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Everything posted by yikai

  1. those big green palys in the LED tank lor. some of them got gems inside frag for u lah. lol actually very interested in the kole eye also. saw urs and then now hand itchy liao.
  2. and a small frag of acan from iwarna. my first acan lord.
  3. bought 2 colonies of green protopalythoas. these are not palys... but are protopalys. they are usually brown and ugly with stiff and hard polyps, unlike the rubbery soft polyps of their zoanthid/palythoa cousins. its nice to see them coming in super neon shades of green. but, this is not the reason i bought them. studded amongst these two colonies are "king midas" (zoaid) zoas and another unidentified zoa growing. the king midas are a very nice shade of yellow. unsure if i should remove them and let them grow separately or not.
  4. my lovely GIANT orange rhodactis finally splitting.... after nearly a year. original rock of 13 almost a year ago. but shared amongst so many people and now, this is my one of two. finally its splitting and i will have 3 soon. just to give u perspective of how big it is... compare with the favia above it.... and the size of zoa polyps. and the 2nd pic shows a top down shot.
  5. looks like its hawaii season now. hawaii shipment at CF too. will be out of QT soon. sneak peek and saw really small sized kole eyes. so those interested can consider. around 2-3 inch specimens. flame angels small ones too (2 inch). YT and lemonpeels. also, those interested, there is a large reddish flying gurnard at CF. very cute and has a brilliant blue spot on each of the large pectorals. dotted with white spots too. retro
  6. thank you DA, and i fully agree with you. if u take the time to read every zoanthid in zoaid, you will realise some really ugly zoas have ridiculously fancy names. what's more, click on it and you will see some of the zoanthids posessing as many as 5 different morphs, but all given the same name. one good example will be lord of the rings and red people eater and sunrise zoa on zoaid. anyway, willing buyer willing seller. so peace to everyone
  7. i dont air freight my corals too. mine all normal stuff. but always hidden in the rubbish... rose amongst the thorns. have some really good ones that i can trade with you. but will let u know when i'm going to frag. ps didn't collect the pinkish/purple yuma from u many many months ago if u still remember... last year..forgot which month. was quite busy and totally forgot ._.
  8. only left half of the original 10. and they are taking shelter in a shaded alcove below my corals. impossible to catch them have a feeling all will be gone by tomorrow. sigh... how grim and depressing
  9. have some softies worth your salt. let u know when i'm fragging them
  10. it does look a little bit like the picture from zoaid. only difference is the skirt colour. perhaps a similar morph maybe?
  11. for u and some other reefers who are looking haha. 1 more bag of aioliops megastigma at ahbeng. the mini dart gobies. bought 1 bag home to try. hopefully dont MIA in my tank
  12. Carribean shipment at cf is posponed. No neon gobies. Will update when it arrives
  13. congratulations 91litres! that is a dumbo octopus! stay tuned for the next game! where there will be a prize
  14. yes possible to see the eggs.
  15. all wrong its the eye of something good guess. come on people. give u another clue. it "flaps" its "wings" through the water. probably the only known species in the family to do so.
  16. oh yah! omg to think i study microbiology summore ps ps. bacteria can develop immunity towards antibiotics. that's why if u dont finish your course of antibiotics, the bacteria will gain immunity and it wont be effective anymore. always finish it lol.. as for HIV...don't think there will ever be immunity or vaccine against it due to the very nature of HIV... it mutates with every cellular division and they have storage resevoirs all over the body. to elimiate HIV is to eliminate every single virus in the body...which...is impossible.
  17. nope. zoa pox is not a viral disease where the affected organism can build immunity over time. it is a bacterial infection, and immunity against bacterial infection is quite unlikely. there are however, some zoas that are less suseptible to pox. not sure why. in my experience, zoas with the eagle eye complex will get pox very easily, and also zoas that grow on a mat (like US zoas), also contract pox easily. cheap indo zoas like gorrila nipples etc don't get pox in my tank. eagle eye complexes include - eagle eyes, fruit loops, sunflower, keddredd, blue tubbs.. etc. similar pattern,polyp size to eagle eye. zoapox is a very common disease amongst zoanthid keepers. bound to kena it at least once.... with patience and perseverance, this disease is easy to cure, albeit dam laychey and sickening because they can re-appear without warning. so once u get it, always check on your zoas periodically to make sure there is no re-surfacing of this disease. and always keep a well stocked supply of furan-2 at home. you'll never know when u will need it! i learned that the hard way -.-
  18. careful acclimation, drip them slowly. they are very sensitive to changes in water parameters. Extremely high NO3 is not good for them too. otherwise, they are very hardy once acclimated. do note that not all starfishes are reef safe. care to show me a picture of yours? will help you to ID it. starfishes you might want to avoid are the "knobby" stars. those with blunt spines or knobs all over them. these are not reef safe. for a smaller tank below 3ft, you might want to avoid the blue linkia starfish. this starfish is difficult to keep in a small tank due to lack of food for it. they eat algae films amongst other forams that only a larger tank can provide. most other starfishes are easy and feed on algae, detrises and sometimes even uneaten food.
  19. mm....have tried many different leopards. easiest IMO is macropharyngodon bipartitus aka the splendid leopard. easiest to keep feeding and least shy. have also tried the ornate, and the meleagris. all to good success rates, albeit a little harder than the splendid. meleagris have a horrible chance of success, but so far i have had good success with them. steer clear of M. choati although they look extremely stunning, hailing only from australia. they are very pricey but very delicate. the only one i have seen that was successful and very fat, was the one living in reef depot's display tank. all other attempts by reefers were deemed futile (to my knowledge). hope if any reefers here is currently keeping choati, please share with us.
  20. good try 91litres but its not a silver dollar. its saltwater origin hehe..
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