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Everything posted by yikai

  1. unkeepable. no one has succeeded with this species. not even in the states, or japan. not long term anyway. the easiest cleaner to keep is still the normal blue streak cleaner. and besides, the hawaiian rainbow cleaner is exceedingly rare now. i think they banned the import of this fish if i'm not wrong.
  2. CRAZYYYYY NEW PICS OF THE SUPER ULTRA RARE NARCOSIS ANGELFISH. more info here : http://reefbuilders.com/2012/04/28/narcosis-angelfish-centropyge/
  3. singapore is already well known in the U.S, much more than it ever was years ago! i've been writing for reefbuilders for about a year or so now and i can tell you, alot of U.S reefers know our country. surprising! a few of my reefbuilders friends actually read our forum, but they do not post anything. so we are not just a little red dot anymore! we're just a red dot
  4. I wrote this article yesterday on our local breeding talents here. Let us congratulate them on an effort well done. This single achievement is the BEST thing singapore has to show for itself so far in all the years of reefing. Since reefbuilders is american based and the largest online reef blog, the story is now well integrated into the U.S aquaculture scene. http://reefbuilders.com/2012/04/26/local-breeders-put-mark-singapores-aquaculture-scene/ congrats and well done!
  5. by far the nicest male specimen of paracheilinus piscilineatus to enter the trade!
  6. was this copy from somewhere? if so, the original author should be at least credited.
  7. my friend's hoplolatilus settled down and it looks like a purpureus. BUT, the eyes are yellow. purpureus do not have yellow eyes. it could be a hybrid.
  8. terry, digi, need help on this tilefish. hybrid? what could it be?
  9. hi bigbigfish, can you provide more details on this? which LFS? when arrived? this is the very rare bodianus neopercularis.
  10. http://reefbuilders.com/2012/04/10/sanjays-joshi-reef-tank/ check out dr sanjay joshi's amazing reef tank. he has the super rare and amazing xenojulis montillai wrasse.
  11. A screen capture from Deep sea challenger's video of Liopropoma aragai that was caught at a soul crushing depth of 787ft! you can read more about this fish along with the other impressive fish that were caught together in this article i wrote. http://reefbuilders....lus-temminckii/
  12. yah the leucozonus are new. these photos are sent to me by my new friend jimmy ma from HK. he sent me many amazing photos of his rare fish and i will post them up on reefbuilders. lazy to post here and then write it up on rb again so i'll just write it up and link it back here for you all to see.
  13. my friend just sent me these pics. check out the trio of leucozonus anthias and the trio of flame angel hybrids. the last centropyge at the bottom has no stripes but most of the body is cut off. wonder what it is?
  14. terry very nice angulatus x filamentosus. go try to find angulatus x lineopunctatus
  15. ultra amazing and gorgeous picasso SEBAE! clowns! http://reefbuilders.com/2012/04/05/picasso-sebae-clownfish/ more info at reefbuilders.
  16. Another of Digiman's fish featured on reefbuilders. this time it's Callogobius clitellus. more information here : http://reefbuilders....bius-clitellus/
  17. update on the chrysostictus. this is a new video. there was an older video uploaded that was posted here before. from the same person who videos the lanceolatus pair as well as the Symphysanodon typus. from the video you can see the blue and yellow soapfish. there's another video showing just that alone in the youtube channel.
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