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Everything posted by yikai

  1. a reefer i know has the red and green war coral colony the size of that photo. i have a frag of it. small 1 though. that black bodied green tentacle elegance is insane!
  2. 2.5 inches is a nice size! whoever buying it really lucky
  3. that is under normal lighting. -.- i don't have a good camera and everything i take appears blue. but rest assured its very very green. even greener than the picture. reefers who have seen it can testify. here's a better photo. not fully expanded yet but you can see a better representation of the solid green colour.
  4. i just need a small rock with aiptasia and not goign to put the rock on the main rockscape at all. chances of them spreading will be low. anyway, i have a copperband that eats aiptasia readily so its no issue. wrasses don't eat aiptasia and anyother corals nor inverts for that matter. i believe mine is a freak.
  5. thanks james and peter. just a slight edit. if the bid is $39 and below, i will pull it off. at least hit 40. once again, no intention to profit, but don't wish to make a loss also.
  6. eh nice p. flavianalis. they look very nice when flashing.
  7. As some of you might know, the elegance i'm about to release for bidding has been with me for a very very long time and its very big. those who have been to my place can testify for its health and size. i'm letting it go for bidding as i wish to find a serious buyer for my favourite coral. buyer must have a sandbed in which to put this coral on. strickly NO putting on rocks. the size when fully expanded is about 1 feet plus abit more. here's a picture with a flame angel for comparison. the flame angel is standard size, around 2.5 inch. the price i bought it for is $40. this bid is strictly for the sake of finding a good owner and NOT for profiteering. incase some may mistake the purpose of this bid. let the bid start with $10. no minimum no maximum. bid ends on monday 12am exact happy bidding oh edit* i don't have a large enough plastic bag for this. buyer must bring his own pail/plastic. sorry about that. collection at tana merah. buyer can reject the item if it does not deem fit for purchase. no obligations cheers!
  8. dunno which 1 nicer leh. ur AT or your prata!
  9. your LEMON has gotten this LEMON very excited! lol. my real sur name is Tea. very matching lol. Lemon Tea
  10. can keep AT liao!! interested to know the size of the chevron too thanks bro sony!
  11. CBB rarely nips at coral. their beaked mouth is designed to poke into little nooks and crannies to get benthic invertibrates and tube worms. rarely do they go after corals, (although not impossible). SPS are one of the last choices angels and butterflies would pick on. they prefer meaty corals like bran/cynarinas and sometimes zoas. the mouth of a copperband is not built to eat even meaty corals, much less SPS. that said, the order of deliciousness on a butterfly/angel's diet is usually, zoas/brain/cynarina/prata. these are almost always first on their list. the last being extremely noxious soft corals like leather etc. where they won't even bother touching. SPS are relatively safe with angels. however, certain butterflies do feast on nothing but SPS. mainly chevron, meyer's,ornate and four spot. so do take caution
  12. wonder if he mind sparing me some. no lah nothing secret. just need some to try out an experiment. i have a feeling one of my wrasses is eating my aiptasia. just wanna try and see if its true. if so, then its really unusual...
  13. nice big flame wrasses bro sony. any indication of the chevron's size? small? big?
  14. ahbeng sometimes have very small sea hares.
  15. looking for small to medium sized rocks of aiptasia. preferably rocks with extremely heavy infestations. PM me price or offer them here please. a picture might help in assuring the level of infestation. please note that this is not a prank... im actually spending money on these. i accept donations of aiptasia too. thanks.
  16. heck yeah! that's a very nice orange zoa nonetheless. nice green mouth green and orange is unusual combi haha
  17. heh its worse in the morning when its fully expanded. this is only 3/4 of its max size. i agree with you actually. the elegance is abit out of place and many (believe me when i say many) reefers have adviced me to sell it off. but i love my elegance and if you follow my tank thread since day 1, you'll realise that its my favourite coral and i used to have a 1.5 ft one. an elegance enthusiast if you must. i have considered selling it off but quite sad too because i have kept it for a really long time. and elegance aren't your easiest run of the mill LPS. they're quite tough if you don't pick a good one. but perhaps i will sell it off afterall..
  18. my first try at up close photos using my cheapo camera its quite fun haha. but using lousy camera cannot take so sharp.
  19. extremely gorgeous. your SPS colonies grow so nicely together. like a forest! breathtaking. it must be wonderful to have little fishes darting in and out of those. sigh. how envious i am of you.
  20. yellow tangs belong to the genus zebrasoma. in my experience, these tangs prefer softer algae and don't really go after hair algae as aggressively as tomini tangs. these are in the genus (ctenochaetus). both tangs look similar in shape but are of different genus and have different preferance for algae. for best algae busting tangs, go for the ctenochaetus tangs, commonly known as bristletooths. comprising of the commonly offered tomini and kole eye tangs. but hair algae may not be readily taken as it may be quite unpalatable. in that case, a sea hare will be a better option.
  21. haha thanks bro. pellet eating sharks? i don't have that. but i know a man eating chicken! man... eating ... chicken
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