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Everything posted by yikai

  1. waiting for fiji shipment too.... for the odd 1 or 2 fishes and zoas mostly
  2. it jumps even when i walk pass. a hood is definately a must
  3. http://images.google.com.sg/images?hl=en&a...l=1&start=0
  4. hi xinga. will post picture of my nuclear green tonight. see if u think its nuclear green, or not. its a rather big paly and very green. not sure of ID but it looks like NG to me.
  5. bro that's a fang blenny. it keeps attacking your clowns because fang blennies will bite small chunks of meat/scales off fishes to eat.... its eating ur clowns...
  6. was toying around with that idea too. although possible in a bigger tank, i probaly will not suggest it. they either fight till 1 die, or 1 will revert to a female. if i'm not wrong... actually have seen many people keep 2 male fairys together. no problem. but their tanks are large... 6ft onwards. in a smaller tank i think they will fight. actually in the wild, a large harem of the particular wrasse will contain a supermale alpha, some immature males, and the rest females/juveniles. think cannot simulate male + male in the tank? or maybe u can.... worth a try bah.
  7. i have had my fair share of half eaten dead snails due to my elegance too... nassarius... -sigh-
  8. oh its lovely. and so its your tank. yeah hope it doesnt eat up your fishes... or misbehave..
  9. rhomboids for sale in japan!!! so many! so big. look like sushi
  10. dunno wat wrasse. labelled as Cirrhilabrus. Sp
  11. hi terryz, cf still got some more
  12. the royal pencil wrasse is a beautiful addition to any reef tank, but its timid and difficult to acclimate due to shyness. needs a sand bed to sleep in. can be bolder and very fierce (self experience), when given time. the females are a uniform brown/orange. CF has a new batch of mccosker's flasher wrasse too.
  13. lineopunctatus is very similar to P. cyaneus, just that lineopunctatus has a round tail while the latter has a forked looking tail. they are a drab red and only looks nice when flashing though IMO. carpenter and filamented can be very nice too. but yeah, lose to mccosker.
  14. can only dream to own these. P. attenuatus and octotaenia.
  15. thanks, camera lousy lah! as for flaring partner, actually if you don't mind, u can gather together a group of male flashers such as P. carpenteri, P. lineopunctatus, P. filamentosus. They flare very well amongst their same family members. but proper introduction to prevent them from fighting. actually, many people going for fairy only tank. perhaps a flasher only tank will be unique and stand out more. as for me, i cant resist the beauty of fairys and flashers. so going to to mix both cirrhilabrus and paracheilinus. i too am looking for a flaring partner for my male rhomboid. perhaps a female next rhomboid shipment from iwarna. anyway, ahbeng and iwarna occasionally come in alpha standard flashers. carpenter's and filamentosus quite common.
  16. still fine. no damage so far.
  17. Still looking for a decent specimen of the red tail flasher wrasse. Paracheilinus Rubricaudalis. only come in fiji and vanuatu shipments. saw a group of them in iwarna's previous fiji shipment, but was put off by the condition. these are one of the 2 other wrasses that look almost identical to mccosker. the other being paracheilinus flavianalis.
  18. Paracheilinus Mccoskeri. Mccosker's flasher wrasse. one of my favourite flashers.
  19. hmm.. zoas and yumas should not kill each other. my guess is the yuma got hurt and melted. have some yumas growing inbetween zoas. no problem. if anything, yumas will kill zoas because of the sting. zoas are basically harmless in terms of physical warfare. chemical wise, another issue. Acans are one of the strongest LPS. maybe even stronger/comparable than/to cataphyllia/euphyllias. they don't sting, but instead, extrude mesenterial filaments (digestive organs), and pour them all over the surrounding rocks/corals. then, they will practically 'digest' these corals alive. look at acanthastrea at night and you might see the mesenterial filaments. I'm not sure if A. lordhowensis does this, but A. echinata is one of the most aggressive acans.
  20. please do not attempt to keep catalina gobies unless you are willing to provide cold water. these fishes need very cool water... cool enough for your tank to "condense" in ambient RTP. higher water temperature increases metabolic activity and shortens their livespan.
  21. that un-id goby is stonogobiops nematodes.
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