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Everything posted by yikai

  1. should be enough. maybe put them higher up. even though mushrooms like moderate lighting, i blast mine under strong light and they grow like mad. im using T5s and my shrooms are right at the top
  2. BRAVO! i really love all the corals! especially the colonies of mushrooms sticking out
  3. i vote for blood shrimps ^^ they are hardy, pretty and hopefully easy to breed (i don;t know about that but im sure you do). and since it pays really great, my vote will be for blood shrimp
  4. these fishes definately need a bigger tank than a RSM
  5. i notice my bigger mushrooms doing this when i frag them too. the base rock they are attatched to are the same size as their base. my guess is they are doing this to prevent floating away. from what i see, these are big mushrooms. when they expand, the surface area will enlarge very big and will make them float away , much like an umbrella in the wind because of the small and thin base. when i glued them to bigger, more stable rocks, they expanded normally already. perhaps its a weird theory, but it worked for me
  6. Anyone know where to buy this crab from? looks really cool. never seen it before though. http://www.liveaquaria.com/images/categori...-89518-crab.jpg
  7. one Zebrida adamsii spotted in irene shop next to ahbeng. dunno if its still there.
  8. as promised...the photos of the xenia. it bears some resemblance to the one you want.. and it pulses very fast too. not sure if it is 100% a match or not though.
  9. coral shipment at ahbeng? lots of white pulsing xenias, regular xenias, yellow clove polyps and some brains. rest i din pay attention
  10. new red mushies. and a FTS that hermit crab killed a snail and stole its shell...
  11. wow! this one is even nicer than ur old one!! u just keep getting better
  12. should be previous ones. but there were some that i did not see before. so im not very sure.
  13. ok thanks guys! its been a few hours. the tank is crystal clear already
  14. I came home to a cloudy white tank and saw 2 of my turbo snails squiirting out alot of whitish stuff. im guessing they're spawning? at first i tot tank crash but upon closer inspection, EVERYTHING seems normal and healthy. infact corals are all opening. maybe they feeding on the eggs and sperm? is it alright to just leave things as they are? the water is starting to clear up abit now.
  15. the aunty shop next to ahbeng - a few of those red crabs. strawberry crab posers. half a red note for 1 - very nie elegances, blastos and cynas fish wise not much. ahbeng - lots of fishes (assorted wrasse, butterflies) - pink flasher wrasse. same from henry shipment - lots of white xenias. the showtank ones are nicer. they do sell those in there - US zoas - yellow luminous cloves. semi-open. very nice even when not fully bloomed
  16. hi thanks for the concern. the clown is ok. still behaving weirdly but the colour not so pale already. just abit lighter coloured. cannot get a picture coz it keeps hiding in the elegance.
  17. and darling little blue eyes from henry. so cute and petite! i love it. its blue eyes really show under actinics
  18. was moving some corals around and when i moved my GSP, i found that my blue mushrooms have multiplied and grew while being covered by the GSP! so nice right. i want to frag them but apparently they attatched themselves my rock sape...so cant frag =( the second pic is under actinics. really glow bright blue
  19. looking for colonies of red, orange or any nicely coloured mushroom corals. anyone seen anywhere?
  20. will try to take a photo. its not very very pale. just colour looks faded compared to the other clown. the face is paler and its not bright orange like it used to be. this has been going on for quite awhile. probably a week. i know the brook kills fast and kills all, so if really brook, everything should be infested by now. will try to see what happens. these clowns has been with me for almost a year le =( hope its just nothing =)
  21. at first i thought it was brook. but i don't think so. all other fishes are ok. and the clown has been like this for more than a week now.
  22. the other one become very very pale coloured leh. face is almost white. this is normal??
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