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Everything posted by yikai

  1. thanks siang for the compliment. its not the most beautiful in the world lah! haha. have seen nicer LPS tanks around
  2. dont be saddened bro. will look into the problem with you. at least you know for sure its nothing to do with water parameters and its an isolated case.
  3. anticipating pics of the sump!!
  4. and the last almost FTS before CNY!
  5. nice meeting you too mark! haha. yeah was kinda tired after school so was quite sian haha. otherwise would have chatted with you regarding zoas and SPS. yeah i didnt know there was a PBT there! was asking aunty for a small one and she said there was one in the cube. so went to see and there she was. abit skinny lah...needs some fattening up.
  6. that paly is steel coloured with a white face and green mouth, with some weird skirt colour. reminds me alot of the US dollar. the colour is so similar. i shall call it the obama paly.
  7. wow stunning! if i were a fish, that's where i wanna live in. lol
  8. got 20 polyps of this paly from yesterdya's shipment. its actually extremely unique, never see before. but the photo quality distorts the image colour wise not very special. but the pattern is not bad.
  9. when i was in K1, i used to be called siao mei -_____- because i kept long hair lol. im glad now ppl call me xiao di some even mistake me for sec 1 keke
  10. very very low flow, low to medium light, water nutrient not very particular. they do well in average, slightly poor to excellent conditions. are very hardy LPS. make sure you do not damage it. not even abit. once skeleton is exposed, very likely the coral will start to melt away. have kept blastos alive for more than a year with no problem. provided you satisfy the low flow part. its very important for them. but yeah i have experienced them melting away for no reason before.
  11. maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe hehe. can get it from C328
  12. haha gratz on your super healthy pair of ventralis. many people dream of this and tried but failed. enjoy them!
  13. duncans are fast growers no doubt. glad your ventralis are doing well. very sensitive fish and i believe there was alot of casualties that shipment.
  14. wow lovely VENTRALIS!!!!!!!! how long have you kept them? don't mind me asking. love your tank shot. very very nice. and very nice duncans!
  15. nope. didnt go ahbeng. mini carpets huh? sounds interesting. had a dream i found a damn rare paracheilinus attenuatus at ahbeng....coz fuel told me he saw a flasher wrasse and dunno the ID... kept thinking what the hell could it be. guess my dream gave me the answer. hahaha.
  16. good to see one of the rarest and most prized fishes in the world are being bred.
  17. never experienced this before. usually all will be infected. so i just furan2 them. always kena with US zoas. hate it. threw all away and the zoapox seem to have gone away...
  18. all started when i came back from overseas. has been an ongoing nightmare which i have given up. threw all my US zoas and those that grew on mats. once start very hard to remove. especially for the US ones. but take care and you will be rewarded well!! they are really beautiful.
  19. clap! good idea on minimalist scaping. i took the plunge and removed about 10kg+++ of rocks. although not very minimalist, the exposed sandbed and increased swimming space is doing really good for my tank. less space for corals means cheaper and more swimming space = more fish, which adds movement and colours!
  20. was told it was feeding and stable as it has been kept for over a week. looked very healthy and active with great finnage, although some blemishes on the dorsal fin. but its alright. introduced in my tank but didnt respond to food. guessed its still abit stressed out. will try tomorrow. heard they are very fierce fishes once established..... mat zoas are VERY easy to get zoapox. have given up on them. if striken with pox, these fellas are always the first to get it, and always will have relapse. and they melt fairly easily too. but they grow fast, are extremely beautiful and are easier to manage. what a horrible trade off. i seldom buy these kind of zoas anymore because of my zoapox nightmare..
  21. hmm... the mats are bigger than a clenched fists. some are bigger. not sure how many polyps. never count. maybe more than 60?
  22. bro haha! can frag for you lah np. but some of them i only have 1-2 polyps because not much in the first place.
  23. nope. only the indo zoas come in big rocks. which is good since its easy to frag. US zoas come in mats are are not attached to rocks. even easier to frag. however i did not get any as they were too ex for me. 6 red notes. and none of them were opening up just now, so no idea what colours they came in. didnt take risk.
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