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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Hi i have a pair of normal false percs which have been with me for close to a year now. recently, one of them started showing weird signs. i don't know which is the male and female. both are about the same size. anyway, this is what im observing clown 1) - started becoming territorial and aggressive towards other fishes and my hand, if they (or me) gets close to its home, that is, the xenia colony, or the huge elegance on the sand bed. - The colour has intensified quite a bit. the orange has become very dark, almost brownish. but not to that extent yet. Clown 2) - This one on the other hand, has gotten really pale. the colour has faded alot. the face is a bit whitish even. it spends most of its time around the elegance, and swims under it to 'seek refuge" or something. i dunno coz its always hiding. - when ever the 2 clowns meet, the paler one will shake and shimmy alot in response to the other clown. all other fishes are normal and healthy. the clowns are still feeding. can anyone tell me what is happening to my paler clown? it hides so much that i seldom see it anymore.
  2. very nice! always something up your sleeve and never seizes to amaze me =)
  3. wow very nice orange shrooms! good buy.
  4. yup everything is fine now. just abit worried as i never fed it anything so big before.
  5. Hi, i have a huge elegance coral. it opens up to about 1/3 my tank size, which is about 1 feet. yesterday i notice it was eating one of my fish. i presumed it was dead and it fell onto it. the fish is about slighly bigger than an inch. it was eating it about halfway already so i thought just leave it alone bah. however it did look like it is quite big for it. today, i notice it is trying to spit out the remains of the fish. it doesnt look fully digested, as it is still white and not brown. my question is, is this ok for the coral? it looks alright but it isnt opening up as big as it can.
  6. oo yea those four line wrasses were stunning! especially that electric blue line from the eye to the pelvic fins... but too ex for me otherwise i would have bought it =( 5.2 rred notes
  7. CF also has 2 big AT and a big Black tang. 2 millet seed butterfly/lemon butterfly (im not sure which one it is) 1 chaetodon fremblii lots of yellow tangs and flame angels one red harlequin shrimp ,Hymenocera picta and lots of decorator crabs ^^
  8. CF also have some leopard shark eggs and 2 freshly hatched baby leopard sharks! very beautiful but the price lagi beautiful...
  9. oo elegance.. my favourite coral. moderately tough to keep but a real beauty once established. have one about 1 feet wide that i got from a bro here.
  10. i have 5 blue legged hermit crabs and 3 tubro snails. for 8 months no snails have died O.o
  11. this butterfly look like that declives? or the mitratus. i prefer the fremblii one =(
  12. nice. can see the rbta gaining back its colour!! good!
  13. i want that fremblii lue striped butterfly... =( pity its not reef safe...
  14. that part of your elegance is melting away. probably brown jelly disease. i doubt it was stung by another coral...elegance are one of the most powerful stinging corals. probably it was injured by some mechanical damage and suffered an infection. im not sure if its still curable....maybe can try furan 2 to stop the brown jelly. but it will usually just spread, and fast.
  15. i used to have an arapaima in my grandmother's farm. it lived in a "pond" my grandfather built. apparently my uncled bought it illegaly when LFS were still selling them many years ago. it grew into a huge fish and died a few years ago. took 3 people to lift it up from the pond and buried it. reallly nice fish. occasionaly it will drop one of its scale. and i remembered it being dark olive green in colour. very nice
  16. no la haha. just something to play with. my marine tank nothing much to do already, just maintaining it. the freshwater is 45cm x 30 cm high. not really planted haha. only few plants...and no theme yet. today added in some neon tetras. dont have much luck with them for as long as i remembered....will see how lor. if not then maybe a fighting fish pair
  17. have been busy recently with this. something fun haha. still can improve...very simple.
  18. this mandarin feeds on pellets and mysis. =) ohh i din know that! thanks!!
  19. where to buy strawberry crab? i heard aquamarin has one. where did u get urs from? its so pretty..
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