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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yah i heard that they are v easy to breed too. can sell as these are quite uncommon. but dunno ley =( put in main tank sure MIA or die. unless i have a dedicated set up for it.
  2. 1st one looks cool! but looks like playdoh haha!
  3. can connect to ur main tank and set up a refugium to grow pods and other stuff.
  4. haha yah the rics garden cross my mind. but livestock leh? gobies tank? haha
  5. no la. planning to convert my 1.5ft freshwater into a nano tank. jsut haven decided wat to keep in it haha.
  6. nice! hehe. im excited got new project coming up haha =x
  7. Looking for ulva. however. dun wan the free floating kind. will prefer if its growing, attatched to the rock. pls pm me ur price if u have any for sale ty!
  8. maybe ur test kit something wrong? i used to have a salifert test kit that kept saying i have 0.25 ppm ammonia too. bought a new kit and it said 0ppm. somehow its always 0.25..
  9. nitrite? O.o i think some of the people here are confusing between nitrite and nitrate? im sure 100ppm of nitrite is....suicide to anything?
  10. hi, thanks for letting me know. however currenly pending viewing and collection tomorrow, if buyer backs out, will definately give ur fren a text. thanks!
  11. din have time to go RD today. anyway thinking about it, decide not to get the lettuce nudi lah. read one very good article about it and then decided not to get it.
  12. very colourful leh! super neon blue. i see u made a right decision in buying that clam and hope ur zoos do well too
  13. Exquisite wrasse swimming happily with nothing disturbing it sorry for the blur pictures. swim too fast hard to take. using lousy cam =(
  14. CF have - potters angel - mystery wrasse - allen's damselfish - red-dot dottyback (the one i was auctioning.. came about 6) - multicolour angelfishes - many small female flame wrasses - tiny 1 inch juvenile angel. left 1 i think - black footed clowns - hawaii harlequin shrimps - tiny blue tangs. 0.5 inch also got. (plenty) - one hybrid tang.if im not wrong, PbrT X Achilles tang. powder brown with a bright orange tail. LCK - lots of super high grade maximas?? (not much experience in clams). very pretty with super exotic colours and pattern - carribean fishes
  15. buyer request viewing tomorrow, reserved for the moment.
  16. i believe my asking price abit too high. sry avbout that, reduce to $15 (nett price). cheers
  17. Hi reefers, letting go my coral beauty angelfish. size is round 2.5 - 3 inches. reason for letting go, its chasing my exquisite wrasse, and also to reduce bioload. Initial plan was to auction it off, but i changed my mind as found it quite a waste of time and the fish is not say very rare in the market. Got it many many months ago from henry@ML, so its super stable and feeds on everything. buyer must treasure the fish and love it. even though i want to sell it, i still like it very much and hope the new owner takes good care of it. Asking for $25. If the price is too high please PM me. selling at higher price in most LFS because its very healthy and colour is really intense. 'alpha male' angelfish hehe. some pictures of profile and top down. can see how fat it is.
  18. just took a photo of it. will update in pasar malam thread. hope the new buyer takes good care of it and i told u i'll win the war
  19. I DID IT! I FINALLY TRAPPED MY CORAL BEAUTY!! those interested, i will be uploading a photo of it by tomorrow and putting it up for auction in pasar malam. after a gruelling 4 days, getting myself wet, salty and frustrated, i finally caught it. betta box didnt work, food in betta box didnt work, mirror in betta box didnt work, even putting my exquisite wrasse inside the betta box as bait.....didnt work. it was the combination of all factors. the coral beauty just couldn't resist watching those wrasses flare at their reflection, taking a break to eat some food, and continue flaring. ultimately, his thirst for hunger let to its demise. coral beauty i tahan u dam long and now, im free!! eidt: i ended up breaking my mirror and has to use the mirror shards as a last resort. who said anything about 7 years of bad luck? if breaking a mirror can result in catching a highly stealthy and elusive fish with an IQ that will put albert einstein to shame, heck i'll break a mirror any day. j/k
  20. RD carribean shipment. not sure if arrive or not... heard got some lettuce nudibranches too
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