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Everything posted by yikai

  1. gonios are extremely difficult to keep. i won't suggest keeping them bubble corals are easy. medium light, low flow. hammers and frogspawn, like all euphyllias, like moderate flow and medium to good lights.
  2. right side hammer is bleached. the one below it is starting to bleach a little. place in lower lights for it to recover.
  3. true. bigger tanks have larger water volumes, and paramter fluctuations will be less volatile. evaporation, etc.
  4. haha >.> i don't like leh chaetodon daeldema!! that is nice edit* after looking at the personatus, i'm starting to like the grey 1 abit. though the yellow face is still a little...weird. but the grey colour is nice. as for the white one....................... hopefully it grows on me haha edit again* i just read the GBD article. seems like the grey is only a colour change for aggression. if only it was in this colour all the time
  5. IMO, fish traps are not neccesary. a simple betta box usually does the trick really well. plus, it doubles as a holding area for new fishes where u can train them to feed. imo, betta boxes are really handy and useful and u will be suprised what u can dow ith it they dont cost much. got mine at iwarna.
  6. method 1. betta box with mirror and food inside. feed daily from inside the betta box. wait till fish go in, get comfortable, close it and ta-da method 2, stun method. locate ur fish when it sleeps at night. when tank lights are pitch dark, blast ur main lights on. the sudden light will stun your fish for a few minutes, rendering them extremely easy to catch. simply scoop them up. this method works 95% o the time if you are quick enuf to get the fish out before it regains consioucness and swim away. this method does not work for fishes sleeping in deep caves and crevices. a stick might be useful to prod the stunned fish out. HTH. works all the time.
  7. yah. dun like the male 1. lemme know if u see it CF had a feeding female 1. very nice. regretted not getting. next day i went, gone
  8. do let me know if anyone spots this leopard in LFS. quite commonly found bah. looking for the female 1
  9. for me, i find wrought iron very beautiful. ugly ones are resplendent, clarion adult, and personatus. YUCKS! haha. personal preference i guess :x
  10. shud be fine. mine takes around 45-50 mins in air con room.
  11. i dunno about ventralis, but for catalina gobies, they can adapt to warmer temperatures, but it will shorten their livespan as metabolic rate will increase, etc etc. not sure if same or not.
  12. food for ur ghost pipe? why u never buy for me ROSYSCALE! ur favourite
  13. whatever floats your boat bro as long as they are fine, anyway is good.
  14. panda goby? it is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly tiny. yeah one of us got that.
  15. try to have some circulation behind the rock. will be beneficial
  16. 6 lines are extremely fierce by nature. being in the same family as your mystery wrasse probably increased the aggression.
  17. Bro! i laughed until choke when i saw ur michael jackson/coral photo! haha CF - 2 RED mandarins no more liao hehe - Hawaii shipment tonight - Social wrasses. - 1 mccosker male. - rose scale - evansi - dispar - bunburst anthias - sunset anthias - orange marbled star. fromia monilis. - RED SCOOTER BLENNIESSSSSSSSS
  18. brain and plate put on sand is a good idea. not out of place for them.
  19. ur tank will look like a bomb if u manage to pull it off hehe
  20. they have a super strong sting. becareful. as if not bad enough, sweeper tentacles can extend very far at night. so put it in a place you deem fit. One of the most beautiful of LPS though, the equivalent of a stony GSP IMO. beauty comes with a powerful kick for this one
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