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Everything posted by yikai

  1. not sure, and im not sure if there are any left. i am very certain they are royal grammas but should expect around 25-30 dollars?
  2. the other day i went there, there were really royal grammas. and also dottybacks. i took a closer look and was contemplating if i should get them. they were already bagged up and placed into a styrofoam box. yesterday i went, there were a few left.
  3. its just infront of ahbeng. if im not wrong, the aunty name is irene. so i've heard.
  4. happy halloween someone looking for me? the other one was wandering behind the tank, cannot take a good shot.
  5. the hermit crab? i tried to take a photo of it but its in such a difficult position. don't want to face me =( i'll try again later meanwhile, my lovely mandarin that eats pellets, flake, mysis and even bits of nori sometimes!
  6. and lastly, a top down shots of the front of the tank, and my first attempt at reflection shots. this one showcasing the back.
  7. i love this guy alot. :wub: bought him from henry. my tuxedo urchin you can see he bit off abit of my pipe organ and placed it on his back. he now carries a frag of pipe organ wherever he goes haha. and below is my firefish =( had a little tussle with the dottyback and has some broken fins. nothing a little TLC can't fix.
  8. and new blastos from irene yesterday. she had new coral shipment and soo many blastos to choose from.
  9. some updates on my baby suns. my mother colony of sun coral produced hundreds of baby suns and now they are all over my liverock. some of them have grown big enough to eat pellets.
  10. took a break from studying and took some pictures of my tank. amino acid structures and enzyme schematics is boring me to death here's a cute little guy from coral farm yesterday. Bicolour blenny. very hard to take a clear photo of his beautiful orange tail...this was the best i got =(
  11. irene shop has many blastos of different colours and cynarinas as of yesterday. lots of bubble and candy canes also. coral farm have small and cute bicolour blennies too. going at 0.5 red notes before discount.
  12. ya! i mean its totally ridiculous lah. and to think its still alive summore. poor thing
  13. they are from hawaii so abit pricey as far as hermit crabs go. hence only bought two.. they are 1.5 red notes before discount. after discount, 0.9 red notes each.
  14. im not sure if im posting in the wrong thread, but please take some time to read this. i felt so sick after reading this...these people deserve to be punished. http://glassbox-design.com/2009/despicable...on-miami-train/
  15. i have 2 of those. dunno what it is also
  16. starki is like a cheaper and fake version for resplendens. i kinda like it!
  17. i went to see it too... i need eye transplant
  18. HAHAHAHA OMG lmao i can imagine. i wanna go search nak$d clowns for fun and see what u see. btw digiman, chelon marginalis is HOT!!!!! one of my fav. i saw a copper band in CF today that had a slightly discoloured orange bar and i was so excited becoz i tot it was the marginalis =(
  19. they are not paired i think. got 2 females kept inside a box in the tank, and the male is outside the boxes. male is quite big i think, about 4-5 inches? it was hiding inside the PVC tubes so didnt take a good look. females one are small and cute. about 2-3 inch.
  20. oh ya. coral farm also have - candy hogs - joculator - watanabei angel (male and female) - bellus angel (male and female) - rosyscale wrasse - 1 huge black tang, 1 smallish-medium black tang - 1 medium-large achilles tang - resplendent anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus)
  21. got them got 2 from coral farm. they had many!
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