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Everything posted by yikai

  1. thanks for all the feedback guys, looks like the current price for this coral is plus minus 10 red notes. will keep this thread here for the next 1-2 days to see if it will change. thanks for all the help reefers!
  2. nope. never photoshop because i'm a computer noob who only knows sgreefclub, facebook and youtube. lol! jokes aside, i dont have any photo editing software besides picasa, which honestly, what much can you do. secondly this picture is taken with my phone camera and not a digital camera, which tends to do better justice to the coral. the only thing worth taking note is that this photo is taken top down instead of through the glass. don't worry, luckily for this coral, the colour doesn't seem to be affected much wether top down or through glass. so what you see is what you get. anyway, here's two photos of it through the glass. compare them and you'll see what i mean. colour looks abit lighter because light is shining on it, vs the other picture where my camera blocked out some light from the top down shots. no tricks here
  3. haha. that star measures more than 1ft across from leg to leg. At least 1.3 ft. but heck its one good clean up crew. 1 of that bristle star is better than 10x nassarius, hermits and other what not. he used to sit in the middle of the tank and spread his arms in all 5 corners, and grab food without even moving. but make me wonder...the bioload from that giantstar... is it counter effective against its usefulness?
  4. any metal that contains the element iron (Fe) will rust. steel, iron, iron based alloys will all rust in the tank. aluminum will not because there is no iron, unless it is an aluminium,iron alloy. so make sure you check what is in the metal. i won't even trust stainless steel as the protective layer will ware off and the iron based metal inside will rust after time.
  5. bran, that's a very beautiful tank and like my comment above, really WOW!! quick question, how do you control allelopathy? regular water changes?
  6. jacey stop spamming. this is your first warning. please post in the correct section.
  7. you have good eyes that's just one of my many novelty secrets hidden in my tank hehe.
  8. hi guys, thanks for the offers. like the topic description said, am just gauging interest first and market value of this piece incase there comes a time where i want to sell it. thinking of clearing some stuff and this might be one of it. but please don't go home with the idea that i'm selling it now, so hope there's no misunderstandings. since there's so little of this in the market, i have no idea what is the market rate. hence, starting this thread to find out the price first. thanks bro. i hope to keep those "willing to pay" prices coming. makes it easier to sell it in the future if i really have to
  9. i'll be very honest with you. got it for 5 red notes there's no need to hide the cost price of it, if no one buys i will keep. but the colour of this coral deserves a better price than 5 red notes. this is my favourite. even rarer than the steel blue favia, is the BLACk favia. waiting for this and hopefully will see it one day.
  10. it is ID-ed as the triple threat favia because of the 3 rare colour tones. the green stripes will develop under strong lights, and if u want to keep the blue and red only without the green, medium light is better. http://www.reeffarmers.com/limitedtriplethreatfavia.htm this link explains more. the steel blue, red and green is really a good colour combi. no one wants to offer?
  11. lol. i like the $icannotafford. no lah. affordable lah. but blue favias are very rare, especially for this species of favia, the favia speciosa. usually green and red.
  12. haha yah. so i guess my tank is a colourpencil box. i rescaped and is well stocked now. wait for the latest fts haha!
  13. Hi reefers, not selling yet, just wan to gauge the price on this coral. this is a blue and red favia that i have. the colour was dull and slightly damaged when i got it. after TLC, the colours brightened up about 10x and the colour is super intense blue and red now. the damaged flesh has healed very well and is growing. it also developed some neon green lines on some of the polyps. the outer edge showed the part where it oringally was injured, but has healed, although it never grew over the slightly damaged skeleton. the neon green lines are starting to show on some of the other polyps, and i believe in time, all other polyps will be covered in the green lines, creating a tri coloured favia. green blue and red want to know the price of this if i were to sell it off. how much would you guys pay for it? just wan to test water first thanks
  14. bro really thanks for the compliments... one reefer told me ytd that my tank looks like a cartoon film because of all the colours. my other friend told me they look like crayon colours because its too colourful. dunno if its a good or bad thing lol. quite unatural actually since the ocean isnt that colourful in a given piece of area. unless u look at it in the big picture lolz
  15. oh justin, if possible, put the long tentacle plate on the sand. the rock will kill it one day. they hate being placed of rocks. wll damage the tissue underneath.
  16. that's not a BTA. not the genus, but also an anemone. they call it the rock anemone. most probably a anemonia.sp
  17. i did round 1 of fragging already. out of 5 frags only 2 survived. they are harder to sustain than xenia. no worries about the yumas
  18. yes well, technically its not a xenia since they are totally different genus. but they are somewhat related. the blue xenia is a common name for it i guess..
  19. nope. it looks blue, but more on the purplish side. when i first got it it was more purple. it's getting blue-er now. hoping it will look like this 1 day.
  20. don't think there's a common name, not that i know of anyway. this is very rare
  21. the leopard you bought is M. meleagris, one of the hardest to keep aside from choati. they are famous for mysteriously dying even after feeding, don't feel too bad, its very common with this fish.
  22. ths 2 glowing blue blotches are actually how blue they are when shined with a little torch at night. they are not so blue in the day, but is very blue when out of the water and seen at night under white lighting.
  23. Blue cespitularia in all it's blue-ness. how glorious! here's one taken with flash at night. it's getting blue-er since the day i got it. getting comfortable now haha. the polyps are opening up and are very feathery. here's taken with flash at night.
  24. u mean BIG fella haha. yah no price is good enough for it. it feeds pellets from a tray, bottle, rocks, sand, and even in betta box. like a pet dog. very tamed. and he makes clicking sounds when he eats sometimes. quite cool
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