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Everything posted by yikai

  1. not sure about the price of ghost pipefish pair. this is not the first time i see them there. today's one is black, the last time i saw a pair of white ones. then i also saw a brown one before... and i saw a pair of helimeda ghost pipefishes before too. pity. i wish i could keep them =(
  2. CF has a baby maroon clown (very cute) with an unusual marking. a round white spot on one side of its body and not on the other BLACK ORNATE GHOST PIPEFISH PAIR giant black tang yellow tangs flame angels dispar anthias a very beautiful pair of harlequin shrimp (donated by me ) a yellow angelfish (not sure ID), looks like some sort of hybrid. very nice 1 rhomboid fairy wrasse a few rosy scales multicolour angels watanabe angels (about 5 females) 1 male a few female bellus angel LCK hell lots of super sun LPS (euphyllias, bubble, elegance) some very nice favias. green and white. royal grammas queen angels ABT neon goby red head goby flame back or argi angel (same thing i think)
  3. i use mysis. just squirt around them and off all wavemakers. usually my shrimmp will go eat it, but a little bit is enough to let the coral know there is food on it. they are very sensitive and can sense food.
  4. usually, my new corals will not extend feeding tentacles when i first buy. to make them do this, place some food on them when u want them to eat. i do that every evening when i first get them. after a few days, they will auto extend their tentacles. i did this for my brain, candy cane and favia.
  5. many fishes at ahbeng. tiny tiny blue tangs normal sized blue tangs bicolour angels purple tang grey belly regal assorted butterflies porcupine/puffer/box fish lots of flasher wrasse (carpenter, lubbdock, filamentous) triggers (niger, picasso) tons of clowns wrasses (red coris alot) black nox pygmy angels bicolour dottybacks plenty of fire fish (red ones. purple ones in bags) inverts have tiny harlequin shrimps (red and blue ones) coral banded skunk cleaaner tiger pistol reef lobsters shop opp ahbeng (irene i think) alot of pratas, normal coloured ones moorish idols blastos bubbles elegance hammer, octo, frogspawn alot of reef lobsters too zebra urchin crab GO nice pulsing xenias. great for xenia lovers like me! XD anthellias (very pretty. alot of them) purple, blue, pink tipped elegance bubbles the usual stuff. plenty of nice blastos also! wanted to get them alllllll but the price...
  6. i see just clarifying. good to know then!
  7. i've seen this before. when i had it, i thought they were eggs of some sort. but now im not sure...
  8. thats a good idea. never crossed my mind to wear gloves. i think wearing gloves are very important. just because most of us do simple 5 min touch up to our tanks doesnt mean we are completely safe from the "dangers" of our reefs as for nicest smelling coral....hmm. never smelled anything pleasent before
  9. haha thats cool~ didnt notice. looks like a cyclops thats actually the mouth. when it eats the algae on the glass, u can see 5 razor sharp teeth come out to scrape the algae. the teeth then go back into the mouth. very alien like. and it poops from its head
  10. i see you have exotic taste in livestock........ stonefish, shark egg, kept together with fishes like chromis which will become a tasty meal. hope u can care for them. also it will be better if u placed the elegance corals horizontally, not vertically. watch out for those stings!
  11. banggai cardinals are peaceful, but might need to watch out if kept with other cardinals. i kept a pair of banggai with 2 other pair of cardinals, totaling 6, 3 different kinds. all ok. but the banggais do occasionally chase the rest. they get very territorial once in awhile. not sure, maybe when they are breeding.
  12. sure. the green and red ones are 2.8 red notes each. when i left, they had a purple and green one, and some red ones left. not sure if got anymore. cheers
  13. haha thanks! yes the baby blue eyes very cute. and quite the character too. hi, oh really? haha. never pay attention since i see it everyday. i really like the top down shot of it.
  14. Hey reefers, do u notice some coral smell really really bad when u touch their slime or when u just touch them? i personally find bubble coral the smelliest. it has a strong smell that will give me a headache after smelling it. xenias and anthellias are also very smelly. what i want to know is, what soap or remedy do u use to effectively wash off the smell? for me, if its mild i'll just use soap. but if its from bubble or xenia, i usually have to wash with colgate a few times...
  15. blue eye anthias darling cute and peaceful. check my thread for a foto
  16. i dont run a CR so i dont have excessive coraline growth. but those urchins still do a great job! btw comy, the urchins are great. do a search on them to see how they look like. they will attatched small pieces of stones and other funny stuff to their back. mine attatched a pipe organ frag. and now it goes around with a flower on its back. real cutie
  17. imo, that diatom bloom will go away naturally. usually new tank will have this but after awhile, no more liao. u might want to consider a tuxedo urchin. mine is EXTREMELY EXTREMELY useful and HARDWORKING!! no joke and im not exaggerating. it cleared my entire rockscape from diatoms in about 1 week. all those brown stuff gone. and it eats alot of cyano too. i had a small patch of them growing on my return pipe and it cleared all away. never had such a good algae cleaner before. it even outworked my 3 snails and hermit crab. i might want to add another one. ps that urchin also eats coralline algae. im willing to sacrifice abit of coraline for cleaner rocks any day! haha
  18. oo! didnt know that!! perhaps that is for the better. since oman clown, as far as i know, can only be found in Oman right? which is near some peninsula or island thingy near arabia? if they allow people to catch them, then i guess they will be gone very quickly in a few years from over harvesting.
  19. very common. like what bro stevenkoh said, ahbeng has a few. saw them yesterday. AM also used to carry quite a number. can check with henry too. he occasionally have. they are not very expensive. cheap and hardy. and very small, colourful and a wonder to have. it won't make significant contributions to your bioload the way a blue tang might, but it will certainly add a spark of colour as it hops from rock to rock. wah now i feel like getting 1 or 2 too!
  20. i never used it before, but i hope you find my thoughts about this useful. i think the disadvantage of using replica LR for a reef system is the biological filtration? good quality liverock brings good biological filtration with it and is home to alot of good bacteria, and also home for your inhabitants (like holes for gobies to sleep in or other fish to hide). also think about all the wonderful and diverse fauna it will bring with it, that will help to create a more "living" look, with things such as natural sponges, tunicates, feather worms, coraline algae and other unique things living in liverock. Its quite exciting to see what turns up in your liverock or what grows out of it. sometimes xenia, gsp or mushrooms can grow. i think artificial liverock also have their pros too. such as you can shape your reef to your desired look since you can pick and choose the shape you want. and also, no need to worry about curing or die off since its artificial. no more nuisence crabs and unwanted pests too. this just my opinion. i find both very cool to have. maybe mix both?
  21. imo, add those small, timid and shy species in first. like the goby, followed by cardinal. to let them establish some territory before other species are introduced. i would then add in the percs, followed by the anthias, then the BT. but as digiman said, it really doesnt matter since all are not conspecifics
  22. haha well, its good enough to help me! at least now i understand the buffer...which is what im studying for now
  23. wow bro excellent explanation you explained the buffer system well...i believe even helping me with school work.. on the brownsten lowry conjugate acid base buffer thingy. previously didnt really understand how the buffer works, but after reading this i sort of understand.
  24. Amphiprion thiellei so nice. like magneto helmet. they say it might be a hybrid or something. anyways, its so cute!
  25. look abit like black footed clowns. the visibility there is horrible! maybe they're not rare, just hard to see in all that muck haha jk
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