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Everything posted by yikai

  1. go have alot of yumas the size of my extended palm freakin solid colours and dam beautiful. same goes for the price (: pompom xenias and white anthelias too (:
  2. prepare to drool summore because i just came home with 2 more :X
  3. ya sure. wa now u make me feel bad for buying it haha! ok will sms u nxt time i see
  4. rock scape nice. cover it with more gems and after awhile, coraline encrusted, will be godly
  5. if u are looking for equipment and additives, reefdepot would be a good choice. www.reefdepot.com.sg
  6. huh? where am i? markietan and binosage, will keep my eye out for u guys the next time i see it. they do make their special appearance during hawaii shipments. not all thoguh, some only.
  7. i think no more already ): will have one la. mine hates the rocks though as u can see...prefers the sand
  8. hopefully mine will turn out like that. all in due time
  9. they are abit like twinspot gobies but somewhat easier. easy to feed but not very easy to sustain. their main source of food is some algae and the liveform that live in the algae and sand. if u plan to keep them, try feeding them a variety of food. henry's food is good. he has lots of hector gobies in his shop and all are doing very well. same goes for the very similar rainford goby
  10. woah i also got a free frag of this from a friend. but not as nice as urs. hopeflly can become like urs!
  11. 3 spot angel as in flagfin angel aka bluelip angel? coral farm got.
  12. just to add, coral farm many 1 inch niger triggers. and some dog face puffers.
  13. peekaboo! new friend from coral farm.
  14. i believe i saw some black footed clowns there too. small small ones. the pelvic fins were black and the body was brown...
  15. dunno leh. nvm see how first lor.
  16. coral farm still have those rare wrasses 20 red notes each. the yellow head and oman butterfly still there. flame angels, evansi anthias, purple anthias all there. lots of small blue tangs. yellow longnose butterflies, copperbands alot too. 2 ONE INCH copperbands. extremely cute. size of my thumb nail lolz. bought a flame hawk from there too. small sized very cute and eat pellets.
  17. the rhos look abit different leh. dunno why. the one from the website has red center. mine is just white =\
  18. new zoas from ultimatefrags.com D: beautiful!
  19. comments appreciated. neg or positive
  20. fragged this yesterday for someone. hope u enjoy it
  21. got this green pipe organ few weeks ago from iwarna. it turned from green to brownish now...anyone knows why?
  22. some blastos i got over the week end. and my first ever cynarina.... waiting for it to open up bigger.
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