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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yeah. came in 2 that were to be sold locally. was still available when i left around 2-3am
  2. easy to keep, but my experiene is after awhile, the whole blenny turned black. the orange half of the body turned black and was very ugly. dont know why.
  3. no la :9 my tank very full, and the frag plug is too big for my frag plug holder lol. so i put it on the rock in some corner.... never check on it for awhile liao. hope its still there and never kena topple by snail!
  4. haha yah... speaking of mine....never checked on them for awhile liao chucked my frag plug in a corner.
  5. yup yup show us your gems. i saw you and ketchup at reborn, believe we both saw each other, but did not say hi. scared wrong person
  6. to add to reborn - argi angel - neon goby (big) - jewel damsel
  7. i wont say very rare, but yeah uncommon. can find during indo shipments but not in colony, but as hitchhikers, or in small colonies. have to grow them out. so far i only saw one colony brought in by ahbeng before quite awhile ago. i got mine from coral farm growing amongst palys. i got the palys just for the king midas and fraged them out. i'm unsure of the market value for this, but should be able to fetch a decent price, considering its uncommon nature and yellow colouration. not many zoas are yellow or in this case, gold!
  8. king midas zoas. very nice colony. have some too but letting them grow on frag plugs. fast growers imo
  9. updates on reborn. left only 1-3 rics if im not wrong rock beauty queen angel atlantic blue tang. 2 only. 1 huge one and 1 small 1 carribean blue chromis left 1 lots of peppermint shrimps emerald mithrax crabs carribean mushrooms pearly jaw fish left 1 royal grammas
  10. congrats. one of the few reefers to own PINK rhodactis. the slightly "hairy" type. quite a rare colour for rhodactis to have.
  11. super suns and suns look similar, just that super suns have bigger polyps, and colony of the same size will have lesser polyps that normal suns, due to the large polyp size. super suns usually open up regrdless of light, but may need some coaxing with food initially. normal suns on the other hand, almost always needs some training to get them to open up in the day. (IMO)
  12. exquisites, be it from indo pacific, vanuatu, fiji or africa, are very easy wrasses to keep. they are also one of the most widely distributed fairy wrasses, which means they have very very wide spectrum in terms of variation. the intensity of the green, or pink, the amount, even other more uncommon colours like yellow, are all seen in this fishes and may fool reefers into thinking its a separate species. easyness i rate a 4/5. easy to feed and easy to keep, less problematic that other fairies. but they can get abit aggressive at times. important thing, is that you like the colour on this fish, since its so diverse.
  13. cirrhilabrus exquisitus. the exquisite wrasse. this is the indopacific variant. the ones hailing from africa sport a gorgeous pink head with pink lines running down their body and chest. the african exquisite is my favourite wrasse of all time.
  14. yupyup green star polyps! haha my eyes. pa jiao 1 lah nowadays. keke
  15. you can pair them as long as they are male and female. fishes are not like humans, don;t think they care about colours. but a male and a female might not always pair up. lol i learnt this from mr henry@ML! just sharing hehe
  16. i prefer both. but in terms of specialness, red one wins. in terms of genuine beauty and intricate colours and pattern, blue 1 win. i had a pair of differnet coloured 1. the female was red. but it died.
  17. those two pictures you show form liveauqaria is totally wrong. in the first place, the first picture shows a female green mandarin. the second picture shows a male green mandarin. remember what i said about the pectorals being differently coloured? both here show blue. and in the first place, different sex. here is the TRUE difference. can tell them apart by the pectoral fins. the internet is full of wrong or misleading information. must learn to pick the correct info.
  18. yeah have always kept the parameters in favour of them. they do grow, like crazy, but them sometimes die for nothing. so quite strange... anyway thanks! and you have a lovely lovely tank. thanks beaver. these starpolyps are known as skin polyps too. these kind encrust extremely fast, faster than the normal GSP. mine encrusted on the tank glass within 2 days. and they grow quite fast too.
  19. rofl. i won it liao lah dunnid to go buy. what u wan? mazarati? lotus? i put inside hong bao give you!
  20. haha happy cny bro oni. huat huat.
  21. Wishing all readers, members, mods, admin and EVERYONE and very happy and blessed CNY. spend some wonderful time with your family and eat more goodies! happy cny!
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