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Everything posted by yikai

  1. iwarna have many small to medium size elegance corals. irene have white pipe organs, many blastos, bubble and candycane ahbeng - lots of new fishes, and royal grammas. lots of halloween hermit crabs at coral farm yay finally got them
  2. shrimps have been caught and in betta box. interested parties please let me know, if not i'll have to give it away.
  3. Selling a pair of very healthy harlequin shrimps. bought many many many months ago from ML. selling it because i want to get a marble starfish. i reserve to right to sell to whoever i deem fit and not first come first serve basis. buyers must be willing to take care and feed it starfishes. i have tried many kinds and their favourite is blue linkia. selling at $50 net price for both. confirmed pair and they spawn on a regular basis. pls dont pm and flood my inbox. post here thanks.
  4. most likley unfertilised eggs. if u add in another shrimp, they will get fertilised. i used to have a pair until my dottyback killed one. both shrimps can simultaneously get pregnant . i have no idea how they do it, but they always end up as fish food
  5. always wanted a pom pom crab. but im willing to bet a zillion dollars that it will MIA in my tank within the first 10 mins
  6. will help you look out for small sized ones what colour are you looking for?
  7. it could already been bleach abit when you got it. then maybe the condition worsened and it started to receed. im not sure if its salvagable. most of the time is mine is like this it ends up dying eventually
  8. looks white. isit bleached? my sentiments same with mr xxx. not much you can do for it. there is some algae growth on the skeleton also. my guess is, bleached, and slow tissue recession causing algae to grow on the skeleton.
  9. does not look like a hybrid eibli to me... $50 is way too expensiev..
  10. to be honest, they all look like clarkii to me... my untrained eyes can only differenciate 3 kinds of clowns. those that look like percs, clarkiis and skunks :cry2:
  11. on second look....could also be dispar...a clearer picture would be great
  12. very blur but looks like purple anthias. could also be evansi. scratch that. looks like a dispar from the fin
  13. oh ya. ahbeng also has some weird crabs. looks kinda like a small mud crab about 2 inches...very dark brown but slight greenish. also a small crab that looks like a flower crab.
  14. i have the SAME eheim hang on for my 45cm planted tank haha
  15. shop opp ahbeng (irene i think) has a very very beautiful elegance. solid (yes solid) neon green with no other colours mixed with it. this one has purple tips too. one of the most intensely coloured elegance i have ever seen. dark neon green one. never see before a single coloured elegance so intense before spotted some royal grammas at ahbeng. they are already packed into bags
  16. wow amazing. your tank is truly inspiring and same goes for your corals.
  17. haha. no la. i going to go this weekend anyway. if have that crab will just be an added insentive
  18. looks like its time to pay coral farm a visit
  19. wow very nice photos. love the pregnant ghost pipe
  20. i bought mine from henry 1 week ago. i think he should still have some can call and check
  21. wah thats quite big where did u get from? i wan small ones like those blue legged kinds. wah ghost boxing shrimp cane at hermit crab?
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