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Everything posted by yikai

  1. very hardy and common in soft coral shipments. iwarna might still have.
  2. dont feed brine... they do not contain sufficient nutrition unless you enrich them. mysis is fine. dont need big pieces of prawn. if u want, small ones will do. and dont feed everyday. once a week is fine. wait till their feeder tentacles emerge then place it on them and let them stick to it and consume. if u have 2 mouths on ONE coral, feeding one is enough. they are connected.
  3. plenty at LCK RD might have some leftover too. can call and check
  4. that plant is maiden's hair. they like strong flow. not as easy compared to the other species of algae. i don't think that is a peppermint shrimp. the rostrum looks too long, and the tail looks too sharp. it looks like Plesionika grandis to me. coral farm had many that time here's a picture of it maybe you can rectify.
  5. your coral looks healthy with the exception of the shrunken side on the side. it doesnt appear to be melting. probably something disturb it or picked on it. watch it carefully for the next few days. if it begin showing signs of melting, i would suggest blowing away all the melting parts and place it some good flow to help recover. not something to worry about for now i think..
  6. many juvenile angels and wrasses are cleaners when young. the blue that bro limsc is referring to is "cleaner blue" this is a colouration on the animal that signifies it is a cleaner. it is not uncommon for juv angelfishes to express cleaning services. they will stop this with age.
  7. GO as of yesterday (sry forgot to update) - plenty of assorted and usual LPS. hammer, anchor, bubbles, octos. - two very special anchor corals with golden tips. this is not the branching kind, but rather the one with the flabello-meandroid skeleton. - very very nice green blasto colony. neon green with spectacular dark green stripes at the skirting... if your wallet is thick enough......
  8. LCK updates - plenty of those blue hornet zoos left. - super suns - LPS. elegance, torch, hammer, bubble, true octo, brain, blasto etc etc. - small adult blue angels. about 3 inches. - sohal tangs - yellow tang - sailfin tang - neon gobies - exquisite wrasses - radiant wrasse - ORA nake-d clowns - ORA orchid dottyback - one king angel - french angel - sailfin tang - flame angels - african flameback - peppermint shrimps - eight-line wrasse - bicolour angelfish - allardi?? clowns. with a white forked tail - foxface, blue devil damsel, flame cardinal - maroon clown
  9. All frags are reserved. sorry to those who PM me and i didnt reply. i go by FCFS basis. so those who pm me first get it. Please wait for my PM regarding collection thank you!
  10. bought a very very luminous bubble coral too!
  11. now that i have sold my harlequins, its great to have these guys crawling around
  12. haha. pray it recovers quickly....first time fragging favias... pray hard haha!
  13. Hi reefers, fragged a gorgeous luminous piece of favia just now. frags are freshly fragged and healing now, thus i won't be selling them now, but in a few days time. currently posting here, and those interested please leave a comment below and i will reserve for you. sorry, but i would rather post now because lending my camera away for the next few days so cannot take pictures. Have already dipped them in lugols and frags have been fragged quickly and rinsed in NSW to remove any slime and left over tissue. Thus, they should be healthy and should recover soon. in the unlikely case that they get infected, i will PM you to let you know that your frag is unavailable for purchase. sorry type so long, want to make sure there is no miscommunication between buyer and seller Frags are going at $10 each. If too ex, please let me know so i can adjust. thank you for reading! here are some pictures under actinics and white light. frags that are numbered are the ones for sale. No number = for myself . please indicate the number you want as all the shapes are different. Only have a few pieces for sale, so FCFS basis. These are highly aggressive corals with sweeper tentacles capable of extending over 3 inches. so be careful!
  14. think maybe we should move this topic elsewhere as this is LFS update forum *ps just a note. JM marine is to be honest, one of my worst LFS experience. when i was a noob and got them to set up my tank 2 years ago, kena carrot BIG TIME with inferior equipment. now slowly upgrading.
  15. nope. don't dare to try any anemones. plus there's no space, and not enough lights for it
  16. i made a mistake of buying too many nassarius snails. i always see them coming out to feed on food, but i guess its not enough for them. over the months i see empty and dead shells. as nothing were preying on them, i guess they died of starvation. i only have a few left and its much easier to feed them. yea bumblebee snails are carnivorous. some say they eat clams too.
  17. henry has new stock. gem tangs again. looks like this fish is hot hot HOT! now
  18. jiayou bro... i think mine came from a copperband. hope its under control. iwarna has 2 very red carpet anemones today. huge too. wonder if its the same as yours
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