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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my favourite part of my tank. Bukit Soft coral!
  2. sunflower frag from my dear friend reddevilz. these guys are the fastest growers in my tank. i lost 2 polyps to my urchin, but currently have 5 new buds growing underneath.
  3. my favourite variant of the eagle eye. lime green skirt and a lime green mouth to match! usually eagle eyes have black mouths. they grow very fast
  4. new rics and GSP not too long ago.
  5. even tho its a cheap zoa. i like it very much. some of the polyps are morphing to form yellow skirts. if u look closely, there are 2 different zoas with orange mouth amidst the radioactives
  6. Thank you thomas lim for this wonderful zoa frag.
  7. meaty ones like brains and pratas but they do nip at zoas, clams and other corals as well. if u are unlucky enough to get one like that.
  8. flame angels are abit of an enigma. while most are reef safe, there are some that are utterly brutal to corals. some turn out fine when u first get them, but turn into coral eating machines in a few months. no way to guarantee unless u decide to gamble. many reefers say flame angels are a 50-50. but its more complicated than that. however success stories of them not eating corals are high, albeit there are some horror stories too.. if u acquire a coral eating flame angel, no amount of food u feed it will prevent it from eating your corals. it will still peck your corals regardless. and yeah i agree with you about the maroon.
  9. eh no lah....no worries alright?
  10. Super suns do best with daily feedings or once every 2 days for maximum growth. They receed very quickly if not given enough food, as they are azooxanthellae corals. Which simply means they do not harbour zooxanthellae within their cells to photosynthesize and make food. Thus it is vital for them to receive their nutrition from meaty food captured in the water current. Place them in high flow areas as they like the flow. Low light is best as they do not need it. As mentioned before, feed them daily or once every 2 days is fine. Moved this topic to the LPS section for easy viewing and reply by other members
  11. good heads up. i was there yesterday, did not ask anything, so i am unaware of their next shipment
  12. i have tried around 10 yashas on all occasions in my whole reefing life. sad to say none make it and i have officially given up keeping shrimp gobies. the only 1 surviving is my randall's for few months liao. i dunno why, maybe my sand not to their liking. i always find them in my sump. but pls by no means should u not attempt this fish. i belive mine is a freak case. i know of many people with success with them and they are not difficult. only problem is in a big tank, feeding them might be a challenge since they are so small. to differenciate the sexes, i believe bro ambystoma has posted before that the pelvic fins are the key to identifying between males and females. one with a black spot and one without. not sure which is which. i dunno if location plays a part in the pattern of the fins or not too.... should ask some goby expert here to help
  13. SL still has 2 choatis... not sure if they are feeding. i got mine from them few weeks back. same batch, and is feeding very well
  14. omg i actually like this! very nice
  15. hahaha! walao pls i joking nia! yes la all rhomboid v nice. today mine almost jumped out when i was shifting corals. my arm gave it a fright. scary. will be doing a hood soon. anytime u wan lah. nxt time can come over. or i can bring go nigel's house and play with u there ur bear can't kick my Lili lah. my Lili will kill you. already the signs are manifesting themselves yah lah. u lah so busy. nvm nxt time got mega shipment go togther. off topic. nigel.... i hope to see a bigger bang in the future alright? BETTER HOR.
  16. i once tore down my tank, removed all rocks, and water leaving only the sand bed without water in my tank. i used a net to scoop the sand around but couldn't find it. so nvm, i just pour new water in, continued my rescape and let the tank settle down. the yellow wrasse, though only went waterless for a few minutes, came out the next day swimming happily. this is about 1 year ao when i just started with no corals. i was 100% sure it was dead. but its living status till this day proves their survivability. great fish.
  17. haha. why? i don't look like lemon arh no lah jk. very cute your daughter. nice meeting u tht day too. ps lah v moody that day...the thought of monday in a few hours time spoilt my afternoon nice meeting u. shud join us during LFS trips soon
  18. ur rhomboid........................................................................ ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. .......................................................... isit nicer than mine?
  19. they wont eat your corals. but beware of inverts. they like them. like them in their tummy
  20. sodium bicarbonate, Na2CO3, also known as baking soda. commonly found in grocery stores for baking.
  21. it looked liek velvet when i first saw the foto. but then couldnt be since u said its been 3 weeks. i have no idea really... think what fuel said could be true.
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