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Everything posted by yikai

  1. sorry but i follow my computer clock. it is difficult to decide who won the bidding as everyone's clock is different, and what makes it harder is everyone waiting to click at the last minute. i hope you understand where i am coming from. i cant possibly tell the time of everyone's clock so i have to follow mine...
  2. follow my computer time. now exactly 6pm. thanks to bro klyve for bidding $14. hope you enjoy this fish. will PM u
  3. 5 more minutes till auction ends. come on people!! rare fish bidding ends in 300 seconds.
  4. mine poops but it poops in hard green pellets. have not seen it spraying sand. i guess different urchin different poop?
  5. the sticky things you are feeling is not the spine, but their tube feet! they are echinoderms and have tube feet like starfishes. look closely and u can see they are soft with a suction at the end to stick to glass and rock
  6. i have not handled them since day 1 of introduction. when the urchin drops a few spines, its ok it will regrow. check ur water chemistry. however, if all the spines are not straight and start dropping all at the same time, it means that ALL spines are going to drop off and this means the urchin is dying. no way to save it anymore.
  7. since we are on the topic on urchins, many of them are highly toxic to the touch and will result in extremely painful wounds. their spines are 1) hollow. which means they break easily and get stuck in your flesh 2) poisonous, which causes extreme pain 3) some have rouch surfaces which makes it difficult to remove. like a barbed thorn 4) and number 4, very sharp. i dunno if tuxedo urchins are toxic, but its better not to touch them. and be careful when u do
  8. yes please complete cycle. being inverts they are very sensitive to water chemistry (high NO3 and fluctuations). zoas and mushies are safe unless they decide to remove ur frag to stick on themselves. in that case, u can leave it or remove it from them and stick to the rocks. the urchin cost slightly less than 1 red note
  9. there is always a risk with inverts like these. snails and hermits are no different. make sure all corals are secured and epoxied especially those above the elegance. coral drop in elegance will die.
  10. thanks for the advice bro bigbird! will do it now thanks!
  11. here's a more recent photo i took just now since can upload photos already. one with flash the other without. nice pattern on the dorsal fin ^^ cant see clearly coz of betta box. sorry people.
  12. no problem bro. maybe when they say with caution, it means when it gets hungry, it might eat stuff u dont want it to eat :0 feed it nori when u run out of algae. they love nori/
  13. hmm. looks like a Echinometra viridis to me. but the spines look abit blunter. also a black specimen too. could also be a pencil urchin? but the spines do not look blunt enough. anyway, most urchins are good algae eaters and this should be no exception. my best guess is Echinometra lucunter
  14. hehe ya i wanna remove my eagle eye too yes hardworking and entertaining i must say! yous looks like a Tripneustes gratilla. a closely related but equally hardworking species.
  15. With all the new topics on algae problems, i decided its time i showcase my hardworking friend the tuxedo urchin (Mespilla globulus). these guys are extremely hardworking and consume most kinds, i want to say all, (but i'm not sure) kinds of algae. From brown diatoms, green hard algae, CYANOBACTERIA (yes red slime even), bryopsis, to the purple coraline algae. these guys eat them all. and they are hardworking unlike turbo snails. they are by no means dull creatures. Tuxedo urchins will collect bits of rocks and debris from your tank and stick it on themselves. I have seen mine stick rubber bands, cable tie and other pieces of things found in my tank (purposefully or accidently >.<) Here are my urchins. One of them has a frag of eagle eye zoos and a pipe organ that it picked up and stuck to itself. Now who says they are boring! imagine that. zoas moving around your tank so those looking for a way to control nuisense algae biologically, please do consider the tuxedo urchin. hardy, reef safe with plenty of character. Henry has some now and coral farm occasionally has them. Ahbeng has some of them sometimes too.
  16. ^^ yes flame wrasses are brilliant fishes!
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