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Everything posted by yikai

  1. more commonly known as banggai cardinals. kaudern's cardinal is not recognised by most reefers here. anyway, pasir ris and coral farm should have a healthy stock of these fishes.
  2. yeah haha! way to go on the wrasses. that should keep your flashers busy.
  3. lovely red margin and exquisite. from CF? and nice flasher! looks actually like a filamentosus, but not very sure. a very alpha specimen. the lower lobe of the tail will elongate as it matures even more to form a very deep lunated sickle
  4. price reduced $45. want to clear fast.
  5. a harem of female and juvenile flashers, led by my male P. Flavianalis. the females, if im not wrong, are filamented flashers... i do have a male 1, but it does not seem to be interested in the females. the group is mismatched :/ but its awesome to see a group of fishes hovering above the reef with the male constantly flaring. pictures do no justice.
  6. its not a bad thing for zoas to morph. it can be good or bad. sometimes they morph into more beautiful colours / patterns, othertimes they morph into something uglier lol. some rare zoas originate from cheap indo zoas that undergo some degree of morphing.
  7. sorry off topic but...beautiful scape!!
  8. tell me earlier mah lol. this brain is huge though..... nearly 3 inches or more. once fully expanded... diameter btw...
  9. the worms are known as spaghetti worms. not harmful, but irritating. might disturb your zoas with their movements. the white dots on the face of your zoas are probably coz the zoas are morphing to suit the ligting of your tank.
  10. my sand bed getting very full mah.. lol
  11. nice green brain. getting too big for my tank so pass it to you hehe.
  12. glad you enjoy the FOC yuma. it will be a challenge to keep the blue. good luck! haha. sometimes the orange tentacles will overshadow the blue. btw, beautiful scaping. lovely as hell and i love it 100x more than ur old one. i especially like the right hand alcove supported by the rock.
  13. haha. echinata only u and me can grow into mega colonies lah! Joe u need to learn from us. mine growing inside my skimmer lol.
  14. those going to ahbeng at PR should check out the luman aqua LEDs. very impressive!
  15. a little nia meh... u haven hang out with me long enough yet.
  16. dark side?? really meh. SPS need MH leh! so bright walao. courtesy of botak jones for that lovely picture lemon life's little turn on. how apt. aiyah. so late liao. i just finish bathing so clean. dun wan get myself salty and wet! won't lose them. they are on my betta box! lol.
  17. if you're reading this, thanks so much for the frags will epoxy them tomorrow. hope i don't kill it.. dinner on me again next time also bought a harem of juvenile flashers. not often get to see small tiny flashers around 1.5 inches in size. so bought them all. hoping they will group together with the males and form a nice group above my "reef"
  18. and some other 2 frags of other SPS. dunno what they are... one looks like some acro.. the other is an orange looking SPS.
  19. i like this! green birdnest.
  20. more sps for this nooby reefer to try! hehe.. many many many thanks to my friend for these. insisted i did not take them coz im afraid ill kill them, but end up taking some home to try. thanks friend! next time dinner on me again.... using my special funds can't remember what monti this is.... remember it being rare and collector's item... something about it being purple too. hope i don't kill it!!
  21. cedricang is a gem himself. hard to find reefers like him these days. amazing personality. very humble and very friendly!
  22. i'm known as sis lemon to some reefers like bro ONIZUKA lol. :angry: hehe.
  23. super glue them to a larger more managable rock first then epoxy it. or just glue them straight away to the rocks. i agree on this. epoxy isnt really that user friendly when it comes to smaller things. larger corals also got problem...especially if u epoxying them vertically or at an angle. sometimes too heavy the epoxy wont hold it before it cures.
  24. flashers are very timid fishes. they are the very definition of humji, timid, etc etc...list goes on. they will fare badly in tanks with SIX LINES lol. in fact ah... i notice... even if ur tank no fierce fish, when u introduce them straight away into your tank, they will go MIA and die also sometimes they get to scared and straight away go hide in the rocks. never to be seen again. have u seen the flashers at coral farm? when u walk pass them they all jump in their little cubicles and make loud banging noises... poor thing. thing main reason for the poor success is because they are timid more than anything else. but this just my own experience with these fishes lah... for all u know im just cursed with all the humji ones if u want to try, next time betta box them first. let them settle down, feed them, then release them at night/evening. i agree with the cheap part. most people turn a blind eye to cheap fishes because most associate cheap with ugly, not worth buying. i find this ridiculous! cheap is GOOD! not all the time, but in certain scenatios
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