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Everything posted by yikai

  1. all posting and quotes with regards to the two websites posted deleted. warning given out. please do not post such websites here again. suchs acts will not be tolerated. this is a forum for reefing and reefing related topics. TCSS in your thread is fine, but please do not go overboard and start posting mature websites. there are minors here thanks.
  2. yah bro. tomorrow exam finish. so how! when u wan to meet and throw party until all pengz? u going away soon liao must remember me ah! and dun forget to meet up before u go. this tank to the nano? haven decided yet haha. my rhomboid i decided liao! i wan keep in a glass vase like fighting fish. lol. see when you free i go over your place can? see your sunflower seeds.
  3. picasso are grade B, but have potential to be grade A. anyway, price is not 2 red notes. its higher. sorry my mistake.
  4. excellent! hope it grows huge and beautiful.
  5. yes joe. are you ready? i have also written the 1000 word essay on why my eyes are worthy for the leather hehe. its a pre-requisite if u wanna see it. dont worry, i wrote one for you too!
  6. in my experience, low flow. too high flow will cause the bubbles to become very small, and make the yuma float away. too high light will cause it to bo tai bo qi bleach and die, whereas too low light will cause the yuma to bleach too, and float away to more favourable conditions. ime, pink yumas harder to keep than other colours. i think most reefers also experience this. with regards to NO3 issue, my tank is nutrient rich and the yumas grow and spread like a disease. now the NO3 is much much lower, and still they continue to grow. so i can't say if no3 has anythign to do with growth. so far all the yumas i keep seem to do well, and i find them easy. although not as easy as rics. i put them in medium lighting, and low to medium flow. but not too direct. bro solo you're right. some yumas more sensitive. i tried pink and white (not bleached) yumas, and they melt easily even when placed in same location with other hardier yumas.
  7. ITS LOVELY! so when can go over to see it ?
  8. they have done it with palys. however, softies are always harder because of the slime, consistant shrinkage and expanding, etc. how about gluing hammer, torch, octo, frogspawn etc together haha!
  9. i too only feed my fishes in the evening/afternoon and night, when i get home from school. but i mix around with their diet to ensure that they get everything they need. especially for wrasses if you want them to show their nuptual colours. but i don't go out of the way to feed them ridiculous things though. standard aquarium fare and what i find in the freezer is enough for me. your rhomboid is small and will need time to grow to at least 3.5-4 inches before the beauty is truly appreciated. they take quite sometime to grow, maybe 1-2 years to reach that size, from your one's current size. growing to 4 inches also does not mean it will be alpha. the term "alpha" is to dictate strong chavenistic behaviour in the male, the growing to more or less maximum size with all terminal phased physical characterisitcs (for rhomboid is the deep diamond tail and a little scissors at the tip, and the gold/purple colours), and of course, the ability to flash. mine is not there yet because the tail is not fully developed, and so are its ventral fins. with regards to your laboutei, as long as there is no obvious bullying, it should be fine. the main thing your rhomboid has to do now is grow up first. terminal phase can be cultivated later. however if i were you, i'll just wait for another shipment and get an already big male male (3-4 inch) one, and then your current small one will serve as a female to him in the future. that way it will be easier, but less challenging. my rhomboid had no chance to be king initially. so i took the decision to sell off my wrasses that time. but that time most of my wrasses were cheap and easy to find, so selling them is not a problem at that time. now if u ask me to sell, i will say no. haha. lineatus wrasses usually come in big, around 3-4 inches, and some females may be shipped along. they are quite peaceful by nature but may get a little rough as they age in your tank.
  10. Just though that this is really really interesting and cool. what do you get when you glue two different coloured montis together? they grow and encurst together to form ONE multi coloured monti. note that the resulting monti is not few pieces growing together, but actually one united piece encruted as one! pretty nice hor!
  11. nope. lol. jiayou! hope one day yours will gow into a big alpha male and start his domineering. my male rhomboid was one of the first fairies, and was the biggest, about 3.5 inch. months later, he's 4 inch and good thing he was put in first, because he got the tank to himself and became more daring. which is unusual for a rhomboid because they are timid wrasses. after months of dedication towards him, he finally rewarded me with 2 hours of non-stop flashing yesterday evening. truly amazing sight to witness. imagine. head turns brilliant gold, and so does his entire body. top and bottom, a deep luminous purple, with a lilac forehead. and of coure, the prominant purple bar on its body when flashing. the gold is gorgeous and hence the name i guess. things i did to let my rhomboid grow to the beast he is today. - no aggression. he HAS to be king. - of course, must get him to an alpha size first. preferbaly 4 inch. - i got mine a female, seems to be doing well for him - after he becomes king, throw in more fairies to keep him busy. the constant "showing who is boss" will develop him towards an alpha male - i feed mine tons of food a day, and each feeding, different food. henry's, mysis, dainichi pellets, 3 kinds of new life spectrum, Ocean nutrition 1,2 , cyclopeeze and fresh seafood. whichever happens to be in my fridge. prawns, squids work best. i often tie a piece of prawn to a string and hang it in my tank. all the fishes will go crazy and this will develop aggressive behaviour in the rhomboid, as he chiongs for food. - at 1 point in time initially, i sold away all my wrasses and he was the only 1. no aggression and let him own the tank. after months, i was rewarded with this. it happens every day now.
  12. nice meh? so-so nia lah eh? video? sure. wait till i finish my "SPS" collection
  13. so much attention of the male, none for the female. so here she is.
  14. from long ago. green goblin strikes back! with venom at the side.
  15. my "sps" hill haha! these are actually sinularia and capnella. look like sps huh! hehe.
  16. if its on the sandbed, yes. very likely to work. if you want it to be almost 100% successful, do it at night when all fishes are sleeping. shrimps like to forage at night. note i didnt say 100% coz it might not work. but im definately sure it will. put it near its hiding cave for best results.
  17. careful not to break the antennae... but this is a good way. if the shrimp jerks backwards, the antennae will break and it will take a few moults to regrow. shrimps are easy to trap. they're suckers for food.
  18. yeah. i love the assortment..of normal coloured rics haha. dark blue ones occasionally will sport luminous green skirtings. those are okay i guess. but from far really look quite dull huh. i don't really like multicoloured ones coz i find it looks quite distracting. rics are not solid like mushrooms where difference in colours look quite "stand out". but rics coz its uneven and lots of little bubbles, the colours dont quite blend in for me. looks very messy. but this is personal opinion. just like how some people say im crazy to spend hundreds of $$ on wrasses. :/ cest la vie
  19. that 1. gift from reefer haha. my fav is green and yellow everything looks like a cynarina except the face. got the p-p-p-prata face p-p prata face. lol yah from GO. clearing liao so quite reasonable. and the colour kinda unique. orangey
  20. multi coloured rics? i don't like them so i dont buy them lol. those that i have are usually from reefers. but i only have 1 or 2 multicoloured ones i think. my favourite is yellow and green. the pure kinds. haha.
  21. nah, i never got the fever i have always liked rics, just not very crazy over them. i buy afew to add colour to certain dull spots in my tank. and i only buy those bright green and orangy ones mostly, coz they're cheap and most colourful IMO .haha. my previous two, 1 of them bleached to nothingness and died during rescape. 1 survived and its the size of 2mm? very very tiny. but cannot remove it like i told u before lol. nothing i can do but hope it recovers
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