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Everything posted by yikai

  1. got myself a Calloplesiops altivelis from CF today. after months of passive searching, finally found a 2 inch marine betta! its very small, only 2 inches, and still have some juvenile traits left. its quite unusual to find them in these sizes and my search finally paid off. i forgot to take a photo before introducing to my tank. its acclimating now and very shy so no photos. but a representative one from the internet. this one is still quite big. i know i shouldnt be buying more lifestock before i leave, but i just couldnt help it.
  2. no problem. i used to get worried over everything. nowadays i hardly bother. too much stress liao thanks for the heads up. just got my shot for H1N1 vaccine today, next week is tetanus and typhoid. plus the weekly eating of malaria pills. urgh.
  3. nothing to worry about. just some torn scales. which is extremely mild as compared to my aggressive wrasse tank nice laboutei, but can see some of the colours starting to fade off a little. get more wrasses to preserve the colour better
  4. yes those are green people eaters. very nice green zoas.
  5. plenty of 2 inch majestic angels with adult colours at CF. and many small sized marine bettas
  6. a pair will lay eggs only on SPS and cause necrosis on isolated parts. with good health, will heal. the goby is known to occasionally nip on sps too
  7. then don't worry, its not likely anything to worry about. the smears on the fins should clear up soon. as for the patchy, i still believe its scales. so dont worry if its brook or velvet or any other life threatening disease, your fish won't be so lively trust me.
  8. on the fins too? ok then likely those are not the frayed scales. however, i do have another theory for this too. it could be very very mild lymphocystis. usually, lymphocystis manifest itself as opaque cloudiness or white growths on fins. the milder ones are usually translucent, or opaque smears, like yours. the more serious ones portray themselves as white growths. interesting to note that the milder ones are smears that gradually blend with the fins and dissapear, whilst the more serious ones are like growths put there on the fins, with no blur margins. its like its put there, rather than grown there. don't know if you quite understand what i'm trying to say. but here's the good thing. if it is indeed lymphocystis, you have nothing to worry about. this is a viral infection, not a bacterial one, and it is 99% harmless. it will go away by itself in a few days with better water quality and good food. my guess is mild lymphocystis and some frayed scales on the body. but i'm taking a stab in the dark here since i have no photos. a good photo like i said, will settle all doubts. good photo i mean crisp and clear haha. so we can clearly identify. i hope that settles your nerves, but it may be brook also. because brook sometimes look like patches and cloudiness on the fish. it could be slime patches. good thing is, if it is indeed brook, (touch wood), with swift quick actions, curing it is easier than most dangerous ones like velvet. if its velvet, then good game. all will die in few days and you have to let your tank fallow. usually when you see symptoms for velvet, its too late and saving your fishes will require plenty of effort. good thing it isnt! because if it is, all will be dead by now.
  9. a good clear picture will confirm my diagnostics, but at this point, i will tell u nothing to worry about. this "patchy" blur smear across the body of wrasses is very common in wrasse keepers. sometimes when fighting or jumping, they scrape their body, and the loose scales will start to come off the body a little. The semi-detached scales are slightly raised away from the body but do not drop off. since the scales are slightly opaque to weakly translucent when detached, it gives it a patchy appearance. in a few days to 1 week, the injured scales will start to fall off as new ones are grown and regenerated. this very common in wrasses and butterflyfishes because they have big, interconnecting scales, which are damaged easily, but don't fall off directly. this, giving it a smudge look. this can only be seen under angles in the light when the raised scales reflect off the light. you don't see this in tangs because tangs do not have scales. that's why they are so prone to white spots. the parasites attack them with much ease. as compared to wrasses where their big scales help shield off most attacks. this is only my guess since i don't have a photo. but i'm very sure its this problem. tell me something, are these "smudge" peeling off? or moving in the waves? or isit like a patch of slime? if so, it may be brooklynellosis which give rise to such symptoms. (slime, patches and mucus). if its not, and its simply the first assumption, then there's nothing to worry about. take a close look, sometimes you can see the individual scales.
  10. not enough leh. i fragged my favia before and it took about 2-3 weeks for the flesh to grow over the sides that were fragged. encrustation has been minimal to almost none, in a span of 4-5 months. extremely slow
  11. i believe its possible leh! the Montipora cap. has been successfully grafted with the green and orange var. so have nuclear green and purple death palythoa. i believe favias can be done the same especially with f. speciosa and f.pentagona. but the only downfall IMO is the ridiculously slow growth and rate of encrustation (if there's such a word)
  12. hey maybe can. war coral and this 1 are both F. pentagona. wanna try? since we both have them kekeke.
  13. well, guess this elegance will be sold to rahmanhaneef for $47. treasure it! its my absolute love.
  14. JUST LANDED MY HANDS ON 4 FRAGS OF THESE! ULTRA RARE favia pentagona colour morph this is a tri coloured variant comprising of purple, lilac and green. THE MOTHER COLONY IS IN MY FRIEND'S TANK! "que drama music"
  15. lol don't miss me bro onizuka. 3 weeks without sis lemon sure cannot tahan. no more sis lemon on patrol liao you all better dun anyhow haha.
  16. lol. i'm only as sour as you want me to be! sorry bro cedric, off topic
  17. you will, when you spent alot of time, effort and money into zoas. only to see that zoas will tear your friendship with other reefers. and also not to forget the pox. experience before, some friendship issues regarding zoas and other corals. found it dam ridiculous but what to do? anyway, i rather spend my money on other things nowadays. something where there's less competition yet beautiful at the same time haha.
  18. dont worry i preserved my fishes in vinegar so that they will be around when i get back. they wont die right?
  19. green people eater. common and inexpensive.
  20. yeah ok lah kinda mixed feelings. want to go, yet don't wanna go. saw the things we're gonna do there, quite okay.
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