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Everything posted by yikai

  1. your welcome. the family of labridae is a wonderful family of fishes. second largest family of fishes, losing to gobies at number 1. wonderful addition to reefs.
  2. very true. its beauty is underrated. as to wether it wil get ur mccosker flashing, depends on the mccosker or leopard itself. if it wants to chase the leopard and flash at it, then it will. if the leopard wants to kachiow it and thus induce flashing, it will get the flasher flashing too. no hard and fast rule. the only thing is, that ur mcosker will get more aggressive towards members of its own species like other flashers, or maybe even other fairies. not very true. although leopard wrasses keep to themselves often, if the mccosker decides to use it as a flashing target, then indirectly the leopard is causing the flashing. there's always two parties to consider in this kind of situations. to bro vtsnowman, it will be best if u get another fairy/ flasher, which reacts back to ur mccosker. and both wrasses engage in perpetual flashing/ flaring. my P.lineopunctatus was an extremely terminal alpha, with dorsal filaments extending past its tail. he flashed day and nigh non stop at every fish, including damsels. this proves that not only wrasses can stimulate flashing. secondly, if the fish reacts and flashes back, both fishes will get excited and continue this behaviour more. this is sadly, not the case for my P.linopunctatus. the tankmates were oblivious to its flashing and did not react at all. in a few months, my flasher lost interest and slowly began morphing back to a regular male and its brilliant long trailing filaments were shortened. moral of story, flashing of your mccosker is not enough. its best to get another wrasse to engage and react. this will result in long term holding of colour and sustaining the terminal phase. or you could add a harem of female mccoskers. that will too, keep him busy My new target is to achieve this phenomena for my male rhomboidfrom digiman. its the largest fairy in my tank currently and its colours have improved slightly when i first got it. favourite target of his is flame hawk. have seen him flaring and extending his fins many times. its funny when rhomboids do this, their "chin" tends to flatten out to make themselves look bigger. so far no flashing is seen with my rhomboid. no matter how many wrasses i have in my tank, and i do have quite a collection, it does not seem to get him interested. Perhaps making him the only wrasse and pampering him with tons of food and simulate "king" like behaviour will yield me my desired target. the rhomboid is already terminal size at around 3.5inches to 4inch. purple has developed past his pectoral fins and along his dorsal line and an@l fin region. dorsal fin has a thick black outline too. just need the flashing..
  3. bro leopards have no problem with other wrasses. that's usually the case. even if got, it should be okay between different families. only thing u might look out for is other flashers and fairys since they are quite closely related. as for my meleagris, it was a goood healthy feeding specimen. but lost it after my trip to thailand because her appearance throughout the day was inconsistant with my friend's feeding timing. thats the problem with sand wrasses... sometimes their timing is quite screwed
  4. goodness! its so nice! the december one. amazing
  5. Digibee, i'm interested in it. if still for sale, you mind bringing it to my place when u come to collect the zoas on saturday? thanks
  6. there are other much more experienced ID-ers like terryz in this forum i don't know all of them... especially the more exotic ones ._.
  7. please do note that these fishes are not reef safe at all. they will eat corals without fail.
  8. threadfin butterfly - chaetodon auriga raccoon butterfly - chaetodon lunula saddlebackbutterfly - chaetodon ephippium these 3 butterflies are well knowned for their renowned aiptasia eating skills. they prey on anemones in the wild and aiptasias happen to be their favourite in reef tanks. however due to them being not reef safe, they are not used in reef aquaria. out of these 3, i would say the threadfin and raccoons are the most die hard aiptasia fans. seriously. knocks them off with a 1 2 punch every single time without fail.
  9. we saw it wat PINK OPAQUE tentacles. not see tru. btw u remember the website? i lost it
  10. yeah the brown ones. try to press abit? usually if look like this means nua and rotting. i could be wrong since pic is small and i cant see properly ._. if not just leave it alone.
  11. get some fairys. there's no other flasher wrasse that compare to the beauty of mccosker. anyway, all flashers look more or less the same, so attention will be focuses away from ur mccosker. FAIRYS!!!
  12. excellent! keep the flashing up, their colours will retain very well. a mirror might increase the flashing if they decide to stop for whatever reason, and other dither wrasses will increase flaring and flashing behaviours. if they stop for good, colours may fade. not sure for mccosker, but this is wat i observe for P. lineopunctatus. yours looks big. a nice terminal male size!
  13. thats a beautiful size. but kinda wasted with those smaller fishes and small corals. the rocks look too green too... not much coraline. maybe its just starting up! would be amazing with SPS and larger fishes.
  14. Hi reefers. Putting up somemore keddredds for sale. This time doing a bid. Previously posted this in my old sales thread but decided to post in a new topic. Bidding ends on thursday 9.30pm according to my watch. My SRC clock is wrong for some reasons and i don't think it can be set. Honest trade and no change in timing. Rock is about fist size.. i have a small fist ._. number of polyps...all of them are in the picture.. maybe a few behind cant see in the photo. Starting bid $30. No minimum increament. No PM.
  15. actually i believe i saw this the other day at CF. mistook it for the very similar paracheilinus Falvianalis. the yellow finflasher wrasse. Both only have one filament on the dorsal fin, the only difference in a yellow an@l fin. haiz.... really off my game lately.
  16. HOLY WT cow! MCCOSKER! have been looking for this for EVER! all the wasted trips to CF haiz... well at least its in good hands! beautiful fish.
  17. oh my this yelllow tang is beautiful. the yellow trim is nice!
  18. the polyps look like they are mushy. radioactive and eagle eyes are greyish-white when closed. they will likely melt off given time, but you can remove it if its bothering you. wont spread if the other polyps are healthy and have good flow around.
  19. remember to put the clam higher up when using t5
  20. omg how do u know my name D: haha! jawfishes are destrutive!
  21. neither did i! until i got drugged lol.
  22. i found 1 extremely neon glow in the dark green stem and green tip 1. but its with a friend now because my tank too small hehe. that leather is killer. the ones i got are white and dull green blue where! pa jiao! white lei
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