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Everything posted by yikai

  1. wetwebmedia is a good source. cross reference to other articles. hope your fish lasts.....
  2. i only expressed interest in 2 of the items bro peacemaker is selling. like he said, priority goes to those who can trade. so let him decide if he's selling them or not first
  3. how long since you added rocks? test your ammonia. it could also be bacteria bloom, high amounts of bacteria growing can cause cloudiness.
  4. the green on these eagle eyes are super nice!
  5. going to be camping here. peacemaker has some gems
  6. just make sure u dont target feed the coral more than twice a week. will kill them long term if done daily.
  7. feed them twice a day for how many days a week..? usually once a week is more than enough
  8. don't have a PO4 test kit lol. i used to be very diligent. test everything. after about 6 months, didnt bother so much. now i only test NO3 and Kh. occasionally Ca and Mg...
  9. Have taken a look at reefmax products before. noticed the abundant spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.. i don't think it is made in the US.
  10. ^ agreed. the amount of space u save cannot compare to a skimmer's usefulness in a small tank.
  11. haha. chop lor. but dunno if u like or not. have a purple + greenish bicolour yuma. open up very big and stinging my blasto... if i cant find elsewhere to stick it might pass to u or law.
  12. haha cute. been very long since i last went to the zoo.
  13. there is no brand termed reefmax in the market. it is their own brand if im not wrong. BM skimmer better than deltec?? that's a very powerful statement.
  14. this is the spotted wrasse, or yellow tail wrasse. its a female. a very tough wrasse to keep, like most anampses.... requires sand bed and liverocks. best kept in reef systems.... difficult to get feeding too..
  15. yah bro come come. decide how to split the zoas. and can dump some lose frags to u all also hahaha!
  16. i do watch some anime haha. slowing down already. i stopped watching one piece long ago when i realised it was kind of a never ending story. when will they ever get to the end!! lol have grown interest in TV drama actually. grey's anatomy my favourite!!! all the disease and medical terms really interesting. releated to my course of studies i suppose. ok off topic :/ btw welcome to SRC! hope you enjoy your stay here. turn that 5g into a masterpiece. u dont need to have a big tank to make a big statement.
  17. thanks bro. yes i will have to agree. its quite a conversation piece. sheer size i guess...sometimes...i wished it was smaller..
  18. A half tank shot and a full tank shot. hm... not much change despite the nutrients. in fact, i don't know how much PO4 i have since i don't test... but the signs manifest themselves by signaling the arrival of the dreaded red slime
  19. can u spot the little guy? it's perpetually upsidedown. don't be fooled. he is lighting fast to get whatever food that flows into the overhang. not much food goes to that area though... but when they do, he gets every single one of em.
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