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Everything posted by yikai

  1. appears that the "galaxy" i bought few weeks ago, was in fact, a torch coral! placed it in a different location. looked at the skeleton and yes its a torch. a mini version. verry cute. the red and blue mushrooms have never been so huge before. underneath that single red mushroom is probably like 3-4 more loving the nutrients i guess
  2. one thing that remains huge and will forever be huge is this though.
  3. things aren't always as cheery as they look in my tank. i think PO4 is creeping up on me. tomorrow marks my 1 year tank anniversary and my joining of this forum have never used any PO4 controlling media for 1 year. looks like i'll need to start using it soon. can see some red slime growing perhaps the death of my 1 year old blasto is the result of this. had this green 1 for very long time. grew 5 baby heads for me behind. its dying. how sad. only 1 head is still healthy... even my true octo is not opening as huge as it used to almost 6 months ago when i got it :/
  4. i see 3 of the gems from GO that i was originally eyeing. good buy.. take good care of them
  5. ur brain. dirtier than my toilet bowl. anyway! going for exam now. talk to u tonight or smth. cya! and i have frags for you to collect. talk to u later.
  6. that's an $8 clam from PR haha. got it when it was smaller.. colour wise cannot compare to those ultra grade maximas. but it fills up the space pretty well
  7. shifted the huge xenia as its too big. blocking out light from my zoas and clam. replacing its position are my 2 GSP. i find it looks better. plus once it grows on the glass, it will be very nice.
  8. WAH solid! really nice. will it be tooo bright for LPS?
  9. heh you'll get the hang of it. this kind of thing learn once remember forever
  10. first picture is a Jackknife Fish (Equetus lanceolatus) second picture is a Clown Triggerfish Balistoides conspicillum 3rd picture is a juvenile bicolour parrotfish
  11. hanor! hahaha! friends will come over and say hey! look at that crayon rock! how much ah? till i tell them its $80 there will be awkward silence, followed by "crazy" "SIAO!" and what not hahah! truth be told, never had a thing for brains too.... buy them only because of the colour. to me, looks like a lump of clay. will never bring my self to buy a prata
  12. all these fancy electronic gadgets really wow wow! im still using caveman technology haha. im still running on pentium haha
  13. welcome to my world. where anything non flowery or flowy will be dubbed as "static" or "playdoh" or "coloured rocks", "crayon rocks" "jelly rocks" etc.... the list goes on.
  14. some think that ECS is a hoax, some think its real. there is an experimental thread going on in reef keeping magazine. where elegance corals suffering from the said "ECS" is being investigated. swabs from mucus of corals were identified to contain harmful protozoa and microbes. wether real or not, it seems to be infectious and kills fast. so might wanna take not on that. also, furan might work..
  15. ok bro! haha. or why dont u put ur pico into my tank!! haha. i cycle for u
  16. why do u use freshwater sand?? aragonite sand is better.... it buffers your tank water and help stabalie the Ph. moreover, at ph 8 and above, aragonite dissolves and provides calcium. keeps the tank alkaline too... but still must dose.
  17. haha. this is the inevitable lah. there will be a day where the tank will bea burden. guess i'll have to get a close friend to pop by every now and then. will have the entrust my house key with him. :eyeblur:
  18. tell the aunty sand snail. she will know.
  19. ur NO3 is now 70 because it is still cycling..... do a final water change after cycling is complete. maintain ur NO3 with low stocking and light feeding. water changes etc. you have much to learn and read up on. with good cycling and tank maturation, NO3 should not be much of a problem.
  20. good question. how then does the water reach inside? im not too sure too. the bacteria is the one denitrifying. not the water itself. substances can diffuse in and out of the sand bed without problems. perhaps that is how the bacteria reaches the NO3. strong flow is good for a tank with DSB too. you don't need a DSB since ur tank is so small. it will be ugly and you just don't need it. personally i have never tried DSB, but would like to in the future.
  21. yep you got it. There are some species of bacteria (pseudomonas, bacillus etc) that are strictly aerophobic, meaning they cannot live in areas where there is oxygen content. oxygen is toxic to these bacteria and they will die if exposed to oxygen. in fact, pure oxygen is a very toxic gas. If we breathe in pure oxygen at elevated partial pressures, we will die too. anyway, these bacteria live deep within liverocks or in this case, a deep sand bed because there is no oxygen in there. these bacteria utilise an enzyme called nitrase reductase, that convert NO3 (nitrate) into N2 gas and water. 2NO3- + 10e- + 12H+-> N2 + 6H2O (this is the equation) hope this gives you a better understanding on anaerobic denitrification. the process is actually alot more complex.
  22. just got news that i'll be going overseas on tuesday next week for 1 week. no one at home to take care of tank. i got no maid! -sigh-
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