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Everything posted by yikai

  1. very nice leopard pair (: my female one same as urs. how u get all ur wrasses so happily living together ah. mine will bicker occasionally. and i only have 2 wrasses
  2. CF had some very nice radiant wrasses yesterday. and some exquisite wrases too. and this little sheila if u look carefully at the leather corals that they have, some of them have super sun polyps. spotted one rock of leather coral with 8 heads of super sun....dont believe u can check carefully next time hehe.
  3. wa. din know can keep so many dottys together. was at LCK ytd. contemplating wether to buy or not...but dun dare coz i scared my resident dottyback murder them.
  4. ..... scooters and dragonets are difficult to feed. feed primarily on pods. however, if its any consolation....scooters are much easier to get feeding than mandarins. try mysis and live brine first... with time, u can even train it to take pellets. like my mandarin pair. both have started taking pellets.
  5. sorry to hear about the disaster. my tank overflowed before and i know it can be a pain. real real pain. i know you will come back stronger! with a better and more beautiful tank. hang in there!
  6. YES YES YES!! my house floor is wooden laminate. and salt water spills are trouble. the floor will be sticky and hav to really mop it many many many times. recently my chiller hose pour water and flooded my living room at 5am and took my family 5 hours to entirely clean the house. also, if water were to seep in, it could ruin the floor. so hav to be extra careful and mop up any spills asap.
  7. wat is that small bluish silvery fish with the reddish tail in ur fts, at the top right hand corner? isit blue eye cardinal? looks interesting
  8. not sure. dont remember seeing though. i know for sure have big ones.
  9. wa dam nice leh. so jealous ur hse so many tank!! hahaha. nice one. hope to see u stock it up nicely.
  10. dropped by LCK and CF. din buy anything from LCK but got some stuff from CF. bought a grape caulerpa, which my female mandarin and dottyback seem to adore. probably coz of the numerous amount of pods that came with it. some new feather worms and a really cute 1.5" mystery fish which is now hiding in the sand haha (clue )
  11. was at CF and LCK around 3-3.30pm LCK - lots of neon gobies, regular and hybrids - dottybacks from ORA. dunno wat name - canary blenny - ######, misbar and picasso clowns - stripeys - foxface - ALOT of royal grammas. including a very nice pair. larger one is male - blue spotted jawfishes CF - radiant wrasses - alot of ghost boxing shrimp - alot of caulerpa. grapes and red bamboo - new shipment of leather corals and other stuff - copperbands - blue tangs - the usual alot of stuff - rosy scale wrasse
  12. so busy with school. leave home early come home late, no time to actually admire and take a good look at my tank. finally this saturday so free at home, got a chance to enjoy the tank not much difference. NO3 finally dropping after reduced bioload, feeding and also i treid the AZ-NO3 product which i must say, works very well. 5 stars. just some photos and a FTS to sum everything up, then its back to homework
  13. wat the red stuff near the tail? BLOOD!? haha. very cute...like a cat
  14. they are about 2 inches. one of them is slightly larger. letting them go at $50/- for both.
  15. Hey all. guaging interest in selling harlequin shrimp. i have a very beautiful pair which i bought from marine life a few months ago. the pair have spawned many times in my tank and is really a sight to behold when they are out and about. reason for selling is because i'm abit busy with school stuff now and don't have much time to go LFS to buy starfishes for them, which is like every week or 2 weeks. would like to sell to experienced reefers in SRC. if no one is interested, i will keep them. thanks
  16. red bro! when u wanna go GO lolz. just sms me or msn bah. anytime also can
  17. my yellow wrasse looks exactly like urs. dun quite like leh. lolx =x i prefer the green and pink highlights on the face.
  18. flame and exquisite for me i love the mating colours displayed by the males of the flame. ELECTRIC COLOURS!
  19. yea. must be patient for my banded goby (: that fish is rare right!? that butterfly. i mean, rare in the industry.
  20. yes i would LOVE to swop my yellow wrasse wif u. if i could catch it nvm la haha. nice zoas (: good growth. testiment to your good water quality. as for the MI (:
  21. reddevilz one is about half the size of mine but his has full adult colouration ): mine is.....like peter pan. never grow up
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