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Everything posted by yikai

  1. do u have a foto to show? mopst likely receeding and dying. causes may include severely bleaching, brown jelly, and many others. will be easy to diagnose with a photo
  2. Bro, the term bro is used to address other reefers. it is not a club or group thing. some questions can be found very easily by doing a search. for example, there is a thread about all the LFS in singapore, and there is even a map to show where it is. simple questions like this can be found by searching the forum. Moreover, such questions are being repeated again and again and again. which makes it all the more easy to search.. so sometimes we don't answer. doesn't mean we don't care, or we are not helpful. do feel free to ask more questions and we will try to help you. this forum has been up for many years already, so sometimes you can get better answers by using the search tool.
  3. I have replied on your other thread. discussion of this topic will continue there and not here.
  4. wah u mean its gone liao? aiya u shud have reserved it nvm, plenty more in the sea! can wait for next one.... as long as it may be hehe. just some updates at iwarna - Royal pencil wrasses - Meleagris leopards female - yellow longnose butterfly - sailfin tang - other common indo fishes. zoas left quite afew. got a nice one today. cant believe no one saw it!! ahbeng has pumping xenias if anyone want.
  5. bro thomas, i did a search on your fish and turned out i did see it at CF. not today, but a few weeks ago. I think its the same one. Aunty ask me see rare basslet and she showed it to be after lifting up some rocks. It looks quite nice though. looks healthy too didnt know it was still there till now
  6. if it misbehaves, and if u want it, i will let u know its really cool. heard they eat bristleworms, flatworms, worms worms wormssssss.
  7. ok. then he shall be released tomorrow! *pop champaign*
  8. !!!!!!!!!!!! nooooo i never see!!!! omg.... and peacemaker, i didnt quote wrongly. LCK still have plenty of zoas at the tank in sunlight
  9. not compatible with all fishes haha! v fierce.... but can co exist with other wrasses and fishes if added in properly
  10. wa so nice ah! didnt look this good just now!!
  11. here it is! inside betta box temporarily. reef safe right?
  12. cf have some bleaching RBTAs. very small sizes. can heal back to full glory if you willing to try.
  13. hopefully my rhomboid can breed also :lol: with itself.....
  14. up for your sale bro congratulations of being a father! and send a blessing to pauline for me. hope everything turns out well for your side
  15. wah thanks bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the nice pics. probably the nicest pics in my whole 74 pages of lemon's tank!! next time come again in the evening for my flasher this time where will be tips and a drink hehe.
  16. haha! YEA! fishes look good with corals. yup, allen's damselfish! very peaceful and shiiiny hehe.
  17. ty LAW. urs oso v nice. hope ours live for a long time... wah i didnt know my clownfish so cute! thanks for the photos comycus.
  18. yup. can see that. both ways, its a very beautiful fish. a very yellow rhomboid is just as nice as a very purple rhomboid. hehe. love the purple one more though keke. good luck in hunting for your rare fishes!
  19. i would like to thank bro digiman for this beautiful and very healthy rhomboid wrasse. after my old one passed away due to internal parasites, have been waiting for a new one to pop up. how timely. feeding upon introduction. no aggression with the other fishes. i didnt even bother betta-boxing it. the female bartlett, however, does have some problems with him. nothing serious, just some playful chasing. should subside in a day or two. some pics of it with flash and without. the true beauty can only be appreciated in real life. the photo using flash show's the intricate pattern it harbours on it's face and body
  20. to peacemaker - plenty left. all kept hehind the tanks under sunlight. CF has carribean shipment. - black cap - royal grammas (colour super intense) - neon gobies (super huge ones for their size) - astrea snails some other fishes - joculator - punctatus wrasse (aka vila) - bicolour anthias (swims upsidedown! very cool. not sick btw) - declives butterfly - allen's damsel - multibar angels (pellet feeding). X4 when i was there
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