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Everything posted by yikai

  1. just done writing up an article on cirrhilabrus blatteus. the ultimate red sea fish in my opinion. an endemic fairy wrasse that is found in the gulf of aqaba. here are a few pics from the article. super rare, has yet to enter the trade.
  2. so cute! it's the same one from oak island right. looks so easy to catch.
  3. I just finished with the article on Cirrhilabrus blatteus. Wrasse lovers are going to love this post as much as I did.

    1. allantang


      Can't wait to read it

    2. yikai


      it is already up on reefbuilders.

  4. a very small bandit angel from pacific island aquatics. the pipe is only 1 inch in diameter!
  5. and of course, gorgeous pic of eight line flasher wrasse.
  6. pseudochromis sp from red sea also. the fork tail as well as the green color is v unique
  7. good job. it's the only pic of wild cirrhilabrus blatteus with its harem. taken at 65m.
  8. anybody wanna make a guess what fish is being pictured here? look carefully. the picture is very rare and its by eran brokovich, of mesophotic.org
  9. CF has alot of nice small sized yellow belly regal angels. some are pellet feeding. also one rare xyrichthys pentadactylus razor wrasse. you can read about this unusual razor wrasse which i've written about here - http://reefbuilders.com/2011/08/30/xyrichthys-pentadactylus/
  10. a falcifer butterflyfish photographed by a recreational diver with a little catalina goby at the bottom of the photo. the photo caption says "this fish was tasty for dinner" i certainly hope he did not eat it...and only meant it as a joke! what a waste of money and fish!
  11. one of the best picture of Chaetodon smithi out there. i've always loved this butterfly and it's always been one of my favorites. but unfortunately, unobtainable.
  12. lunatus fairy wrasse females, coral sea male hooded fairy wrasse and blackburn butterflyfish all at LADD.
  13. Symphysanodon katayamai i believe digiman posted a video of one before? or at least another species in this very anthias looking genus.
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