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Everything posted by yikai

  1. to bro humphead. this is a picture in white light and with flash. as you know, flash doesnt lie. although it makes the photo look harsh and ugly, it reveals all truth. this yuma is definately blue
  2. this is the shot in white light + blue. its blue coz i take top down the blue light from the top reflect onto the surface. ok let me try again
  3. haha yeah. its ok i guess. not really a fan of yumas coz they do sting!
  4. some friends got it for me some time back at one of the lfs in the east. not sure where though.
  5. your welcome. yes withsand bed how could u know haha. it will be part of the sand!
  6. sediment from liverock or dead rocks or coral. its unavoidable. thats 1 bad thing about going BB. u will always have sediment. unless u blast the bottom with strong flow. that will create problems for ur LPS though. so think about it.
  7. where got everyday!! i like u no transport. usually i hitch a ride with some bros here to go. rarely do i go with my mum. today i went with my mum. today was a rare day
  8. sure. think have some to spare u. this is colony number 1. got few more i see if i can spare more polyps there.
  9. Colony of blue yumas.... hmm.... picture of colony number ONE if im feeling peachy might show the rest. thinking of selling off some of the polyps. stay tuned if you wanna grab some! meh-ree kris-mers!
  10. never get the blue and gold maze brain favia?? walao that 1 v nice. v tempting dunno if i shud get
  11. hi bro! yes lemonlemon good student got do homework before buying hahaha. as for stinging, u drive me to hospital ok? haha
  12. hope u didnt regret your clown tang decision. this fish falls into the category of "wish you can keep it alive, but its too hard to feed, but when its alive, u wish it was dead because of its aggressiveness" fish.
  13. cf has african shipment. juvenile exquisite wrasses. about 2 inches. super small. probably females. very pink, almost whole body pink radiant wrasses anampses twistti gumdrop gobies. i took the last 2 for display not sure if anuntie has anymore in QT. female splendid leopards
  14. Good morning bro orsony and bro jameshong. I have read your posts regarding this bickering. if you wish to continue your conversation you can do so via PM. Continuation of such arguements will result in deletion of posts without warning. *edited
  15. forgot lol. no wonder miami vice sound so familiar.
  16. colourful seafans are usually non photosynthetic and require feeding. yes 20ppm NO3 can keep clove. soft corals are ok.
  17. oh i see. did not know that. looks very much like L. Aurora to me. but did not take a close look and dunno what that un-id specimen look like. but the fish is selling at a super good price so if it is....huat ah! haha
  18. skill lah lolz :lol: maybe abit of both. actually sometimes candycane dam ugly the shape... so i just buy2 and stick together. somehow the shape together quite nice. so just epoxy lor. the only regret is i did it right at the top of my tank. so it looked kinda weird... haha.. probably nicer mid section somewhere.
  19. haha! which one? the top 1 or the bottom 1? top 1 is 2 of them glued together lol.
  20. 29 degrees too high for anemone. zoas.... could be from ur anemone dying. did u know that seafans are one of the toughest corals to keep? i rate it 5 out of 5. they require extremely high feedings of planktonic food and high flow. unless you get the ugly brown photosynthetic kind which will get its food from light. but i dont think thsi si the case since the brown ones are usually more uncommon due to their "not-so-niceness"
  21. yah! is the 1 u say look purple lor! LOL. actually it kinda does. but colour becoming a bit better now. blue-er liao meet up one day and go LFS again yeah?
  22. mr stew P! I ORGOT TO TELL U THAT DAY SPINY STAR ASTREA MOVE VVVVVVV SLOW. and my 3 bumblebee snail...... T_T left it at LAW house. he cant find it so all gone now lol. next time we meet i pass u a frag of zoas to test water
  23. i prefer those big factory machines that have banggais coming out of those revolving belts lei. where can i get one of those?
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