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Everything posted by yikai

  1. oi wat gay! its called sophiticated and classy rusty handsome mah. more handsome than u
  2. hehe guys please try to keep it clean too much innuendo.
  3. omg!! so cute your dog!! can my rusty play with your precious? i understand how u feel. my dog went to hospital many times liao. one of his eye is blind sure very sad when he's gone sob
  4. very nice! the plates will do better on the sand, especially the long tentacled one. nice flame scallop too.. damn hard to keep.
  5. try to feed as many heads as u can. they are not connected to such a large extent as you would imagine. they share a same skeletal base, but each corralite is its own living entity
  6. hope they turn out like that :S can only guess now, since they're so small
  7. bro these are different reborn selling one is also a corynactis yes, but mine is different. mine is presumably colonial. reborn one i think is a big huge single polyp. mine are small polyp types something like sun coral.
  8. lol. i help u collect. so where's my prize?
  9. yea. got that same blasto from GO. they have it occasionally.
  10. more or less depends on what you do with your tank. every individual tank has its own set of time frames. my tank cleared its diatom problems on its own in about 4 months. have heard of it going more or less too. since day 1 of my tank set up, never used any liquid pods, algae X, PO4 remover, parasite medication, red slime remover etc, with the exception of AZ NO3. tried to let everything run its own course. so far so good. my tank is healthy and im happy too. only thing is takes awhile to let things settle down by itself :/ but i guess its all part and parcel.
  11. possible. as long as the food remains inside the cup and does not flow away, or get stolen by other fast moving fish, the mandarin will eat from it if it pass by. provided its a feeding specimen. have tried this before....but in a boisterous tank like mine, this doesnt last long
  12. Really agree with bro peaemaker here 100% algae is very common in tanks set up not exceeding more than 4-5 months. usually by the 6th month, algae will clear off by itself. do not keep tangs in a small tank. they are very destructive as they swim around esp when they get bigger -.- they poop alot too. seriousl alot. and they need alot of space. just too small for tangs. please be patiejnt and wait for the algae to naturally clear off by itself. in the meantime, snails or manual removal is fine. there is not much u can do. this is all part and parcel of a new tank. not a fan of dosing chemical X Y Z to fix all problems. sometimes, natural is best. the only chemical i dose in my tank is AZ NO3. never dosed any other chemicals in my life, except additives. simple is best IMO... sometimes, a tank that uses less XYZ and more p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e is nicer. simplicity can land u a better tank than those which costs thousands. just my 2 cents.
  13. wah the cloves! very very nice!! thanks. this made my day haha
  14. cycling done, end up with alot of NO3. do a final large water change to bring it down.
  15. actually they are more reefsafe than 50-50. around 70-30. but still, u never know
  16. hi bro amby. these are blue anthellias right? seen them alot of times at CF and ahbeng. i think comparitive to xenia, anthellias are alot harder. but still easy with the right conditions. regarding the maintenance of colour, im not sure. have not tried this species yet. but i dont think it will be easy. already maintaining the pure white on my xenia is challenging enough, let alone blue ._. if im not wrong, the blue anthellias will fade to grey and eventually remain greyish or brown. should try them one of these days to see if the colour can hold
  17. just found something very very very RARE growing in my tank!!! was looking for any new sun coral babies after they spawned few weeks ago, and i came across this. at first glance though it was a batch of sun coral babies, but on closer look, i realise they are CORYNACTIS. these guys sprouted out of nowhere, because i did not notice them before. henry's tank has 2 big ones, same family but i think mine looks abit different. anyhow, they are still very small. these guys require feeding, like sun corals. i dunno how i am going to feed them since they are in such an awkward position. hopefully they are getting their fare share of henry's gourmet, well, they have been growing and surviving thus far. shoudl be ok. haha. think these guys will grow up to be pink corynactis. can see some traces of pink on their skeleton.
  18. haha!! next time i try keke!
  19. haha thanks bro. no lah where got priceless. its all softies and LPS! lol! wan to steal go for bro cedric's tank !!
  20. yes. got it when it was 5 heads. now its 9 (edit from 8. just found 1 more). i got it during RD's last aussie shipment. look at how big the heads of my duncans are. i feed them once a week with mysis
  21. If only i had a calcium reactor or a denitrator etc. sump so space, wallet too thin hehe actually it started out with a routine once a week dosing of ca, mg etc. but then got more busy and got more lazy :/ so now i just dose whenever i remember to. actually, i think coral grow coz im keeping lps and softies only haha. if SPS, think all up lorry, van, car, motorcycle haha!
  22. last few pics for the day. i love my duncan! that is all. ta ta for now~
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