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Everything posted by yikai

  1. they are pulsing like crazy in my tank. one of the better xenias around. still can't hold a candle to the umbellata though...still searching intensly for that..
  2. do note that not all peppermints will eat aiptasia. and if the aiptasia is too big for the peppermints, they might ignore. however, i have good records with them. i reccomend them too
  3. silvery white. refer to my tank thread for pictures. i made many frags out of it.
  4. concentrated calcium solution wont work? usually i put very very concentrated calcium additives in a syringe and just shoot it all over the aiptasia. will melt. you can try peppermint shrimps..
  5. Can anyone ID what this is? its wobbly like a piece of rubber. its purple with some small raised bumps on it. looks cool, but if its harmful i will remove it. isit a sponge? came with this blasto that i bought. also there's a single polyp of zoo growing behind that rock...looks quite exotic but i cant take a good shot of it because its facing back.
  6. blue tipped elegance. colour is light brown but cannot capture with camera. looks so pale in the photo.
  7. iwarna tiger queen anthias flagfin angel blue tangs assorted butterflies and wrasses small cute snowflake moray eel kena bought by this lady who called it a sea snake... asking if it will eat corals. tsk tsk never research anyhow buy. one left i think clams!! maxima and crocea (i think. bad at IDing) lots of indo zoas. some nice pink ones left few yumas ahbeng and shop next door have the usual. a few yellow coral banded shrimp at ahbeng if anyone interested. BTW, anyone spotted yellow clown goby and bicolour blenny? i want to pair my existing one... i know coral farm has the blenny but it's too far
  8. how come u say it eats everything, when u only feed frozen shrimp?
  9. it looks....crazy. with that eye. looks like it has a lazy eye haha
  10. oh ya. those looking for peppermint shrimps, LCK have alot of them.
  11. ohh i see. maybe even aiptasia
  12. very nice la bro! jealous of ur gems i love that red algae at the bottom right. what is it? and nice blasto collection
  13. i dont get it? o.o they're still alive.. do u mean the crab will pick at my xenia?
  14. i have tons of them living in my live rock if you think yours are small, mine are all smaller than 1cm. the body itself is only 0.2mm. regardless of where you keep them, they will provide good services to your tank. they might eat all those uneaten food and detrises that end up in your sump!
  15. here we go again... i am in no position to comment, but i smell something fishy.. (no pun intended) i feel sorry for ur fishes. your tank not good enough for them? why selling them off? very curious
  16. first one is a black pyramid butterfly. 2nd one is a powder brown or powder black tang. cant see properly. if the other reefers are right about u buying and reselling of fishes, i suggest you do not do it here... if u come with good intension, then welcome
  17. just pinch them and sprinkle it on the lps. have to get ur hands wet for this one. i off wavemaker when i do this. but if the feeder tentacles are expand, they can sometimes catch floating pellets from the water. same way as floating mysis
  18. this is not true. brittle stars are excellent detrivours and are a great addition to any tank. they will eat uneaten food, and dead fishes. with one exception. the green brittle star have been known to attack and eat small sleeping fishes. all other brittle stars should be okay. brittlestars share the same fate as bristleworms, as being misunderstood and labelled as "mean fish eaters" in fact, they make good scavengers. go ahead and add them in if you wish. i have 2 big brittle stars for about 1 year now, and so far no livestock have been lost to them.
  19. i have trained all my LPS to take pellets too. actually, no need training lah. haha. they all do that.
  20. bought some new blastos also. lime green center with red skirting. have another blue center with red skirtings too. but camera died before i took a photo of it. also, i have donated my big brown torch coral to my cousin, as it was getting too big and stinging my other corals. so i bought a small blue tipped elegance as replacement will try to put up a foto of it soon.
  21. fragged my xenia yesterday. ended up with 6 small colonies. started pulsing vigorously the next day. if they spread more, i don't mind fragging more and selling at cheap prices to my reefer friends here. they are quite easy to frag and grow reasonably quickly.
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