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Everything posted by yikai

  1. keyhole lemonpeel? lol. and another cute one with blue specks on the face.
  2. henry have both mah. blue and gold still got. tailspot no more too slow. i like these too. especially the first one. sad the blenny market is so poor.
  3. very nice hor terryz. the markings look like blood vessels. unfortunately when they grow big, the beautiful markings will tone down abit, but not completely gone. this available from vanuatu shipments/fiji if im nt wrong. pity we don't see them here
  4. haha kk. the prize will be snowballed to the next quiz! stay tuned!
  5. ding ding ding. lol. will give u your prize later. also known as the stigmata blenny.
  6. you were not allowed to post in the bulk order section due to the new rules and guidelines added, to ensure that the bulk ordering section is not abused. this is to protect the interest of both parties. in the meantime, this thread can be left here in this section. FYI, this item has been available in singapore for awhile already. so you can easily get it from our LFS
  7. looks like this saltwater fish is really tough huh. ok here's a bigger picture. you should be able to guess what kind of fish it is by now.
  8. lol so hard ah... ok lah... a different part of the fish.
  9. royal grammas only found in carribean shipments. so far only LCK regularly stocks them so for now, that's the only location that have there will be no lineatus wrasse available at reborn tonight
  10. the fish is quite varied in terms of colouration between fish to fish, but its quite unique to this particular species had to find the best pic that represents it clearly. the blue background is such a giveaway if using google images!!!
  11. its the tail. this time wont give so many clues liao. try to guess the shape of the tail belong to wat family of fish then expand the search from there onwards! happy searching. will periodically increase photo size
  12. K la. last quiz for today. hope this will last at least 2 days. the prize will be a big one this time. neglecting this coral for quite some time, but its still in good shape. so donating it to anyone who can guess this correctly. got this coral at a steal from one of the farms but decided to donate it to anyone good enough for this quiz! the prize will be a frag of orange acan echinata.
  13. what are you waiting for!? lineatus and laboutei tonight! if i manage to get these two today, will have Lineatus, laboutei, rhomboid, flame and solar. still want my hooded but no vanuatu shipments!
  14. hehehehe yep marjorie is a dead giveaway for any wrasse enthusiast or fish enthusiast. the gurus of IDing will definately guess. its meant for the other members to crack their thinking skills! also its a good way to expose more uncommon and suprising fishes to them too hehe. fret not! for the next game shall be SUPER DIFFICULT MUAHAHAHHAA. of course, the level of difficulty will be directly proportionate to the prize
  15. cedric you amaze me with your mediating skills. chill bros! and your sps are really nice. more colourful than paint
  16. i think i'll let terryz decide since he won it. don't worry guys. i'll hold more quizzes in future and rest assured there will be plenty of prizes to win!
  17. lol you guys settle bah. haha yeah it is a C. marjorie. one of my must have fishes. unfortunately can dream long long
  18. cirrhilabrus marjorie. terryz got it right
  19. signs of ammonia poisoning... and other water quality related conditions. change water asap.
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