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Everything posted by yikai

  1. if im not wrong, henry at ML ever bring them before
  2. dottyback trying to get in, mission 1) to show the new fish who is the boss mission 2) to eat the scaps that is trapped inside the box anyone knows how long i should keep the wrasse in the box until my dottyback becomes less aggressive towards it? o.o
  3. totally! i finally quit whining!! thank god. one host the torch and the other hosts my xenia. took them 8 months to host something. sorry bro VC hijack ur thread XD
  4. are they hosting any coral? they do develop black spots and patchesif they host corals. mine host my torch and they have the same thing. its perfectly normal.
  5. iwarna has 4 bannerfishes. all very fat and plump. look very healthy. they are paired up in different tanks so im guessing they are pairs.
  6. lots and lots of zoos at ah beng. all not open yet, but look like eagle eyes. lots of nice fishes there under quarantine in the blue fibreglass tub with the green medicine water i think. whipfin fairy wrasse, majestics (very nice) and many other wrasses. many fu man chu lionfish also. some red sea shipment left and a handful of very nice golden butterflies iwarna, still got powderblues, lemonpeel, 1 inch foxfaces (super cute) and the other common fishes. yumas are green and orange. common ones.
  7. whipfin fairy wrasse. its in the betta box because my dottyback wants to kill it. hopefully it will satisfy his hunger for blood in a few weeks
  8. yea haha. favias and acans are known to expel their stomach and digest near by corals also. mine has done that a few times already..
  9. chiller is fixed. kicks in at 28C and stops at 26C. was using a big standing fan to cool the tank for 2 days while the chiller was being repaired. fan blown directly at the sump with power button number 4. managed to chill it to as low as 25.5C and 23.5C at night! (i din know it could get it so low...so i faster turned off). i also turned on the air con in my living room for those 2 days. so im not very suprised that the fan could bring it down so low. cold air + blow at sump
  10. thanks! i love ur black sand. alot of times i wanted to convert...but just too much of a hassle. =( school is fine.... holidays after exams, no youth day holiday -sigh- the elegance was from fragmaster haha. so u know it was well taken care of before i got it. my suns are still ok. i still regularly target feed. it is at the let hand corner, cant see coz its on the sand bed. produced alot of planule lava and they are growing all over my liverocks. they are now about 0.5mm and can be seen very clearly with the ###### eye. too small for camera though. i''ll try to get a photo of it
  11. if im not wrong thats a black poma angel. the angel and ur flagfin dont bother ur corals? o.o
  12. haha! thanks for the elegance. its really great and a show piece. lets hope it remains as beautiful as this for a long long time to come nothing compared to yours. a source of inspiration and you never fail to impress even after that incident! am glad to see ur tank as good as before
  13. haha yaah thanks! chiller spoil liao. hopefully the guy can come down tomorrow to get it fixed. by this week should be fixed. mean while using a fan to keep the temperature ok haha
  14. Never update for awhile. some updates.
  15. eeeeee ur tank so nice with the black sand!!! *jealous* and yea ur right that flame hawk is starting to grow on me too! i got it because my mom said it had mascara and a gothic look. and im starting to love it too haha
  16. lots of rarities at CF - crosshatch trigger pair - black tang - griffith's angel - white ornate ghost pipefish!! (omg) - 4 eye butterflyfish - 2 multicolour angels 1" only. very cute - 3 very healthy and extremely beautiful pygmy golden angels. extremely curious and very healthy. not sure if its feeding - alot of very small yellow wrasses if anyone interested too.
  17. bristle worm. harmfulness is debatable. some people insist that they kill fishes. i myself find them ok. detrivores that mainly eat uneaten and leftover food. if its not a bobbit worm or one of the eunicid family then it should be alright.
  18. damsels seldom "play" with other fishes. urs seems to be very docile which is good... my $2 damsel killed a $50 fish and i was having trouble getting it out. anyway, ur damsel seems to be suffering from ich. they are extremely hardy though... very hard to die.
  19. i have a morish idol that survived many months that feeds on ever single kidn of food, but predominantly NLS pellets. i have sold the fish to bro reddevilz and is doing extremely well. surviving for many months now. very healthy specimen and i believe it has to do with NLS
  20. my old copper band ate small nuisence clams on my liverock. im not sure if they eat tridacna clams though..
  21. i think they said it only applies to those who went overseas? o.o if its true, go go go! lol just kidding...
  22. yea. chlorine group 7 halogens correct. most non metals are acidic. chlorine being one of them. dissolve it in water and it is acidic.
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