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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Hi guys, WTS my african exquisite wrasse. Been with me for awhile, and feeds on anything. Got it originally from Sealife. reason for letting go, i'm getting another one from another reefer, so have to let my current 1 go. letting it go at $40. Please no bargain as i got it at a higher price than this. Also, selling away my arrow crab. Got it with bro fuel at CF few weeks ago. Reason for selling, my choati leopard wrasse is taking an interest in it. And i mean, intending to eat it >.< Letting this go at my original buying price at $30. This crab is quite rare i believe. Also, selling away a single Bartlett anthias. Was originally a supermale, but has seen begun to revert slightly. now its just a regular male. Letting it go at $25. Reason for selling, it has a slight problem with my rhomboid. a little bit of chasing now and then. But mainly to reduce bioload. Can't bear to sell him as my mom loves it alot Feeds on everything including pellets Drop me a PM, or sms me at 97555430 for faster dealing. Only free during evening and night. with the exception of wednesday and weekends, where i am free from afternoon onwards. buyers intending to get the fishes, please let me know at least 1 day in advance so i can trap them. i reserve the right to sell to trusted reefers or people whom i know, to ensure my livestock are in good hands. strictly no bargaining, pilots steer clear. buyer must promise to take care of them and not buy them on impulse
  2. water change of 15-20% every week for 2 months. coupled with AZ-NO3. and changed my skimmer to a delctec APF600. NO3 has been around 25ppm ever since. they were doing just as well that you would never guess the water was 100ppm NO3. until i did a test 1 fine day. was dam panic at first....but after realising the corals were still fine, i just heck cared until now... quite unusual to see corals surviving in such high concentrations of NO3. but i guess there's a first for everything for me.
  3. hahaha. comycus means that lemon's tank has 100ppm of NO3, but everything is still fine. bro eniram, to be honest i have been fighting my 100ppm NO3 for months. till i cant even be bothered. guess from my FTS u can't tell the NO3 concentration. however the past few months it has been better. at around 25-50ppm. not much to shout about but great considering it was 100ppm before. try using AZ-NO3. it helps
  4. i love how u added the "the" infront of lemon tea. nice!
  5. henry has some now go and check. maybe got some of this calibre
  6. hmm! very perculiar. have kept a pair before and never observed such behaviour. please do update us on it!
  7. Hi reefers, Looking for tunze 6055 for a friend. please leave me a pm or post here thanks.
  8. dump her there say "dear i go toilet" then faster go GO.
  9. hehe. yah talking zoas. from the one and only reddevilz. now u knwo why i so sad he decom. no more billion dollar gems
  10. how about bringing her there just to show how much you love her?
  11. this morning ur very special zoas told me they miss u and ur tank. how? should i tell them the bad news?
  12. very nice! i'm glad yours survived amidst despite that horrible batch. love your bartletts btw
  13. really sad u decomming. Thanks alot for everything these past few months. very fortunate to meet a friend like u so early in my reefing journey. Dunno what it will be like and i certainly hope u do not forget marine even tho u do not practice it anymore hope there's still a reason to drop by ur place every now a then despite the lack of ur tank. certainly enjoyed the nonsence with u and chatting on msn till wee hours in the morning, and LFS chionging!! and all the funny moments
  14. LAWRENCE THIS 1 FOR U. u wanted a picture of it flashing in the day time. but i cannot get it for u coz of my camera's noobness. so i use flash and this is the best i got the white areas on the body is actually bright blue. and some lilac. i hate how flash makes it so ugly
  15. yes niec meeting you also! your tank is not the least shabby! very nice and i love those evansi
  16. ok open house tomorrow lol. only for law. admission fee $800. but everything inside my tank free.
  17. kekeke. ok i packing now!! hahaha. later fedex to your house
  18. haha! glad u enjoy my updates. even lps and softy tanks can look good too!
  19. thanks! yes i love them too. the red mushies like to "walk" around, leaving frags behind as they do haha! cannot frag them because i cannot remove the rock i epoxied it there =/ if ever there's a frag i'll let u know. stock fast ah? u throw all the stuff inside 1 mah. u stock for me 1 leh.
  20. and a FTS. plenty more gem frags in my tank but will slowly release photos over the next few days/weeks. keep the suspense going mah right? i would like to make a special thank you to my good friend reddevilz. For my tank will be nothing without him. Guided me through thick and thin all these months. Not to mention the good relations i build with other reefers and LFS thanks to him. Also the first person to let me know about gems be it big or small. And have always offered me a place to slack after school too hehe. Thanks alot bro reddevilz
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