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Everything posted by yikai

  1. u dam sick. lol saw ur other comment before u edited it!
  2. don't have a picture of it flashing, but here's one of it normally. when it flashes, the blue highlights go crazy!! just released it and now hiding. my other wrasse dont like him. but should be ok in the morning
  3. ahbeng has some very beautiful solar wrasse. its quite alpha. about 50-60%? kana poison by thomas lim. in the end, very glad i got it. v nice when it flashes haha
  4. yes. you will have some die offs when u bring them home. best is to cycle until water parameters are acceptable.
  5. Ktizo marine has many US zoas. very very nice and big colonies!!! situated behind I-aquarium. this is a new LFS. was talking with the boss just now, he will be bringing in aussie acans and rics. ask him to show u the pictures of his rics. THEY- ARE- A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!! multicoloured rics with 4-6 different colours on one. have a feeling this is going to be a really good source for exotic corals in time to come. *btw. im not promoting this shop ah. haha. just very nice pictures
  6. u add also must remove. to keep a balance haha. my tank IMO is very packed too. with 11 fishes inside (i dont count my neon goby, 2 damsel and clown gob coz bioload so small). many people say can add more. but im doing it with caution haha.
  7. no transport today so must tompang lawrene. he very early lol. he need to study :/
  8. woke up 6am chiong to coral farm with lawrence and a few other reefers. for what? for this! the priolepis nocturna, commonly known as fullmoon, halfmoon, white tiger goby etc... feeding on pellets in the shop. snagged myself a copperband too. this guy's a winner. feeding on henry's and mysis immediately after acclimating. sorry bro reddevilz. din have time to buy the sorb4 for you as law had to rush back study and i didnt bring cash.
  9. try not to school firefishes. will slowly kill each other off. they do not exists as schools in the wild, so replicating it in home aquaria is impossible. in the wild, they form large feeding congregations to feed off the water column. that is why most people have the misconception that they actually school. however, these 'schools" of firefishes all live in individual burrows in the sand, either solo, or as a pair.
  10. CF has no more fullmoon gobies for sale as of 9.am very nice ornate leopard wrasse spotted yellow tail wrasse (anempses). 2 inch plus. got 2. nice size for those wanting to try. very very unique exquisite wrasses from indonesia. two variants. entirely green with red fins and tail. the other version is this, have not see before. sry for poor quality. it has a yellow saddle on its dorsal area. VERY NICE!
  11. hi 5! i love scaping!! reddevilz can testify for me :/
  12. oh how breathtaking. very beautiful
  13. Priolepis nocturna! omg! HOW MANY! omg no transport T.T
  14. eh! no no. this rb has mr.brightside too!
  15. yup. didnt get the bass guitar. one 1 but can play as bass or guitar. but no fun like this mr brightside is for RB2. thinking of getting that game also. since i already have the instruments.
  16. i LOVE that song!! now must go figure out how to buy ._.
  17. yah wait she see u calling me names. u die haha! yah i wanna buy songs too.
  18. LAB PARTNER LAH lol. korean girl u know liao what. wat other girl u wan. your kanamycin? have oso wont give u lol! my new toy! exam free liao come play
  19. my cultures were not contaminated at all. in fact, were very good! this was the best. P. aeuriginosa. and good luck for your exams! must catch up and go LFS more often when u finish.
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