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Everything posted by yikai

  1. weekend is here!! some top down shots of my zoas and some corals.
  2. the super red and green blastos.... if the rock wasn't so big i will buy it. OMG blastos hehe.
  3. hehe. think tonight must pay a trip to GO. very long since i went midnight shipment
  4. evil streak coming out!! i love it! i wanna donate mine too!
  5. yes similar as his. but the bioload, not similar. the tangs need bigger space..
  6. im super sure those huge huge ones are more than capable of doing so haha! this 1 think still relatively safe hehe. love the green one. v cute
  7. they don't randomly break your glass for no reason. in fact, it is very very rare for the mantis to actually break your tank glass. it can happen, but not every mantis will do that, and chances are, it probably won't/can't. common misconception. still, a brilliant animal.....
  8. do u mean that clowns that dont eat are going to die? or clowns that dont host are going to die. clowns that do not host anything are perfectly healthy and normal. it is perfectly fine for clowns not to host anything. as for the feeding.... too long dun eat oso die
  9. haha LOL OK! just got a new ric today. but since its lemon's LPS tank, giv u lah!! lol ok. frag day at your house. hope im welcomed hehe
  10. SURE! i buy for u 1 mah! this sat u come i pack for u. thanks thanks thanks! regular gems lah. i will only consider the choati a gem hehe. and of coz my flasher no lah. LEMON'S lps tank in the making. hehe
  11. yea the flasher v nice hehe. no lah rics din grow out of rocks >.> i bluff u 1 hehe
  12. can lah if my 3 ft can, urs also can sump tank. nxt time i go cf i giv aunty.
  13. hahaha! where gotttttt. wat you lack in quickness u make up for in 3 amazing tanks
  14. they do that when they are flashing.... not sure why. zoom like siao. but pardon my lousy quality vid :x so paiseh upload this kind of video lol.
  15. 1.8 red notes from ML. was flashing and chasing the other wrasses there...so just bought it lol. yah probably its his love love time. or could be his chauvanistic pig behaviour
  16. problem is he only flashes at such prolonged lengths of time like this only when the actinics are on. dawn and dusk. when main tank lights on, its too short to video. and he always stops flashing when i get the cam! colour changes from dull red to bright streaks of blue on his cheecks, dorsal and belly. then his fins just goes crazy.. anyway, this is the exact same species as mine. P.lineopunctatus. found it on the website. it looks just like this.
  17. some video shots of my flasher wrasse flashing. he goes from a dull red to a bright lavender. fins goes from red to blue, to white.
  18. wah bro chamty!!!!! sutff what dreams are made of!
  19. thank you thank you. not garden lah. more like patches here and there. all work in progress hehe.
  20. and this blue mushroom.....grew out of no where. started with 1, then 2, and now 3! the 3rd 1 cant see here. very small. sunburst : "ahh. paparazii shoo shoo" gramma giving the blur look.
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