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Everything posted by yikai

  1. thanks justin, really appreciate it
  2. comments welcomed. i made alot of sacrifices and spent alot of time with the new scape and everything. most importantly, my fishes are happier with the increased swimming space as compared to before. gimme more space for wrasses too ._.
  3. some top down shots of my fishes and corals.
  4. some common rics left un-glued. very lazy... some of the rics actually stick to the box liao ._. and from the creator of the pellet eating mandarin, here's a pellet eating copperband! yes you heard right. a PELLET, EATING, COPPERBAND. i kid you not.
  5. THIS is the slightly bleached coral that is giving me photographing problems!!
  6. time for some FTS and STS (side tank shots) finally! did some rescape and bought more softies and less aggressive LPS. please pardon the EXTREMELY off coloured sinularia. it's a little bit bleached that's why it is so freakin "neon" when i take pictures of it. i cannot find a way to reduce the brightness of that coral without compramising the rest. so please just bear with it. until it becomes un-bleached -.-
  7. those aren't bambam oranges. they look like this. bright orange center, thin black ring and bright orange skirt. so far i only manage to see wild bambam oranges grow on rocks found in tonga/fiji shipments. never seen them in indo waters.
  8. omg that 5 colour zoas are insane.. i might have some good stuff for trade if you wish to..
  9. :upsidedown: lol really? haha! thanks? .__.
  10. onizuka and me got special affiliation. somehow he always remembers to call me sis even on MSN lol.
  11. amazing how your thread can jump 10+ pages in 1 day! its hard to catch up but makes good bedtime reading...
  12. wow! its spilling all over the sides!! beautiful prata.
  13. don't be suprised. the aunty shop opposite ahbeng sells really really beautiful luminous green and yellow MAJANO ANEMONES. i bought before and they grow very fast, but very controlled. so they look like a boquet of flowers. i grow them on isolated "islands" so they dont spread too far. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i like brown aiptasias too and i think they look magnificent when they grow very huge and their tentacles start elongating due to stronger waves. i have always commented on how nice some of my reefing friend's aiptasia, bryopsis, hair algae and majanos look. they all think i'm making fun of their pests and being sarcastic. i'm not. many people fail to realise that nice things are not only what you pay for or what the general mass is doing. i on the other hand find beauty in even the worst pests. they can be beautiful if given a chance. i saw a thread somewhere in an overseas forum where this guy just did an entire 1ft tank full of aiptasia. and feeds it everyday with mysis. and the result is beautiful. in fact... everytime i pluck my hair algae from the overflow to try growing on my rocks, they die. and i get dam sian. because hair algae looks nice IF controlled
  14. mine ate everything... and i mean everything. pellets all kinds also. i kept it in my 3ft for few months but then realised its too small. so i gave it to reddevils into his 6ft tank. but it still died after a few months yeah i realise they like swimming infront of wavemaker too anyway, ups for your thread. don't wanna dilute
  15. excellent job steven! 1 year moorish idol! mine survived for only 8 months before dying mysteriously in reddevils's tank ._. and he was feeding on everything. UP for your bid! wonderful fish that deserves a big tank
  16. zz somehow i think everything i say always ends up in a bad light. anyway, i'm not tryign to be demoralising... just giving second opinions that's all.. ultimately its your money, and has nothing to do with me... just trying to help out of good will -.-
  17. these are really really common during iwarna's bali zoa shipments... giant rocks are usually left over because pinks are considered common. just a heads up anyway. but they're very nice
  18. oh dear! larry, i forgot to bank transfer. didnt read this thread. mind if i transfer you tomorrow?
  19. at that price its a steal! i hope whoever got it takes good care of it. steel blue favias are rare. what the hell am i doing at home now. i should be out! holidays weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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