw them packing alot of things - lots of yellow belly regals - blue ring angel - banner fish - moorish idols - royal pencil wrasse - eclipse hog - assorted damsels - assorted cardinals - other boring fishes la. the usual the shop opp ah beng - alot of elegance - blastos the rest are normal stuff bro onizuka, the shop off ahbeng got cloves. but not nice one. grey colour. some have slight green tips la. but not very nice...din buy. if i see nicer ones i will let u know. u wan those in my tank one right?
  20. yes thanks for pointing that out. my mistake. thanks bro
  21. btw like the emperor alot....very cool
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